Saturday, March 3, 2012


_ _ __ .__ __| || |__ _____ _____/ |_|__| ______ ____ ____ #anonymous \ __ / \__ \ / \ __\ |/ ___// __ \_/ ___\ #antisec | || | / __ \| | \ | | |\___ \\ ___/\ \___ #opmonsanto /_ ~~ _\ (____ /___| /__| |__/____ >\___ >\___ > |_||_| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ################################################################################MONSANTO DATABASE LIFTED VIA BIVINGS HACK --EMAILS BELOW--################################################################################Monsanto:Your continued attack on the worlds food supply, as well as the health of those who eat it, has earned you our full attention.Your crimes against humanity are too many to name on one page, you have put over 9000 small-time farmers out of business by usingyour enourmous legal team to bury them with your malicious patent lawsuits. You have continually introduced harmful, even deadlyproducts into our food supply without warning, without care, all for your own profit. We are aware that posting this outdated database will do little to harm you. Rest assured, we will continue to dox your employees and executives,continue to knock down your websites, continue to fry your mail servers, continue to be in your systems, and continue to expose your bullshit.Expect Us---------------------------------------------------------------------------------de.csvapproved,author,datestamp,email,email_reply,host,id,parent,subject,thread Y,S. Henderson,2000-09-21 08:04:41,,NULL,,9,0,umfassende Infos,9 Y,Carmen Candia,2000-09-28 00:54:54,,NULL,,10,9,RE: umfassende Infos,9 Y,C. Samouel,2000-12-29 12:51:58,,NULL,,14,0,Neues Gesicht,14 Y,arlenka klas,2001-03-19 09:31:28,,NULL,,13,0,Ihre Meinung ist uns eine Reise wert!,13es.csvapproved,author,datestamp,email,email_reply,host,id,parent,subject,thread Y,aurelie sarrot,2000-09-08 19:13:37,,NULL,,1,0,nuevo portal dedicado a la biotecnologia,1 Y,Juan Antonio Lozano Mendoza,2000-09-20 12:57:08,,NULL,,2,0,El cultivo de transgénicos,2 Y,Liliana,2000-09-25 20:06:31,,NULL,,3,0,Qué es la biotecnología,3 Y,Florencia Grassi,2000-09-27 19:34:44,,NULL,,4,0,Monsanto ofrece las patentes de arroces modificado,4 Y,Guillermo Rivas,2000-10-04 13:11:40,,NULL,,5,0,Maiz BT y QM.,5 Y,Montse,2000-11-08 05:05:13,,NULL,,13,0,transgénicos y medio ambiente,13 Y,Lorena,2000-10-09 03:15:27,,NULL,,7,4,RE: Monsanto ofrece las patentes de arroces modifi,4 Y,maud buergo,2000-11-06 10:17:27,,NULL,,12,1,RE: nuevo portal dedicado a la biotecnologia,1 Y,aldo cogley,2000-11-08 15:00:39,,NULL,,14,0,Libro biotecnología para profesionales y técnicos,14 Y,Gerardo Hernandez,2000-10-24 22:14:50,,NULL,,10,0,informacion.,10 Y,Juan Manuel Vidal Altamirano,2000-11-24 18:45:21,,NULL,,19,0,Alimentos transgénicos: tú decides,19 Y,Cristina,2000-11-23 13:59:00,,NULL,,18,2,RE: El cultivo de transgénicos,2 Y,Laura,2000-11-21 07:10:30,,NULL,,17,13,RE: transgénicos y medio ambiente,13 Y,luis,2001-01-03 12:02:44,,NULL,,28,0,Algunos alimentos transgénicos llevarán vacunas in,28 Y,Laura Fernández,2000-12-07 16:59:53,,NULL,,21,0,alimentos transgénicos,21 Y,pablo martin,2001-01-03 06:14:50,,NULL,,27,0,busco ayuda,27 Y,Cris Sans Duran,2000-12-14 12:20:31,,NULL,,25,0,La UE respalda un maíz transgénico en Alemania,25 Y,jorge,2000-12-15 21:11:48,ebenezerelchofar@home,NULL,,26,0,Que tan seguro es un laboratorio,26 Y,luis,2001-01-03 12:07:36,,NULL,,29,21,RE: alimentos transgénicos,21 Y,Miguel Garcia Angelo,2001-01-11 11:57:02,,NULL,,34,0,Bruselas confirma intenciónŤrir en 1 vía autoriza,34 Y,sebastián astete,2001-01-11 16:56:30,,NULL,,35,0,El sectorŢ biotecnología comienza su consolidación,35 Y,Eudald,2001-01-15 21:25:02,,NULL,,36,0,OGM,36 Y,tatiana florian,2001-01-24 12:44:49,,NULL,,37,0,La UE quiere terminar con el recelo a los producto,37 Y,adela,2001-01-24 16:46:21,,NULL,,38,17,RE: transgénicos y medio ambiente,13 Y,jose luis,2001-01-30 01:00:09,,NULL,,40,0,El sectorŢ biotecnología comienza su consolidación,40 Y,Virginia Alvarez,2001-03-19 19:47:27,,NULL,,51,40,RE: El sectorŢ biotecnología comienza su consolida,40 Y,Andy,2001-02-08 07:22:01,,NULL,,43,0,NUEVO COLONIALISMO?,43 Y,ARRAKIS,2001-02-08 07:38:07,NULL,NULL,,44,4,RE: Monsanto ofrece las patentes de arroces modifi,4 Y,Eduardo Rubio Jaramillo,2001-02-14 11:05:13,,NULL,,45,34,RE: Bruselas confirma intenciónŤrir en 1 vía auto,34 Y,chelo,2001-02-15 04:50:53,,NULL,,46,13,RE: transgénicos y medio ambiente,13 Y,Emiliano,2001-04-05 21:02:10,,NULL,,56,38,RE: transgénicos y medio ambiente,13 Y,Viviana,2001-03-27 22:06:12,,NULL,,52,18,RE: El cultivo de transgénicos,2 Y,tatiana,2001-04-04 12:38:09,,NULL,,54,36,RE: OGM,36 Y,emmanuel cortés torres,2001-04-05 02:15:46,,NULL,,55,0,La UE quiere terminar con el recelo a los producto,55 Y,Emma,2001-04-06 09:31:51,,NULL,,57,0,Necesito mejorar una cebada,57 Y,Miguel Garcia Angelo,2001-04-12 11:31:57,,NULL,,58,0,Ex-Greenpeace apoya a la biotecnología,58 Y,marina,2001-04-16 18:38:15,,NULL,,59,38,RE: URGENTE,13 Y,jose c. diaz perez,2001-05-03 13:06:50,,NULL,,60,0,Monsanto aspira a importar en Europa semillasŢ tri,60 Y,luis miguel nieto pozo,2001-05-09 07:27:06,esta misma página,NULL,,61,0,Ética en la alimentación y en la agricultura,61Y,luis miguel nieto pozo,2001-05-09 07:30:25,misma página,NULL,,62,44,RE: Monsanto ofrece las patentes de arroces modifi,4 Y,alex,2001-05-23 19:09:44,,NULL,,65,0,"Biotecnología, genoma yŢsarrollo",65 Y,ING. MARQUEZ,2001-06-12 14:45:26,,NULL,,66,59,RE: URGENTE,13 Y,Fernando,2001-06-16 17:41:10,,NULL,,67,28,RE: Algunos alimentos transgénicos llevarán vacuna,28 Y,Ana M. feliciano,2001-06-25 23:42:38,,NULL,,68,0,ManifiestoŢ laţderación LatinoamericanaŢ Asociacio,68 Y,ANA ROSA,2001-06-28 11:39:52,,NULL,,69,0,biotecnología,69 Y,ELOHIM,2001-07-04 10:57:29,,NULL,,70,65,"RE: Biotecnología, genoma yŢsarrollo",65 Y,isis mj,2001-07-12 19:22:58,armandosan mx,NULL,,71,65,"RE: Biotecnología, genoma yŢsarrollo",65 Y,marlly liceth rodriguez,2001-07-23 16:45:49,,NULL,,72,0,manipulacion de microorganismos,72 Y,marlly liceth rodriguez,2001-07-23 16:57:39,,NULL,,73,52,RE: El cultivo de transgénicos,2 Y,Lic. Cabrera,2001-07-30 17:21:00,,NULL,,74,66,RE: URGENTE/camarones,13 Y,Lic. Cabrera,2001-07-30 17:39:47,,NULL,,75,0,camaron geneticamnete modificado,75 Y,KADABER,2001-08-16 14:35:59,,NULL,,76,0,ADN desconocido,76 Y,hana cho,2001-08-20 21:40:11,,NULL,,77,0,"Con la velozŹeptaciónŢ los productos transgénicos,",77 Y,edgar perez,2001-08-21 13:41:10,edgar_el_@,NULL,,78,0,la biotecnologia en la industria farmaceutica,78 Y,Pilar,2001-08-22 12:32:33,,NULL,,79,0,Centro de Información para investigadores en biote,79 Y,darwin,2001-08-22 15:13:24,,NULL,,80,0,Qué es la biotecnología,80 Y,Juan Manuel,2001-08-24 15:44:21,,NULL,,81,0,"los productos transgénicos, nos preparamos paraÚr",81 Y,juan luis contreras blacut,2001-08-30 22:11:13,,NULL,,82,0,La ingeniería genética,82 Y,maria,2001-09-13 03:08:49,,NULL,,83,67,RE: Algunos alimentos transgénicos llevarán vacuna,28 Y,maria antunez,2001-09-13 03:11:51,,NULL,,84,81,"RE: los productos transgénicos, nos preparamos par",81 N,Mario Linares,2001-09-26 13:42:21,,NULL,,85,0,żPeligro en los alimentos transgénicos?,85 N,diego,2001-09-28 21:38:24,,NULL,,86,0,Alimentos transgénicos,86 N,Juan,2001-10-11 07:38:56,,NULL,,87,28,RE: Algunos alimentos transgénicos llevarán vacuna,28 N,antonio,2001-10-18 08:26:36,,NULL,,88,79,RE: Centro de Información para investigadores en b,79 fr.csvapproved,author,datestamp,email,email_reply,host,id,parent,subject,thread Y,CIPRIA,2000-09-07 11:42:27,,NULL,,10,0,La biotechnologie peut éradiquer la faim dans le m,10 Y,MORDI YAMINA,2000-11-02 09:56:48,,NULL,,13,0,demande d'imformations,13 Y,borghos lamyae,2000-11-06 07:48:59,,NULL,,14,0,fortification des aliments en vitamine A,14 Y,tran,2000-11-08 07:57:14,,NULL,,15,0,"OGM: Les vrais risques, les nouveaux avantages",15 Y,VERONICA OLIVA,2000-09-21 13:44:34,OLIVASFCA@AOL.COM,NULL,,11,0,"OGM: Les vrais risques, les nouveaux avantages",11 Y,KELLER JEANPIERRE,2000-11-17 09:49:15,,NULL,,16,0,AIDE:les plantes transgeniques,16 Y,PAUL Jean-Sébastien,2000-12-15 06:19:01,,NULL,,17,0,élčve ingénieur recherche stage,17 Y,sibra,2000-12-16 13:26:17,sibra@club-internet,NULL,,18,0,OGM: sortir de la confusion en graduant les risque,18 Y,Prat Fred,2000-12-19 03:51:20,,NULL,,19,0,OGM: sortir de la confusion en graduant les risque,19Y,NEYME Sébastien,2000-12-20 15:34:45,,NULL,,20,0, ogm et hebicides,20 Y,Delmelle Daniel,2001-01-04 16:54:12,,NULL,,21,0,ogm,21 Y,Francisco,2001-05-14 02:37:01,FJPalacio at,NULL,,29,0,Evolution d'un principe fondateur,29 Y,Dupé joseph,2001-02-23 13:04:14,,NULL,,28,0,L'agriculture biologique respecte-t-elle l'envir,28 Y,moulherat,2001-05-29 13:45:59,,NULL,,30,0,"OGM: Les vrais risques, les nouveaux avantages",30 Y,daoud amira,2001-06-24 21:12:05,,NULL,,31,0,Un nouveau labo pour les analyses d'OGM ŕ Saint-N,31Y,thom,2001-06-25 11:16:30,NULL,NULL,,32,0,"OGM: Les vrais risques, les nouveaux avantages",32 Y,braly,2001-08-22 03:07:52,,NULL,,34,0,France:Ţs mesures pourúvoriser le débat sur les es,34 N,FOULON,2001-10-01 11:25:48,,NULL,,35,0,OGM dans l'agriculture,35 N,Thierry Raffin,2001-10-01 12:33:02,,NULL,,37,34,RE: France:Ţs mesures pourúvoriser le débat sur le,34 N,Thierry Raffin,2001-10-01 12:33:24,,NULL,,38,34,RE: France:Ţs mesures pourúvoriser le débat sur le,34 uk.csvapproved,author,datestamp,email,email_reply,host,id,parent,subject,thread Y,Henry Brown,2000-09-18 14:15:52,,NULL,,16,0,Edible HIV Vaccine based on Typhus,16 Y,Henry Brown,2000-09-18 14:38:41,,NULL,,17,0,Quantum Genomic Computing -0 GMO's,17 Y,Sunil Archak,2000-09-14 02:31:10,,NULL,,13,0,Co-ordination between private and public sectors,13 Y,albert abel,2000-09-12 02:18:21,,NULL,,12,10,RE: Evaluation of this site,10 Y,Michael E. Katz,2000-09-18 17:07:31,,NULL,,18,12,RE: Evaluation of this site,10 Y,Andrew Dimock,2000-09-07 18:38:49,,NULL,,10,0,Evaluation of this site,10 Y,Karl,2000-12-04 19:01:33,,NULL,,195,173,RE: is this page being censored?,158 Y,Heather Stouder,2000-09-18 19:26:44,,NULL,,20,18,RE: Evaluation of this site,10 Y,Hyland Fisher,2000-09-19 11:33:38,,NULL,,21,0,A Low-Level Form Of Civil War,21 Y,jeff buderer,2000-09-20 01:54:22,,NULL,,22,0,We'll Feed Our People As We See Fit,22 Y,Benidict Constant,2000-09-20 18:21:59,,NULL,,23,0,We'll Feed Our People As We See Fit,23 Y,Wendy,2000-12-04 15:09:29,NULL,NULL,,194,0,AMA Panel OKs GM Foods,194 Y,Kevin Still,2000-09-21 18:43:50,,NULL,,27,21,RE: A Low-Level Form Of Civil War,21 Y,Erica Kipp,2000-11-30 09:32:28,,NULL,,192,0,BT Corn Monarch Fears Overblown: Risks Low To Butt,192 Y,John Meinken,2000-09-23 01:01:59,,NULL,,30,23,RE: We'll Feed Our People As We See Fit,23 Y,Deb McKeen,2000-09-28 23:43:54,,NULL,,37,0,Taco Terrorism,37 Y,Sarah,2000-09-23 06:11:43,,NULL,,33,0,Don´t belive it,33 Y,DeBry,2000-09-25 02:38:59,,NULL,,34,0,Vaccine In GM Fruit Could Wipe Out Hepatitis B,34 Y,Chris,2000-09-25 11:30:11,,NULL,,35,0,Bacillas Thoringiensis,35 Y,deb,2000-09-29 00:02:35,,NULL,,38,35,RE: Bacillus Thuringiensis,35 Y,deb,2000-09-29 00:12:42,NULL,NULL,,39,21,RE: A Low-Level Form Of Civil War,21 Y,kevin bell,2000-09-29 02:02:06,,NULL,,40,0,Case Against Biotech Food Has To Do With Commercia,40 Y,Derrell Sharp,2000-09-29 06:38:50,,NULL,,41,0,Grains Of Hope,41 Y,BEJOY ISSAC,2000-09-30 00:48:15,bijoyissac,NULL,,42,0,pursue higher studies in bio tech,42 Y,Edel Crowley,2000-09-30 10:57:01,,NULL,,43,0,Re. Information,43 Y,B.N.MOTAGI,2000-09-30 12:40:16,,NULL,,44,0,Biotech Association Floats Website,44 Y,Don robertson,2000-12-03 11:28:51,,NULL,,193,0,Survey: U.S. Food Consumption Unaffected By StarLi,193 Y,Bernhard Rieder,2000-11-29 19:26:32,,NULL,,190,0,Survey: U.S. Food Consumption Unaffected By StarLi,190 Y,Dr Nick Birch,2000-10-04 10:07:09,,NULL,,56,0,Fresh Views On GM Foods,56 Y,Lila St. Denis,2000-10-02 17:40:10,,NULL,,50,0,We'll Feed Our People As We See Fit,50 Y,caitlin bailey,2000-10-03 10:46:09,,NULL,,55,0,people and technology,55 Y,Beth Williamson,2000-10-05 21:35:51,,NULL,,57,0,We'llţed Our People As We See Fit,57 Y,Anderson Paul,2000-10-07 02:50:15,,NULL,,58,0,Genetically-Modified Rice Passes Key Chinese Test,58 Y,D.Jung,2000-10-07 05:40:05,,NULL,,59,0,The Great Green Con-Trick,59 Y,D.Jung,2000-10-07 05:48:50,,NULL,,60,0,Dr. Truth,60 Y,Erin,2000-11-28 22:11:11,,NULL,,189,0,Genetics Can Provide Food To The Starving Millions,189 Y,Christopher Brewster,2000-10-07 10:53:27,,NULL,,62,0,PHBV,62 Y,KUMAR KURLE,2000-10-08 05:20:50,,NULL,,63,35,RE: Bacillus Thuringiensis,35 Y,shashi shekhar,2000-10-08 14:57:04,,NULL,,64,0,Roundup ReadyŽ Soybeans,64 Y,Shayne,2000-10-09 16:35:19,NULL,NULL,,65,0,Agent Organic Inc.,65 Y,Shayne,2000-10-09 16:38:46,NULL,NULL,,67,33,RE: Don´t belive it,33 Y,Teri Ashford,2000-10-09 18:07:02,,NULL,,69,41,RE: Grains Of Hope,41 Y,Elaine Springford,2000-10-10 06:36:12,,NULL,,70,0,Study program,70 Y,Lyle Mouton,2000-10-30 18:40:51,,NULL,,118,104,RE: What genes are in Startack corn?,104 Y,SAGE,2000-10-11 09:35:16,SAGE2000@MSN.COM,NULL,,72,0,Judge Upholds F.D.A. Policy on Genetically Altered,72 Y,marc,2000-10-12 09:12:07,,NULL,,73,0,Facts On GMOs In The EU,73 Y,Lyle Mouton,2000-10-30 18:42:17,,NULL,,119,65,RE: Agent Organic Inc.,65 Y,Benidict Constant,2000-11-06 19:00:21,,NULL,,140,0,GMA Survey Shows Americans Learning MoreŤout Biote,140 Y,Jennifer,2000-10-13 08:52:29,,NULL,,77,0,Judge Upholds F.D.A. Policy on Genetically Altered,77 Y,Ariel Johnson,2000-10-13 22:11:01,,NULL,,78,50,RE: We'll Feed Our People As We See Fit,50 Y,Randy Becker,2000-10-17 00:52:35,,NULL,,79,21,RE: A Low-Level Form Of Civil War,21 Y,Romi Curl,2000-11-07 16:52:50,,NULL,,141,123,"RE: Chemical cocktail, anyone?",123 Y,Richard,2000-10-17 04:59:16,,NULL,,81,77,the judge was an idiot hed,77 Y,Michael Reed,2000-10-17 12:49:14,,NULL,,83,0,Bioengineered Crops Hold Great Promise For Future,83 Y,Hether Ayres,2000-10-18 13:27:17,,NULL,,84,77,RE: Judge Upholds F.D.A. Policy on Genetically Alt,77 Y,Hether Ayres,2000-10-18 13:31:21,,NULL,,85,73,RE: Facts On GMOs In The EU,73 Y,Hether Ayers,2000-10-18 13:37:41,,NULL,,86,37,RE: Taco Terrorism,37 Y,Lewis Iddenden,2000-11-28 09:16:22,,NULL,,188,0,Seeds Of Opportunity: An Assessment Of The Benefit,188 Y,Kelley Garza,2000-11-26 17:03:07,,NULL,,187,0,Destructive Precaution,187 Y,mitul kadvani,2000-11-26 04:22:19,,NULL,,186,0,"Study Finds Biotech Plant Kills Bollworms, Spares",186 Y,Ronei Brognoli,2000-11-07 16:55:58,,NULL,,142,0,Biodegradable Plastic Grown From Plants,142 Y,phil,2000-11-06 13:15:06,,NULL,,138,0,stored products,138 Y,Hether Ayres,2000-10-18 16:20:02,,NULL,,92,58,RE: Genetically-Modified Rice Passes Key Chinese T,58 Y,Hether Ayres,2000-10-18 16:26:34,,NULL,,93,70,RE: Study program,70 Y,Hether Ayres,2000-10-18 16:28:03,,NULL,,94,64,RE: Roundup ReadyŽ Soybeans,64 Y,Randy,2000-11-26 01:52:49,NULL,NULL,,185,181,RE: Info on roundup ready sugar beets,181 Y,Fred,2000-10-19 09:39:21,,NULL,,96,0,How did they find the Bt in Tacos?,96 Y,"R. G. RAJAN, DGM (E& T)",2000-11-24 00:18:23,,NULL,,184,0,Biodegradable Plastic Grown From Plants,184 Y,Dr. C.S. Pawar,2001-03-16 00:52:13,,NULL,,292,284,RE: pesticides effects on agriculture,284 Y,estevan,2000-11-04 22:26:14,,NULL,,129,108,RE: Judge Upholds F.D.A. Policy on Genetically Alt,108 Y,Bill,2000-10-20 23:52:26,NULL,NULL,,103,83,RE: Bioengineered Crops Hold Great Promise For Fut,83 Y,boomom,2000-10-21 11:24:25,,NULL,,104,0,What genes are in Startack corn?,104 Y,Someone,2000-10-23 15:05:31,,NULL,,106,0,engineered really sucks,106 Y,tim belsky,2000-10-23 17:40:47,,NULL,,107,37,RE: Taco Terrorism,37 Y,Jesse Prupas,2000-10-24 17:46:22,,NULL,,108,0,Judge Upholds F.D.A. Policy on Genetically Altered,108 Y,Lyle Mouton,2000-10-30 18:47:14,,NULL,,120,35,RE: Bacillus Thuringiensis,35 Y,John Dodson,2000-10-24 23:54:17,,NULL,,110,0,Herbicide for Yellow Pond-Lilies,110 Y,Dione Christian Baracol,2000-10-26 10:13:38,,NULL,,111,0,Terminator Gene,111 Y,Samantha Brown,2000-10-26 11:37:47,,NULL,,112,40,RE: Case Against Biotech Food Has To Do With Comme,40Y,Samantha Brown,2000-10-26 11:48:13,,NULL,,113,23,RE: We'll Feed Our People As We See Fit,23 Y,Dr. Orhan KURT,2000-10-27 03:52:44,,NULL,,114,83,RE: Bioengineered Crops Hold Great Promise For Fut,83 Y,Fran F.,2000-10-27 16:09:37,,NULL,,115,43,RE: Re. Information,43 Y,pennie carlton,2000-10-27 19:32:21,,NULL,,116,0,Why aren't more people angry over this issue??,116 Y,"DeWit, Jordan",2000-10-29 22:39:41,,NULL,,117,0,Rice Plant To Acquire A New Look,117 Y,Squeegee Kid,2000-10-31 12:04:09,,NULL,,121,0,Bio-enhancements for Squeegee Kids?,121 Y,Huib de Vriend,2000-11-01 05:56:53,,NULL,,122,0,Firm Claims Weed-Control Benefits Of GM Sugarbeet,122 Y,Art Sleed,2000-11-01 12:46:10,,NULL,,123,0,"Chemical cocktail, anyone?",123 Y,Gopika Kannan,2000-11-02 06:04:04,,NULL,,124,44,Knowledge Management Research Website,44 Y,ulaiwal usansa,2000-11-02 09:56:39,,NULL,,125,0,"Potato, The New Vaccine?",125 Y,Ben Zahn,2000-11-02 12:22:44,,NULL,,126,116,RE: Why aren't more people angry over this issue??,116 Y,Elizabeth Green Sah,2000-11-02 23:46:12,,NULL,,127,0,Borlaug -- New Ag Technology Key To Meeting Future,127Y,Miss E Helps,2000-11-03 10:59:00,,NULL,,128,0,An Unstoppable' Technology Behind The Biotech Pus,128 Y,Summer,2000-11-05 16:22:19,NULL,NULL,,133,0,"There is No Security in Food, BUT...",133 Y,ben,2000-11-05 20:59:11,,NULL,,136,0,Gentic engineering,136 Y,Walter Santos,2000-11-07 18:09:25,,NULL,,143,0,Hepatitis Antibody Made From GM Rice,143 Y,Deborah Clark,2000-11-08 14:09:41,,NULL,,144,0,Looking for a farmer opposed to growing GM crops,144 Y,Lisen Young,2000-11-08 20:24:29,,NULL,,145,0,"PLEASE HELP, where to get rice seeds??",145 Y,Pete Brown,2000-11-09 08:35:59,,NULL,,147,0,Monsanto Recognized As Top Corporate Giver,147 Y,Pete,2000-11-09 08:44:05,NULL,NULL,,148,116,RE: Why aren't more people angry over this issue??,116 Y,GE food is necessary,2000-11-09 21:49:02,,NULL,,149,114,RE: Bioengineered Crops Hold Great Promise For Fut,83Y,Roxanne,2000-11-14 00:03:42,NULL,NULL,,156,0,farmers adopting this technology,156 Y,Dr.Masa MISAWA,2000-11-10 11:52:08,,NULL,,151,0,Genetically-Modified Rice Passes Key Chinese Test,151 Y,michael,2000-11-10 22:55:19,,NULL,,152,0,Fact Sheet On Pesticide Use,152 Y,manish,2000-11-11 00:09:22,,NULL,,153,0,where hybrid cotton seeds,153 Y,manish,2000-11-11 00:15:29,,NULL,,154,0,australian hybrid cotton,154 Y,benidict constant,2000-11-12 18:19:31,you are ignorant,NULL,,155,83,RE: Bioengineered Crops Hold Great Promise For Fut,83Y,roxanne,2000-11-14 00:07:36,NULL,NULL,,158,0,is this page being censored?,158 Y,roxanne,2000-11-14 00:21:05,NULL,NULL,,159,64,RE: Roundup ReadyŽ Soybeans,64 Y,Roxanne,2000-11-14 00:30:20,NULL,NULL,,160,0,Monsanto vs Malthus?,160 Y,roxanne,2000-11-14 00:32:49,NULL,NULL,,161,0,interesting view on biotech not found here,161 Y,Chris,2000-11-14 01:52:14,,NULL,,162,152,RE: Fact Sheet On Pesticide Use,152 Y,Chris,2000-11-14 02:10:53,,NULL,,163,151,RE: Genetically-Modified Rice Passes Key Chinese T,151 Y,sarah,2000-11-14 15:23:23,NULL,NULL,,164,152,RE: Fact Sheet On Pesticide Use,152 Y,sarah,2000-11-14 15:27:49,NULL,NULL,,165,163,RE: Genetically-Modified Rice Passes Key Chinese T,151 Y,lizz,2000-11-15 05:04:38,,NULL,,166,0,Stick To Issues In GM Debate,166 Y,John Young,2000-11-15 17:39:30,,NULL,,167,0,Roundup ReadyŽ Soybeans,167 Y,Nickolas Arvanitis,2000-11-16 05:05:07,,NULL,,168,0,cotton housekeeping gene,168 Y,Kim,2000-11-16 14:20:13,,NULL,,169,160,RE: Monsanto vs Malthus? Another perspective,160 Y,sarah,2000-11-16 17:44:37,NULL,NULL,,170,169,RE: Monsanto vs Malthus? Another perspective,160 Y,PBN,2000-11-16 20:07:18,,NULL,,171,0,Sterility of Certain GMOs,171 Y,kate,2000-11-16 22:12:01,NULL,NULL,,173,158,RE: is this page being censored?,158 Y,Sunei,2000-11-16 22:22:27,NULL,NULL,,175,164,RE: Fact Sheet On Pesticide Use,152 Y,Frank,2000-11-16 22:26:18,NULL,NULL,,176,121,RE: Bio-enhancements for Squeegee Kids?,121 Y,Kim,2000-11-17 12:16:17,NULL,NULL,,177,0,Opinion: Anti-biotech struggling in Britain,177 Y,jewel,2000-11-19 01:22:09,,NULL,,178,0,Rice Plant To Acquire A New Look,178 Y,sam witton,2000-11-19 11:21:15,,NULL,,179,141,"RE: Chemical cocktail, anyone?",123 Y,sara emery,2000-11-19 19:10:04,,NULL,,181,0,Info on roundup ready sugar beets,181 Y,Wendy,2000-11-20 09:21:33,,NULL,,182,0,"Biotech goes beyond food, pharmaceuticals",182 Y,Susan,2000-11-21 07:47:06,,NULL,,183,170,RE: Monsanto vs Malthus? Another perspective,160 Y,lindy,2000-12-13 14:46:39,NULL,NULL,,197,0,WHEN?????????...,197 Y,Lauren,2000-12-14 10:09:01,,NULL,,198,0,Green Campaigners Could Condemn Britain To A Chemi,198 Y,neeta,2000-12-14 10:20:43,,NULL,,199,0,Genetic Engineering: Sifting The Facts From The Fi,199 Y,Jen,2000-12-16 16:13:11,,NULL,,200,194,RE: AMA Panel OKs GM Foods,194 Y,RITU,2000-12-17 07:25:09,,NULL,,201,189,RE: Genetics Can Provide Food To The Starving Mill,189 Y,RITU,2000-12-17 07:26:23,,NULL,,202,189,RE: Genetics Can Provide Food To The Starving Mill,189 Y,KEYUR,2000-12-17 07:38:03,,NULL,,203,0,AZADIRACTA INDICA AS A BIOPESTICIDE,203 Y,MoonLabbit,2000-12-17 18:44:33,,NULL,,205,0,Biotech's Glories,205 Y,Joe Merringer,2000-12-17 22:30:57,,NULL,,206,0,Threat That Never Was,206 Y,Joe,2000-12-17 22:42:20,lusoccer_1602@YAHOO.COM,NULL,,207,166,RE: Stick To Issues In GM Debate,166 Y,stufff,2000-12-17 23:20:30,,NULL,,208,0,Starlink's Risks Minuscule,208 Y,stufff,2000-12-17 23:26:23,NULL,NULL,,209,158,RE: is this page being censored?,158 Y,K.M.,2000-12-20 15:41:53,NULL,NULL,,211,208,RE: Starlink's Risks Minuscule,208 Y,PRAMOD GAVANE,2000-12-22 08:38:55,,NULL,,212,203,RE: AZADIRACTA INDICA AS A BIOPESTICIDE,203 Y,Sunil Archak,2001-01-08 00:28:23,,NULL,,218,0,Global Review of Commercialized Transgenic Crops:,218 Y,claudia,2001-01-02 00:07:10,,NULL,,214,0,organ regeneration,214 Y,Peter Siekel,2001-01-02 07:24:50,,NULL,,215,0,Global Review of Commercialized Transgenic Crops:,215 Y,jayaprakash,2001-01-03 10:23:13,,NULL,,216,0,Exciting Challenges For Food Scientists,216 Y,America Forward,2001-01-09 01:50:40,NULL,NULL,,219,198,Yes To Food No To Fear,198 Y,Ben Lillywhite,2001-01-11 11:23:30,,NULL,,223,0,Scientists In Five Nations Complete First Genetic,223 Y,rabbit,2001-01-17 19:30:17,,NULL,,228,198,RE: Yes To Food No To Fear,198 Y,Tayebeh Baghery,2001-01-17 06:39:34,,NULL,,227,0,Immobilized Lipase,227 Y,Godchild,2001-01-18 17:14:06,,NULL,,234,219,RE: Yes To Food No To Fear,198 Y,Matt,2001-01-17 21:42:10,,NULL,,231,0,Disadvantages of Biotech and GM Foods,231 Y,NARAYANAN BALASUBRAMANIAN,2001-01-18 04:44:59,,NULL,,233,0,INDUSTRIAL ENZYMES,233 Y,Steven Robinson,2001-01-19 08:33:07,,NULL,,235,0,Home economics A-Level,235 Y,Kim,2001-01-24 15:44:10,NULL,NULL,,236,235,RE: Home economics A-Level,235 Y,montgomery,2001-01-30 14:25:21,,NULL,,240,0,Organic Food Isn't Healthier Than Modified Food,240 Y,michael,2001-01-29 13:18:46,,NULL,,238,0,Fighting Famine In Theúręst,238 Y,urban samurai,2001-01-30 04:20:07,,NULL,,239,0,Fueling Famine in the Far East,239 Y,Ano Nymous,2001-01-30 14:57:36,,NULL,,241,231,RE: Disadvantages of Biotech and GM Foods,231 Y,DIEGO CARRILLO,2001-02-01 17:12:59,,NULL,,244,0,question,244 Y,Renee,2001-03-02 13:50:24,,NULL,,274,41,Question,41 Y,a-17,2001-02-05 09:43:44,,NULL,,246,0,Rice Scientists Excited By Technology Transfer Tre,246 Y,Chris Flanagan,2001-03-16 09:52:57,,NULL,,293,0,Letter:ěological Impact of GM Crops,293 Y,DATUK ABU BAKAR,2001-02-20 00:00:47,,NULL,,256,203,RE: CONF. ON BIOPESTICIDES: EMERGING TRENDS,203 Y,Claire Kamp,2001-02-13 08:47:48,,NULL,,254,246,RE: Rice Scientists Excited By Technology Transfer,246 Y,J Byrne,2001-02-21 12:13:56,,NULL,,257,246,RE: Rice Scientists Excited By Technology Transfer,246 Y,Rosebud Dakamela,2001-03-04 17:09:47,,NULL,,275,0,Genetically Modified Crops: The Ethical And Social,275 Y,jacqueline capataz,2001-03-05 12:31:39,,NULL,,276,62,RE: PHBV,62 Y,Lynn,2001-03-05 14:29:07,,NULL,,277,0,'Organic' Food Isn't Healthier Than Modified Fo,277 Y,Lee Edelstein,2001-03-14 14:18:25,,NULL,,291,0,Glow in the Dark Grass,291 Y,Kim,2001-02-27 19:01:02,NULL,NULL,,273,271,RE: Some People Are Just Never Happy,271 Y,genesis john v valdez,2001-02-26 01:06:48,,NULL,,272,246,RE: Rice Scientists Excited By Technology Transfer,246 Y,mike simonian,2001-02-25 18:53:45,NULL,NULL,,271,0,Some People Are Just Never Happy,271 Y,john wean,2001-03-06 11:06:09,,NULL,,279,0,White Paper On Food Safety,279 Y,Pallavi Kumar,2001-03-07 16:55:06,,NULL,,281,0,"Hot Stuff, Is This Indian Mustard Plant The Key To",281Y,brian gowan,2001-03-08 16:18:20,,NULL,,282,69,RE: Bovine Growth Hormones(BSE),41 Y,Pramila Mishra,2001-03-11 10:13:48,,NULL,,284,0,pesticides effects on agriculture,284 Y,pramila mishra,2001-03-11 10:17:47,prams_2001@,NULL,,285,279,RE: White Paper On Food Safety,279 Y,pramila mishra,2001-03-11 10:31:00,,NULL,,286,256,RE: CONF. ON BIOPESTICIDES: EMERGING TRENDS,203 Y,Bob Farquharson,2001-03-13 22:23:03,,NULL,,290,0,New Scientific Research Underscoresěonomic and Env,290 Y,juice,2001-03-19 13:57:34,,NULL,,296,0,who benefits from genetically modified food in the,296 Y,Catherine Finlon,2001-03-11 20:18:05,NULL,NULL,,289,273,RE: Some People Are Just Never Happy,271 Y,Gilberto Gomez Velasco,2001-03-16 17:08:18,,NULL,,295,290,RE: New Scientific Research Underscoresěonomic and,290 Y,Jill Griffith,2001-03-22 14:40:47,,NULL,,297,0,Stick To Issues In GMOŢbate,297 Y,gigi,2001-03-23 15:02:02,,NULL,,298,272,RE: Rice Scientists Excited By Technology Transfer,246 Y,debananda panigrahi,2001-03-25 04:48:39,,NULL,,299,0,info,299 Y,guillaume,2001-04-07 18:14:39,,NULL,,301,0,NoÚnger From GM Foods,301 Y,saidi said,2001-04-08 15:38:17,,NULL,,302,0,Transgenic Plants And World Agriculture -- Full Re,302 Y,Heidi Quach,2001-04-08 19:03:52,,NULL,,303,0,Monsanto,303 Y,Laurent,2001-04-09 09:45:51,NULL,NULL,,304,273,RE: Some People Are Just Never Happy,271 Y,Dipal Palkhiwala,2001-04-15 03:56:38,,NULL,,305,233,RE: INDUSTRIAL ENZYMES,233 Y,ramikriger,2001-04-15 17:40:01,,NULL,,306,0,Genetic Wizardry With Plants,306 Y,Ronald Collins,2001-04-18 13:12:09,,NULL,,310,309,RE: Biotech Beyond The Screen,309 Y,Tim Hubbard,2001-04-24 22:19:12,,NULL,,311,0,Biotechnological effects on the Economy,311 Y,Janel,2001-04-17 11:03:34,,NULL,,309,0,Biotech Beyond The Screen,309 Y,Hans Suter,2001-04-25 03:46:47,,NULL,,313,0,Benefits Of Biotechnology For Consumers,313 Y,navaneetha krishnan,2001-05-01 03:10:03,,NULL,,314,292,RE: pesticides effects on agriculture,284 Y,chris Hayes,2001-05-15 07:36:04,,NULL,,328,284,RE: pesticides effects on agriculture,284 Y,Martin,2001-05-14 20:39:01,,NULL,,327,277,RE: Organic' Food Isn't Healthier Than Modifie,277 Y,Andrea Flory,2001-05-06 08:21:52,,NULL,,317,0,Scientists Say Yes To GM Food Despite Public Fears,317 Y,Doug,2001-05-08 14:41:04,,NULL,,318,0,marketing pharma,318 Y,Martin,2001-05-14 19:28:55,,NULL,,326,271,RE: Some People Are Just Never Happy,271 Y,Jay Mullin,2001-06-03 13:09:11,,NULL,,342,309,RE: Biotech Beyond The Screen,309 Y,Chris Hayes,2001-05-15 07:47:04,,NULL,,329,271,RE: Some People Are Just Never Happy,271 Y,Stuart,2001-05-16 14:55:55,NULL,NULL,,334,331,RE: who benefits from genetically modified food in,296 Y,Chris Hayes,2001-05-15 08:05:21,,NULL,,331,296,RE: who benefits from genetically modified food in,296 Y,Tamsyn,2001-05-19 03:02:33,,NULL,,335,0,GM Tomato Reduces Risk Of Disease',335 Y,Joe Forner,2001-06-10 12:52:06,,NULL,,345,341,RE: Biotechnology And Food,341 Y,LaRd,2001-05-26 01:33:32,,NULL,,338,0,Who's Afraid Of Genetic Engineering?,338 Y,anjali,2001-05-26 06:40:25,,NULL,,339,0,Biotechnology Sprouts Up In St. Simons Mercury-Eat,339 Y,Kaemebre,2001-06-03 15:11:37,,NULL,,343,0,Researchers Attest To Safety Of Genetically Modifi,343 Y,Barb Dillingham,2001-05-31 16:33:49,,NULL,,341,0,Biotechnology And Food,341 Y,Kaemebre Mununkum,2001-06-13 11:32:46,,NULL,,346,0,Feeding Africa,346 Y,Sankar Prakash,2001-06-18 11:31:53,,NULL,,347,284,RE: pesticides effects on agriculture,284 Y,zahoor ahmed,2001-06-20 06:12:21,,NULL,,348,0,Agbiotech Bulletin -0 June 1348 Y,María Cecilia Giménez,2001-06-23 19:20:20,,NULL,,349,302,RE: Transgenic Plants And World Agriculture -- Ful,302 Y,ron,2001-07-08 05:37:35,,NULL,,350,0,HEMAGEN (HMGN),350 Y,brian,2001-07-10 13:18:00,,NULL,,351,0,gm food labeling,351 Y,David DeMarle,2001-07-12 23:25:29,,NULL,,352,0,Commentary: Anti-Biotech Crowd Blind To*nefits,352 Y,Dr.Manohar L Thakur,2001-07-13 12:56:27,,NULL,,353,0,UN Agency Backs Biotech Crops,353 Y,Michelle Ciaccio,2001-07-16 15:40:24,,NULL,,354,142,RE: Biodegradable Plastic Grown From Plants,142 Y,Martin Damus,2001-07-26 10:42:44,,NULL,,355,341,RE: Biotechnology And Food,341 Y,Eyal Cochva,2001-08-16 02:20:38,,NULL,,358,0,Electrostimulator of gastrointestinal,358 Y,Linda,2001-08-18 17:09:52,,NULL,,359,0,Brazil black market in GM seeds,359 Y,Katie,2001-08-20 10:06:26,,NULL,,360,0,"Resistance To GM Crops Is Falling, Says ABARE",360 Y,Michael Laprarie,2001-08-22 10:42:35,,NULL,okcnw1ubr1-4-hfc-0251-d8d9b4ca.rdc1.ok.coxatwork.c,361,0,Science Education Paradox,361 Y,Paula Bushby,2001-08-22 16:54:56,,NULL,,362,0,Science Education Paradox,362 Y,jade simo,2001-08-22 22:49:23,,NULL,,363,0,Dr. Strangelunch,363 N,Ingrid Picas,2001-08-31 11:54:11,,NULL,,366,0,food brands users of GM products,366 N,Zach Raibley,2001-09-02 20:03:54,,NULL,,367,0,Roundup Ready Corn,367 N,suqing lim,2001-09-03 23:35:58,,NULL,,368,0,Thai Innovation Breeds Hardiest Rice Strains,368 N,marc,2001-09-04 17:34:15,NULL,NULL,,369,0,Monsanto experimenting on the world,369 N,ARYA,2001-09-06 04:58:58,"arya@hotmail.,com",NULL,,370,0,GE is Really BAD O_o,370 N,Rakhi Rashmi,2001-09-07 02:05:29,rashmi_rakhi,NULL,,371,0,Perspectives On The Promise Of Biotechnology'sžne,371 N,indramani sheopurkar,2001-09-08 08:55:58,,NULL,,372,0,Perspectives On The Promise Of Biotechnology'sžne,372 N,Raffaele Candeliere,2001-09-10 04:41:48,,NULL,,373,0,A Report On Genetically Engineered Crops,373 N,Dr.Manish Patel,2001-10-01 03:29:02,,NULL,,374,359,RE: Brazil black market in GM seeds,359 N,-,2001-10-03 05:06:13,-,NULL,,375,0,FASSúcts On Biotech Crops & #8211 Impact On Me,375 N,-,2001-10-03 05:06:55,-,NULL,,376,0,FASSúcts On Biotech Crops & #8211 Impact On Me,376 N,Emilee Bradley,2001-10-04 20:59:07,,NULL,,377,0,Are Bioengineered Foods Safe?,377 N,davood b. nasrabadi,2001-10-10 01:46:00,,NULL,,378,0,question,378 N,Dak,2001-10-10 12:13:30,,NULL,,379,0,"FASSúcts On Biotech Crops – Impact On Meat, Milk A",379 N,Colin Nibbs,2001-10-10 14:18:14,,NULL,,380,276,RE: PHBV,62 N,ravi sri hari,2001-10-12 13:14:35,,NULL,,381,0,biotechnology information,381 N,Patrick Hayes,2001-10-22 16:28:21,,NULL,,382,0,For real info...,382 N,Patrick,2001-10-23 02:16:13,,NULL,,383,352,RE: Commentary: Anti-Biotech Crowd Blind To*nefits,352 N,sabrina,2001-10-23 15:25:04,,NULL,,384,354,RE: Biodegradable Plastic Grown From Plants,142 N,Meghan,2001-10-27 19:35:22,NULL,NULL,,385,0,Bt corn,385 N,raj kumar sharma,2001-10-28 04:25:04,,NULL,,386,0,Biotech Association Floats Website,386 N,R. Muhunthan,2001-10-31 02:25:06,,NULL,,387,0,Biotech Sector In India Set To Expand,387 ################################################################################ EMAILS################################################################################UK.CSVbody,id,thread Having taken a moment to explore this new version of the site, I must say that I am very impressed with the new site areas, the improved search functions, and the online discussion. Not only is this a useful tool in finding relevant and factual information regarding plant biotechnology, but it also provides a forum in which all members of the global community can discuss their hopes and concerns for this emerging technology. I am looking forward to discussing scientific, social, environmental and safety issues with people from around the world.Andrew DimockGraduate StudentDept. of Microbiology & ImmunologyThe University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry,10,10 Lovely!!!!,12,10 Edible HIV Vaccine based on Scrub TyphusRecent immune response from scrub typhus depressed HIV to an unmeasured amount. Could an edible HIV vaccine be created with Typhus DNA in banana etc.? Could the vaccine elicit immune response significant enough to controlHIV? Could this produce an edible HIV vaccine grown in rural areas of Africa? Poor mans AZT? Could slow AIDS in millions of rural Africans.Possible crops (eaten raw): Banana, peanuts, pumpkin, amaranth, etc.References: Scrub Typhus Edible Vaccine Thompson at Cornell plant vaccine contact - Typhus Genome Links Typhus Bug to Mitochondrion, Science 82: 1243, 11/13/98I did thesis on Computer Assisted Genetic Mapping at Los Alamos, HIVGenome, Human Genome, Genbank. I am former Peace Corps Volunteer/Cornell Ag. Grad. Henry Brown 505 848-2297,16,16 Quantum Genomic Computer (QGC) - GMO'sQuantum genomic computing may allow humans to live long lives by allowing predictive medicine to prevent disease.A DNA monitor/QGC could resolve a genetic disease in real time.This would allow preemptive molecular treatments.This early warning system is based on DNA correlations to existing DNAdatabases which now grow exponentially, Genbank, Human Genome etc.Conventional Turing machine computers with Relational Databasescannot cross reference in non polynomial (NP) time. ( computers are being built using NMR at Los Alamos, MIT, etc.Grovers Algorithm will solve NP complete database searches, impossibletoday. This would allow diseases to be understood at the molecular level using a technique similar to genetic interferometry.Genetic interferometry might relove cancer in microarrays quickly.Could a quantum computer be used to search cross species genomicdatabases in real time? Pharmacogenomics? Proteomics? Genbank?Could DNA/RNA itself be used as a Quantum device? Replace cytosine with DNA/RNA in NMR based quantum computer.Could the use of DNA/RNA in a collapsing state quantum devicecreate an analog to brain function?Could QGC allow GMO's to be developed rapidly?Could QCG sense GMO DNA from pollen samples collected by bees?Could QGC resolve endangered species in complex pollen samples?What would be the long term impact of crossing species at will?Should the US govt. accelerate research in the QGC area?Could QGC be to biotech what internet has become to business? References: Quantum Computing: chips (Interferometry chips):john.canaris@xilinx.comI did my thesis "Computer Assisted Genetic Mapping" at Los Alamos National Lab, Human Genome Project.Henry Brownhbrown@pnm.com505 848-2297,17,17 An important use of this site will be forwarding appropriate articles to those decision makers who will recognise your name as forwarder and therefore may be moved to actually read and learn from the article. It is amazing to me that so many apparantly intelligent people, including close friends of mine, harbor superstitious views of bio-tech and genetically altered foods and plants. They fail to understand that water and arable land supplies are finite and that world population is not. I would also foward these articles to high schoolers and their teachers. The arguement for bio-tech is going to be a long one and we must include bright youngsters and their teachers in our fight. Michael E. Katz -- ,18,10 hello,for the advent of a new revolution these GM plants are used. it would help millions of the hungry contrymen of mine to combat their hunger. to produce a GM plantthe following steps are undertaken-1. the trait that has to be incorporated is identified2. this trait is identified in the bacterial plasmid3. the gene responsible for it is cleaved using a restriction enzyme.4. this gene is then ligated in a high copy no. plasmid5. this plasmid is then introduced intothe plant protoplast by any of the different techniques available for the introduction.I hope your question has been answered ,202,189 HELLO,i am working for my M.S.project on Azadiracta indica(neem) to exploit it's use as a biopesticide. I would like u to help me in this respect becausev not much work is going in this field.I would like to exploit it's chances in the industrial use. so please do help.,203,203 This has been a very enlightening opportunity for me to see the unfounded and equally "emotion-driven" views of individuals who are pro-biotech. Thank you for the opportunity! Of course the two sides of this so called "civil war" (who came up with that?!) will continue to swiftly drift apart...Why do scientists feel that they can solve the world hunger problem with a simple turn of the corner once again, after so many of those turns (deemed miracles of life science at the time) have failed within the last 50 years... It is completely ridiculous to me that "well-educated" (educated and funded by whom, i wonder...) people cannot see the obvious cultural and environmental disasters waiting to happen with these technologies... Obviously, this message won't reach many of you in agreement, but I encourage you to take a closer look at the reality of the situation, which is completely masked within this web-site filled with propaganda and half-truths... I've spoken with hundreds of "bright youngsters" who make quick conclusions about the danger and "quick-fix" nature of biotech and the obvious benefits to corporations rather than farmers and others in third-world countries. With enough web-sites like these, though, there may have some luck blinding them like you have in the past... Very well-constructed site!I encourage you to show the well-founded arguments against bio-tech, and then truthfully explain your extensive safety protocol and the thousands of years of research (in my mind necessary prior to releasing biotech crops) that you have funded in order to ensure the preservation of environments, cultures, and individuals worldwide... Two years ago, I would have been easily convinced and possibly even honored to contribute to bio-tech... Now I need a bit more extensive proof. Best wishes with the web site!Heather Stouder ,20,10 There are no veils over this article to hide the fact that it is pure propaganda. It is unfortunate that the author takes cheap shots at respectable people such as Dr. Vandana Shiva and Amory Lovins. It is true that they inflate their views, generally that is so that the opposition may take offense and have the opportunity to hear what they say. It seems to me, after reading the article, that we have two very different value systems. One system, the biotech, puts it's value in technology, in their wholehearted belief that technology can inprove our lives. Their goals are proffit and the betterment of themsleves and the ones they plan to help. It's good because it is idealist, but it fails because it does not try to work with or listen to the opposition. The anti-biotech puts its values in people and the environment. They see atrocities in the world, but they also think the world is a very beautiful place. They choose a shift in the mind and ethics, rather than a shift in technology. I am against bio-technology, not so much because I am afraid of it, but because I don't feel I can trust the people who are doing it: because they have a different value system than I do and can do much damage if they are not careful. I inherited mistakes of my parents generation, I don't want my children to inherit mistakes of my generation.,21,21 It seems that the best to solve our food problems in this world is to change people's consumption patterns. Just because many of the nations of the Third World are in desperate way, should not mean that they should just grab at any solution to the hunger problem. Indeed one wonders if a more practical solution to the world's food problem might center on ensuring that the existing food supplies are better distributed. For people do not starve for lack of food in global food scarcity, rather it is stems from the wasteful way that existing agricultural surpluses are allocated on those who least need that food. One might even wonder whether increased production alone in many Third World nations, would solve the problem, since that would just allow for cheaper coffee pineapple and cattle for consumers in the First World. The notion that technology itself will save humanity is a dubious assertion, but it is a very modern one. Indeed there is a compelling argument to be made that technology is actually paving the way for humanity's possible demise. Technology without wisdom leads only to opportunists who seek to use their "ownership" of powerful technologies to control the direction, form and destiny of human civilization for the benefit of their self-interests, neglecting the interests of the world's population. The common people under democracy were supposed to have been promoted to citizens, instead they have been rendered into consumers: faceless and passive receptacles of mass consumption and production. The key to understanding this is by examining how the mass media operates. The mass media is designed to propaganize the common people in emerging and established democracies who constitute the majority of the burgeoning modern human population, into accepting the status quo as the most viable and practical interpretation of reality. Biotechnology does not seek to examine the social dynamic that has caused the overpopulation and starvation on the one hand and overconsumption and immense waste on the other. Rather it seeks to solve the problem by pushing altering the genetic pattern of life in nature. No doubt nature has changed both by itself and though human activities, but the rush to see biotech as a magic potion that will solve our agricultural problems, overlooks the significant potential downsides to GMOs. One wonders why in a democratic society, we have not pressured corporations to recluse themselves from influencing government, academia and the media in a direction that advances their financial interests. All these institutions of society are prone to corporate influence. If one understands the logic that underpins the viability of capitalism, then one is understandibly leery of people who are working or associated with corporations telling us what the facts are. ,22,22 I have a question about the seeds themselves. I thought that the seeds are incapable of being used more than once. The seeds from a genetically altered plant are not reproductive and they will not produce another plant. So are we going to just keep on selling them seeds every year or are these seeds more advanced?,23,23 i am currently working on a project which includes collecting data on GM foods, it would be very kind of you if you could help me getting the various sites related to the same.thankyou,neeta,199,199 can you please send me some information on genetically altered foods. i have a project to do and need info to choose which side i should go on. please send a.s.a.p. thankshello,for the advent of a new revolution these GM plants are used. it would help millions of the hungry contrymen of mine to combat their hunger. to produce a GM plantthe following steps are undertaken-1. the trait that has to be incorporated is identified2. this trait is identified in the bacterial plasmid3. the gene responsible for it is cleaved using a restriction enzyme.4. this gene is then ligated in a high copy no. plasmid5. this plasmid is then introduced intothe plant protoplast by any of the different techniques available for the introduction.I hope your question has been answered ,201,189 What in Gods name do these people think they are doing with the world? Oh well, what can one do against such rats. Best of luck to you . P.S. call if you need me. Yours Truly, Kevin Still,27,21 when were genetically modified seeds approved and commercialized? i need to know for my biotechnology club at school. i am the president. biocheck ya later!lindy,197,197 When a person reaches for an organicly grown food product what is running through his/her mind? I know that the reason why I choose organic is because I prefer natural. I like to know that what I am eating has nothing to do with technology. I also like to feel safe that I am not eating animal genes and such. When I reach for that organic food product I don't want to think that it wasn't just the earth and its dwellers that produced it. It makes many feel unsafe that GM foods have not gone through a signifigant amount of testing before they were put on the shelves. If anything I think that we should have the choice what we are putting in our bodies. I don't think that GM foods should be able to be organic because the reason why they need less pesticides is not natural. And if GM foods are put on the shelves at all they should absolutly be labeled!,198,198 No. Genetically engineered plants usually CAN reproduce unless they are purposefully designed to not be able to. Most of the biotech industry considers this a PROBLEM!The hybrid crops that produced the "green revolution" in the 50's and 60's cannot naturally reproduce as desired. These plants are generally created using one parent that is a dwarf plant and one parent that is not. The dwarf plant allows adding of excessive water and fertilizer without having the plant grow so tall that it tips over. Since the hybrid contains two distinct genes, the offspring from these plants will only be 50% hybrid. The other 50% will be split: 25% completely dwarf and 25% completely not dwarf. Because of this, many farmers that had saved and shared their own seeds for 10,000 years had to begin buying their seeds yearly once they started using hybrids.Biotech companies cannot continue making money off their products if people reuse genetically modified seeds once they are released. Some companies force farmers to sign contracts promising they will not reuse their seeds. Since this is difficult to enforce, biotech is looking into genetically engineering seeds with a "terminator gene" that would not be able to reproduce. That way, farmers will be forced to remain dependent on seed companies.The scientific idea for how to go about creating a "terminator gene" is actually pretty ingenious if you ever want to read about it, even if it is a cynical attempt for biotech to fatten their wallets.John Meinken,30,23 "Since StarLink is not used in human foodstuffs — no one knows how StarLink could have made it into the taco shells — significant and continuing human exposure is unlikely. No CRY9C was reported in the 22 other corn products tested, including corn flakes. "The "no one knows how StarLink could have made it into the taco shells" issue is the one I have a problem with. Any thoughts?,37,37 Hello Chris.Note the corrected spelling of the name of the bacteria in the subject line.A simple answer: a bacteria genetically placed into corn crops so that insects who normally destroy corn crops die. Great in concept, but not well thought through, which is the problem. Sadly, it can kill butterflies, like the Monarch, but also pests, such as the Gypsy Moth. There was great concern about the Monarch butterfly issue, recently since some populations of that species in the midwest did die. They like corn pollen. Unlucky for them...Check this out for more details, but also check out opposing views from proponents of its use(like Monsanto, which has developed some strains of this corn). I am not happy about its use. I think Nature intended to have some years with bountiful harvest, and others with poor harvest, to keep populations under control. We humans think we are above Nature's rules, and this is where many opinions clash.I am a biology major (new), and trying to take in all the facts on this issue, but I believe that the key source of future problems will be in the soil itself. That statement is 'intuition' at this point. Call it a hunch. I had it before even reading up on any of this or before taking any classes. The more I am learning, the more frightening this technology appears. I am an avid believer in testing, testing, testing, before leashing any such crops into the food supply, ESPECIALLY without the education and consent of the American people. However, to be fair, that education may convince americans that some of these advances are to our advantage. Time will tell. We are already guinea pigs.Hope this is helpful..Deb,38,35 Who is sponsoring this site? That´s right: Monsanto. Do you really think that they would allow any fact that criticises them on this site? No. So is it really the truth that you can read at these pages? No. Is it just propaganda? Yes. Who makes money on genetic enginering? Monsanto. How about all the people that don´t like genetic engineering. Would they be making any money if genetic engineering was forbidden? No. So who shuld you belive? Monsanto? No. Don´t belive it, it is just propaganda. ,33,33 The short article seems to say that, upon eating a genetically engineered banana or tomato, the vaccine against hepatitis B would go to the intestine and into the blood stream.Two questions:1) aren't proteins degraded in the stomach by its acidity and pepsin, and in the intestine by trypsin and chymotrypsin?2) what happen to the quality of protein upon heat treatment, for instance in a tomato soup?,34,34 What is this bacteria?,35,35 I agree. Bio-tech has great potential. But it will only be realized if the 'corporations' implementing it take responsibility and can assure public safety, as well as not eradicating any species necessary for soil.There are other creatures, microbes, etc. that eat the very insects that can be destroyed by the new crops, which are essential to the proper distribution of nitrogen etc. in soil. The droppings of birds that eventually get into soil contain the synthesized proteins of the bugs. If the bugs go, so will the species that eat's the old 'ecosystem balance' game.I would love to know Monsanto's views on that issue. After doing more investigation, I will ask them that question, but only when I have enough knowledge to back up whatever my findings are, or questions.I can only pray that Monsanto and other similar venturing organizations are not looking for a quick buck, but are planning for the next 100 years, not 10. Some people will be looking to retire and would do well with some quick stock profit. It is the stock market that is really driving research in some ways. Ah well, too many issues spawned from one. Just food for thought...,39,21 So this head to head competition would presumably include clearly labelling the products as GMO and organic, right? That way, the consumer would just make up his or her mind based on their own convictions. Fine. but isn't this kind of choice what the industry has been arguing vehemently against for the last couple of years? There seems to be a bit of a logical problem with contending that the organic farmers don't want to compete, because how can they, in any meaningful sense, if the consumer isn't able to make an informed choice?just wondering.,40,40 I am the Sequim High School Agriculture Teacher.Please keep me informed on the progress of this . I will be sharing this information with my students. We are implementing GMO's into agriscience and horticulture classes.Thank you,Derrell Sharp,41,41 Sir,I am basically a chemical Engineer working an engineer(28) in a chemical firm based in kerala , India I would like to pursue higher studies in Bio Technology.I need your expert advise regarding the same Like which stream and which institution and availability of scholarships etc..Yours saincerely BEJOY ISSAC,42,42 Dear Sir/MadamI'm in a debate and I would like to recieve information about how genetic enginering affects people and animals. I was wondering if you had any information that you could give me. Thank you for your time.Yours sincerly, Edel Crowley,43,43 Respected Sir/Madam,Happy to hear the message of opening of biotech website by Monsanto-India online.,44,44 i am doing some course work on protoplast fusion, do you have any information how this technique has been used, to produce crops with improved resistance to pests and disease and improved crop yields.I am also studying micro-propagation, do you have any information how this technique has been used, to produce crops with improved resistance to pests and disease and improved crop yields.i will be grateful for any informationYours faithfullyLewis Iddenden,188,188 I am doing a research report on biotechnology. My thesis is that more testing is necessary before biotech foods should be allowed in markets. I would like to find out more information on this topic and hopefully some facts and opinions to help support my thesis. Thank you,187,187 I am learning about genetics, and I am wondering how this works. The plants' genes are spliced and other genes are inserted? Are proteins used and Restriction enzymes? ,189,189 Dear SirsStrong surprise in reading these prosaic results - because recentresearch in the U.S. based on larger samples shows a somewhatdifferent picture.Would it be possible to have a closer look at the detailedtables of results of this survey ?Thank you for your attention,and best regardsBernhard RiederGeneral ManagerRi*QUESTA GmbHD - 79331 TeningenGermany,190,190 Hello. I don't know who I am writing to but the article written by this African minister really was something. I am at a tug of war with myself because on one hand I see the point he makes, but I also know what ignorance of a substance could lead to. If these new gean altered plants serve as a great benifit to his people, I would hope that the scientist would work double shifts to help out. On the other hand we as humans are messing with a great power. The lord put these thing on Earth in a set way, not so we could alter. If we do, there could be drastic reprocusions. I know I am just a highschool senior from a middle class family, who once was poor, but has no idea what starvation is. I also know that these altered gean foods will be on my vegitarian plate and I wish not to have cancers, or miscarages over a simple meal.,50,50 Hey, what's up? This article is about the people and technology of agriculture's cool and really confusing.,55,55 How can I find out who is on this new Scottish GM committee and what are the routes of communication with them?I have just returned from a very informative ESF workshop on "Environmental Impacts of GM Plants with Insect Resistance Genes" (29-30 Sept, Berne) and feel it would be usul to keep such committees updated and linked to these specialist workshop groups. Risk:benefit analysis anbd GM crop management is a rapidly evolving science.Thanks. Dr Nick Birch, SCRI (Tri-trophic interactions ecologist).,56,56 Is agricultural biotechnology, supported by companies such as Monsanto, really for the purpose of caring for poverty stricken, hungry people? Is it not so, that genetically engineered foods have been known to harm people in the past? There could be no possible complete understanding of the effects on human health and on the environment from genetically altered plant species(As I'm sure you know). That is a fact and it is a very poor representation of a corporation based on science to say, "FoodBiotechnology is a matter of opinions. Monsanto believes you should hear all of them." It is not an opinion if G.E. is harmful or not, it is a fact. To a hungry person, any food is good food, but it is morally wrong to interfere with the earth in such a way; although it is good to help out such impoverished people. I simply ask, is money not the prime motive for such a company as Monsanto? Are there not better ways to feed the hungry than with G.E. foods? I don't mean these to be rhetorical questions, please reply. With Respect, Beth,57,57 Please discuss about what bt gene has introduced into rice crop.Please discuss about bt fusion gene that has introduced into other crops.,58,58 Knowledge Center - I am amazed that someone with these particular views could actually have been a member of Greenpeacemuch less one of the founders. What he fails to realize is thatthere is a growing number of people who are actually opposed tothe exploitation of every source timber on the planet. The factthat the inhabitants of the rainforests being logged are losingtheir homes and their way of life is the reason most of theGreenies are up in arms. It is sympathy for the underdog andthe helpless that drives many of these do-gooders and more powerto them. I'm absolutely sure that there are plants and animalsthat could be of great value to the human race in general thatwill be lost forever if too much of Amazonia is logged. That'sjust common sense and simple math. We should NEVER ignore the truth especially when it is staring us in the face, demanding that we look at it. We should learn to work with it instead.Faulty reasoning is simply faulty reasoning. I'm so tired ofmisinformation. You should research your sources better. Yuck!D.J.,59,59 Truth? I really don't think so. This man has obviously takentoo many magic mushrooms. D.J.,60,60 what national meeting was this research delivered? has it been published in a peer-reviewed journal? if yes, which journal and volume number (so that I may go to the original article) thank you for your time.,192,192 Does anyone know of other surveys on attitudes toward biotechnolog- especially agriculture? Any that have focused on people of color?Thank you for your attention. Don Robertson, Ph.D. candidate, sociology, SDSU,193,193 "...the goal of the council's report was to convince people that the foods are good for people and won't harm the environment. In testimony before the AMA's House of Delegates' committee on science and technology, Altman said the council report "is aimed at educating people from the scientific point of view." December 3, 2000, AMA committee: Gene-altered foods appear safe By ED SUSMAN, UPI Science News ORLANDO, Fla.The prospect of genetically-altered foods didn't phase delegates to the American Medical Association meeting Sunday. A key committee presented the findings of a year-long study on the safety aspects of so-called "Frankenfoods" -- and declared that they appeared safe. "People have been modifying crop plants for centuries," said Dr. RoyAltman, a rheumatologist from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Miami, Fla., and a member of the AMA's Council on Scientific Affairs. "The difference now is in the way the crops are altered." Scientists use sophisticated technology to add genes to plants to help them produce hardier and more appetizing food and fight off pests -- reducing the need for environmentally damaging pesticides. Altman said that European activists, fueled by general food safety fears, have mounted a crusade in opposition of genetically-altered foods. He said the goal of the council's report was to convince people that the foods are good for people and won't harm the environment. In testimony before the AMA's House of Delegates' committee on science and technology, Altman said the council report "is aimed at educating people from the scientific point of view." Among a series of recommendations to the main legislative body of theAMA, which is holding its "interim" meeting in Orlando, was a requestthat the federal regulatory bodies continue oversight of the use ofgenetically-altered foods. But, Altman said, the council also said that the AMA should "recognizethe many potential benefits offered by genetically-modified crops andfoods, not support a moratorium on planting genetically modified cropsand encourage ongoing research developments in food biotechnology." Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, a medical officer with the office of the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, and an observer at the AMA meeting, said the agency was working with manufacturers to develop voluntary labeling of genetically-altered foods with an eye toward educating consumers. He said there was no known case in which a genetically-altered food crop that had been approved for sale had caused harm to any person. There were some calls for caution in accepting the council's report, but no outright opposition to the recommendations was offered at the hearing. The AMA's science and technology committee will consider the testimonyheard on the topic and will make recommendations as to whether to accept or reject or amend the council's report. Later this week that report will be presented to the House of Delegates for its decision. The AMA with 290,000 members is the world's largest medical association. Its decisions, while not having the weight of law in most areas, may influence governmental policies. ,194,194 I am a senior chemical engineering student at Wayne State University in Detroit Michigan. I am currently doing a research project using biodegradable polymers and the uses of PHBV and PHB. As I was researching the topic, I had many questions regarding their thermophysical properties and ways in which these materials were manufactured. I would appreciate any assistance you could give.Thank you for your timeChristopher Brewstercbrewster1@hotmail.comWayne State UniversityDetroit Mi,62,62 Use of BT is becoming popular as a bioinsercticide.But many strains of Lepidepteron larvae and others are becoming resistant to this toxin; may be due to their genitic varience.What stratagy can you suggest to overcome this problem?Waiting for your reply.regardsKumar Kurle.,63,35 change its name because indian farmers and dealers will find it difficult to recognize differently by its previous brand.,64,64 Monsanto should change its name to Agent Organic Inc. or maybeDDT Inc. Or just Chemical Corp. "MONEY MEANS EVERYTHING!!!",65,65 I agree 100%. Monsanto is all about the all mighty dollar. People are all expendable. Worthless. $$$$$$$$$Money Monsanto$$$$$$$$$$,67,33 As the parent of a highly allergic autistic son, whose behaviors and cognitive skills have improved drastically with the implementation of a gluten (wheat and many other grains) free diet as well as the elimination of many other foods that cause reactions, I am deeply concerned by the lack of prolonged testing prior to implementation of such theories.While I equally recognize the need for vitamin A enhanced foods to third world countries, I am ALSO aware that a vast majority of autistic children lack the ability to absorb vitamin A palmitate (the man-made version) and show vast improvement when NATURAL vitamin A is introduced into their diets via cod liver oil. However - NOW I find that, not only are we tampering with the viability of a species by introducing genes from daffodils (should we REALLY be ingesting daffodils?) into rice, as well as splicing anti-freeze genes from flounder into tomatoes (read Frankenfoods - another TIME magazine article) and cross breeding species that would seem incompatible.Equally, the practice of splicing bacteria (Bt) into the genomes of corn, soy and other grains, while reducing the use of pesticides, may also produce bacteria resistent insects AND/or "drift" through air currents where we can breathe them, making our own bodies resistent to medical antibiotics.It is incredibly apparent that the FDA (and EPA) who monitor such practices are falling miserably behind on their responsibilities - eveidenced in the lack of REQUIRED labeling on all products which contain genetically engineered foods. Imagine my surprise when I discovered the possibility that the milk I drink comes from a cow which has been treated with Bovine Growth Hormone and that every time I buy Coca-Cola products, Quaker Oats, General Mills, Hersheys and Nestle's products - NOT TO MENTION McDonalds - I am ingesting genetically engineered products. Fine and dandy - IF I KNOW AND HAVE MADE THE CHOICE.The problem is that I DIDN'T know and I DIDN'T make the choice - and as sole owner of my body, I cherish and reserve those rights.,69,41 I am the MD of an international no0n-profit organization which arranges one week study program for high level business and government executives, from the NetherlandsNext year we will arrange one such program focusing on biotech in food and medicine in the United States.If anyone can advise me on where in the US I should focus the trip. My thoughts at the momnet would be the San Francisco area and Boston. But Maybe I am completly wrong. Which universities should I taget, apart from Monsanto who are the key players. And finally, with which politician should we meet - for and against the debates.thank you,70,70 there is no credible information about protein transfer during GE food production.when monsanto claims that "GE foods are the most tested foods in history," in a sense, they are right. the foods are tested to see if they achieve the desired effect - less spoilage, better ease of transport, production of natural plant toxins, etc. but does that mean they have tested for allergenic effects? for the effects on soil ecosystems? for genetic effects on future generations of the plant? NO!i hate to say it, but you're on your own.,118,104 MONSANTO WINS AGAIN!!! WHEN WILL EVERYONE REALIZE THAT IF MONSANTO HAD NOTHING TO HIDE, THEN THEY WOULD NOT BE RELUCTANT TO ALLOW INDEPENDANT TESTING AND SUBSEQUENT REVIEW OF ALL DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THEIR GENETICALLY ENGINEERED COWS. SAGE2000,72,72 try this web page:,73,73 not only that, but they almost ruined America's national pastime by introducing Astroturf into baseball. swine.,119,65 don't forget that Bt is a naturally occuring pesticide that is produced by plants. it is one of the main pesticides used by organic farmers, because it is very tolerable (to humans and the environment) in small doses. monsanto has hijacked the natural Bt production process by engineering corn that produces Bt from EVERY SINGLE CELL. long term health effects, to soil ecosystems or human organ systems, are not known. of particular concern is that the monsanto Bt corn will provoke resistance in pests, and make Bt, which is so crucial to many organic farmers, useless.,120,35 In the article: GMA Survey shows Americans Learning More About Biotechnology; Food Consumption Patterns unchanged in paragraph 7 It reads: "These results show consumers continue to have confidence in the regulatory structure provided by government agencies like the FDA and the EPA. In addition, swift action by responsible food manufacturers and retailers, taken even before the need for government intervention, had reinforced the strong and well-founded confidence consumers have in the U.S. food supply" was said by the Grocery Manufactures of America President and CEO C. Manly Molpus.I think that these results that the American public isn't phased or concerned about eating genetically altered food is because they are not aware and educated about how their food is being altered and exactly what that means. This is because there is so little research regarding the side effects of this new product that noone can say what its going to do.My concern is about the companies that are doing the altering themselves. There are a number of people who reside in the companies of Monsonto and in the FDA, so if people are blindly trusting that government agencies are really protecting their rights and not concerned about making profit they are very misled. Margaret Miller and Suzanne Sechen are Monsonto and FDA scientist swingers. Monsontos ex lawyer went on to work for the FDA and wrote a paper changing the Delaney Law. The Delaney law had previously said that if a food caused cancer it would not be approved. I feel if the American consumers were aware that many things in their diet was being altered like milk and meat and soy and all of their vegitables out of this company Monsonto they might be a little bit more curious about what they were putting in their bodies. when i go into the grocery store i see a bill board of an obnoxiously thin pop star with the got milk slogan, but there is no information about everything in milk, only that they want you to buy it. Capitilism feeds off ignorance and that is the business of Monsonto. Consumers are not worried if their food is safe like they dont worry if their ciggerettes are safe or if their alchol is safe, As long as its conveient. But for all of the contributions to the president and all of the former employees now on the FDA i really think that they are up to something that is not going to be profitable to the American publics health but profitable to the economy instead.,140,140 Has there ever been a law issued by the FDA stating that genetically enhanced foods need to be labeled and tested for safety? If so, in what year was the policy passed? ,77,77 Lila, I am a graduate. I have an MS. in nutrition and I am always interested in seeking new and interesting topics/information in food and nutrition. I am in total agreement with you that these scientists are messing with nature.Ever since men are on the earth, man struggles to survive and are always trying to alter nature. I wonder at times if a lot of these foods are not the cause of cancer. I am trying to be a vegetarian myself and eat more organically grown produce.,78,50 The reason scientists are able to create cool things like terminator seeds and nuclear bombs is because they have the capacity to focus on the challenge of science in the confines of the laboratory without the burden of responsibility for the legacy they leave. I believe that genetic tampering will come back to haunt us in ways we cannot yet foresee. What is amazing to me is that the Europeans and Japanese realize this, yet the US continues pushing it. Why do these companies refuse to label food? Why has this whole industry been operating in relative secrecy from the public for the last 50 years? They are obviously concerned about the public's reaction. That alone warrants suspicion about what they're doing.Public corporations generally think a few quarters ahead to the next earnings report and stock distribution. A plan for the next 10 years is rather humorous, but 100? Please. Leaving the gene hackers to do the ethical thing is akin to leaving the proverbial wolf in the hen house.Good luck to us all.,79,21 good ol monsanto are gonna own all seeds and natural varieties willdie.all greedy piggys.I really am angry that i was born in this time because i dont want to be alive in the modified world.,81,77 How dare you people print such an article on your website! No one cares what the candidates think about GE food. I tell you right now, people are going to want the labeling act to be pushed through government and placed on all the poison you send to our supermarkets. The candidates won't save your pethetic company when shares fall like a ton of bricks. ,83,83 The FDA is breaking the Food & Cosmetic act by using us all as guinea pigs right now without proper safety testing of GE foods. Monsanto is also breaking human rights laws by using its corporate power &Try this web site: Stop the insanity. We are rewriting the entire genetic dictionary of our world right now. We must have labeling & safety testing. Our basic human rights are being violated right now.,85,73Yes, I have a thought. Stop using genetically engineered foods until we know they are safe - BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT - this is like performing heart surgery with a shovel. We must conduct long term safety testing. The tabacco industry told us cigarettes were safe for several decades before the truth came out. DDT is another example. This will not be something we can undo pretty soon - if we even can now. We are rewriting the genetic library of our world. THis must stop. Labeling is our basic human rights as consumer. It is insane to think that the food we feed our animals does not end up into our DNA when we then consume the animals. So to believe the taco corn was OK for animals, but not intended for human consumption - is insane!!! That's just an instance where this ongoing human test that we are in showed proof that their are toxins in GE foods - they are not "materially" the same OBVIOUSLY. Wake up America - Europe & other countries are requiring labeling - some are even banning entirely - and have known about this issue for years. Europe won't take our GE hormone infested meat... HELLO!!!!,86,37 I understand that you have to censor what is printed on this site. I wonder though, how much of that is censored because it is negative towards bio-tech? I'm am currently doing a research paper and thought this "knowledge center" would be a great place to find information. I know that printing anti bio-tech letters would definatly cause some debate, but why would that be bad? I have found in my research that to understand bio-tech, and its extremely positive impact it has in our society, you have to understand both sides of the issue. It seems to me that people are very uneducated when it comes to this issue. The only way to get people to understand it, or change their point of view is to educate them. It's hard to educate someone when you don't show them why the other side is wrong. Why not let poeple see the whole picture and let them decide for themselves. Thanks for your time.,195,158 I'm doing a project for school, and I need help in answering the following questions I would appreciate answers from pros. in this field.1. What is research in the field currently attempting to do?2. For what uses can this knowledge be used for today? In the future?3. Why is gentic engineering a good thing?Thanks for your help,Ben Little,136,136 Hi Ben,I couldn't have said it better.Romi,141,123 Can you help-me to find more informations about the PHB/PHV co-polymers.Thank you!,142,142 I think it is a great discovery. I'm sure It will help people around the world, I don't have amount of knowldge about genetic.,143,143 Hi, I'm a radio producer interested in talking with a FARMER with opposition to GM crops. Deadline imminent. If interested, please contact me at the above address.Thanks. ,144,144 Dear all,I'm a graduate student in UW-Madison. I'm working on rice proteomics but I'm running out of my stock rice seeds.I need to buy Oryza sativa Nipponbare jappanica (the one that is been sequenced) for future work.Please, anyone, tell me where I can get "large quantities" (not just 50 seeds) of rice seeds.Sincerely,Lisen,145,145 Please can you you let me know how much do Monsanto donates to the World Bank?,147,147 So're happy to have crop trials that may cross-polinate nearby/far-away fields. Maybe introduce transcapsidation and recombination? Aren't they great words????!! :-)Surely you should be campaigning for tighter trials where these risks are minimised - not going straight out into a field and planting new stuff.Dont stop the work, but just control it more. Dont let the big Companies go straight to the farmers, and then take all the data away and hide it. Keep the middle men in place that control it all.University of Purdue said that GM soya yields were 12%-20% less than traditional farming...Mmmm. Uni. of Arkansas has some interesting results too.GM is not the answer for 3rd world starvation...better roads, trade policies, and better farming equipment are what will make the real difference.,148,116 BT genes are actually pesticides. The BT potatoe for example which we are eating now in the US is actually regulated by the EPA since it is categorized as a PESTICIDE, not a food. However, when it comes to labeling, this BT potatoe then becomes a food & is exempt, even though our pesticides (ie poisons) MUST BE LABELED.Stop the insanity... PLEASE!!!!,92,58 Well, you won't find a list of those against on this web site. please go to to find all the research done by scientists who are speaking out against this technology until it is proven safe. There are many, many organization that are fighting against this in the US - this site will give you links to these. The Natural Law Party and the Green party have the only 2 presidential candidates that are speaking out against this technology in which we are all test subjects without our knowledge. In violation of our human rights, these biotech companies are not only keeping the public uninformed of the true dangers, they are actually misrepresenting the facts to the public with huge PR campaigns. It is a very bad situation & all petitions are being ignored and legitimate court cases thrown out. Several people have testified to Congress about this issue & it has been completely ignored. Monsanto has a revolving door policy with the FDA & this has allowed this technology to proceed unchecked. However, the public is speaking out against this. As soon as mothers hear how the milk they are feeding their babies in forumlas is genetically engineered (WHY???? test in babies of all outrages!!! Where are our morals???) the mothers immediately join the masses in fighting against our slipping control over our democracy & human rights here in the US.,93,70 Better yet.... Don't use it at all. What an outrage. Here on this site Monsanto speaks of less usage of pesticides & herbicides & that is the reason that this product exists: TO SELL MORE OF MONSANTO'S ROUNDUP PRODUCT. Stop the insanity... NOW!!!!,94,64 I hate to sound really ignorant on this, but after milling, mixing, baking, frying and whatever else is done to Tacos shells (or any commercially sold food) what was actually tested for and identified? Certainly not the DNA or RNA, and I can't imagine there would be sufficient protein in an immunoogically reactive state to be detected by ELISA.Any hints?Thanks,96,96 Gas Authority of India Ltd, one of the top ten public sector companies in India in natural gas business, is also engaged in R&D activities for developing technologies to improve the environmemt .We are interested to know more about your development on biodegradable plastic grown from plants. We request you to kindly send the detaled information about your development in this field at the following address. We would appreciate your cooperation in this regrad.Regards,R. G. RajanDGM (E&T)GAS AUTHORITY OF INDIA LTD.16, BHIKAIJI CAMA PLACE, R. K. PURAMNEW DELHI 110 066PH. 011-618 2125 FAX 011- 616 5422E-MAIL : ,184,184 Roundup Ready Sugarbeet seed is in fact not for sale in the U.S. ,185,181 After reading your artical i came to know that with biotechnology we can do lot for our farmers.I am a 22 year boy. I completed my study at mumbai and currently I am the ceo of a well diversified group. I was in mumbai for 12 years, but my country side poverty and backwardness or we can say, traditional way of farmining and biotechnology of Rajkot city and near by village of gujarat inspired me to work in my home town. Here I found that people are too smart enough and too intellegent, rajkot is a well known city for engirenning industries, but due to lack of awarness in the field of information technology and other releted area of information technology has led rajkot back in the current field of IT.Sitting at rajkot internet is only media for me to gain something or to be in touch with time. So I please request you to suggest me by way of business or by training in this field or awaeness among the mass or by any other affiliaction or collabration if i can give something to my home town.,186,186 Integrated Crop Management is the best option for the Indian condition. To know more about please read some of my articles based on practical work of improving produtivity while reducing the cost and also reducing the use of fertilizers and pesticides. You get these articles in "Agrivision" published by Stratgic Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., 15/2, Steelmade Inda, Estate Marol, Maharshi Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 59Agrivision of 16th Sept 2000Agrivision of 1 Octo. 2000Agrivison of 1 FEB.2001contact if not able to get the articles. Give your postal address.Incorporating in GM modified seed such as BT cotton in ICM is the best for farmers and people of India.Dr.C. S. Pawar,292,284 I am an Agriculture teacher looking for some more information on the ecological impact of GM foods for a speech topic. Please let me know where I can find more information on this certain topic. Thank you for your time and consideration.SincerelyChris Flanagan,293,293 who benifits from genetically modified foods in the long term and in the short term,296,296 To Whom it May Concern; My name is Jill Griffith and I am currently working on a journalism project on the debate of using Genetically Modified Organisms in agriculture. It would be very much appreciated if you could send me some information in the form of pamphlets and charts regarding the use of GMO. I have gathered a lot of scientific information on the issue and am now concentrated on looking for the statistics of using GMO. Charts and graphs would be very much appreciated. If you have some information you could send me, you could either send it to me via internet or by mail, my address is as follows;Jill GriffithBOX 73Waskada, MBR0M 2E0I thank you very much for your assistance.Sincerely, Jill Griffith ,297,297 i would like to have a copy of article by Graciela Herrera and co.authors.please, I would like to read the article,295,290 do you suspect that this "knowledge center" of monsanto's is helping them to better address the concerns against them.more so, helping to better pull a shroud over our eyes once they read our complaints and quieries? possibly rhetorical.i feel like this message board is a meeting room with a large 2-sided mirror.,129,108 Hi this is also for a paper I'm doing...huge (15%) losses occur in agriculture every year after harvesting, when the grains or products are being stored in warehouses and such. GE Bt plants try to prevent destruction by pests of the plant while it is growing and before harvest, but does anyone know of any strategies that various biotech companies have come up with to prevent post-harvest loss? Does the Bt toxin ward off storage pests? What are the effects on stored products of the Bt toxin - ie does the toxin affect the product while it is stored or transported?,138,138 I am glad to come here, to a MONSANTO Message Board and see that so many people are questioning them. I would like to say that I have been to conferences, etc., and there is a growing concern not only with GE but MEDIA, public finance of elections, Environment, and the issues regarding our lives. We have established that MEDIA is the core of our lack of Communication regarding all these issues. Why? Because Government is owned by Corporations. MONSANTO is included. So, Monsanto gives gov funds, gov does nothing to stop GE of foods. Period. These are some reasons people are voting for third parties. This is not enough. WE as a UNITED PEOPLE, must continue to do what we can to inform people around us, be informed ourselves, write to newspapers, call our media representatives. There will be some resistance (Guess who owns the media, you got it, Large Corporations), but if we can get together we can force them to listen and distribute ACCURATE and HONEST information. Remember, they are just people too. They have been lied to, some of them have been bought, some of them don't know what is happening. Sites for GE foods: , . Also, visit to find out about Fox's Jane Akre and Steve Wilson's attack on Monsanto concerning the Monsanto made BGH in cows. Stay informed.,133,133 Right on, Michael. Monsanto may have itself fooled but Nature bats last.,103,83 Can anyone tell me what genes are being moved into Startack corn and why there will be no labelling requirements for this type of situation?My son is anaphylactically allergic to soy, and we live in fear that he'll eat something that used to be harmless and have a problem. Now I'm reading that scientists have found soybean genes in Gerber cereals - that's a staple for us. What now?I really had no opinion on GM foods until I realized they could have such a huge impact on our life and the health of my son. Can anyone provide any credible information on whether the proteins in soy are tranferred into any of these foods and whether any testing has been done to ensure they are below the allergenic threshold?,104,104 I am really surprised about this company It really sucks.What could you do that ?All the town of America, the dream of a really clean planet...Dont you think about that?All the children, all the asian Children that are now, in hospitals, with illness,by the conflict of Vietnam, all the women who lost their babies by the pollution of your fabrics, all the children that are ill, in St. Louis....Dont you think about that????!!!!!!!Please! think in your children , think in the future, in the poor people!!!!Just to win stupid money...but who pay it?the animals, all the birds, the acuatic mammals, all the cows...Well, i have just 18, but, when i knew about this situation, really, believe me, you dont know how it hurts me.Because, any way, is my planet, is my people, they are my brothers.And the big thing, is that my own brothers, the humans, are searching to destroy our own planet...I cant believe it.Please, i just want by this letter, that the General manager of the company MR. Robert Saphiro, change this mind, change all the pollution that this compańy produce.I am asking a miracle, i know it, but... i believe in the miracles.Anyway, the life is a miracle, please let to produce all the PCB, RoundUP, and all this engineered stuff.By last, sorry by my english, this is not my natal language, but i think that the most important thing is to communicate it.Please be conscious. Dont manipulate the people.I dont know if cry, or laugh. Sincerily. One girl in this planet.,106,106 ACCOUNTABLILITY!!! ULTIMATELY THE FARMER IS TO BLAME BECAUSE THEY NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT WHEN THEY PLANTED IT. THEY WERE PROBABLY TOLD BUT FAILED TO COMPLY BECAUSE THEY FIGURED THEY WOULDN'T HAVE TO ACCOUNT FOR IT BECAUSE NO-ONE WAS IN CONTACT WITH THEM AND CONSTANTLY REMINDING THEM TO BE CAREFUL AND NOT LET THIS PRODUCT GET TO THE HUMAN FOOD-CHAIN. TECHNOLOGY GETS TREATED LIKE NEW TOYS, ITS FUN TO PLAY WITH UNTIL SOMETHING GETS BROKE,THEN NO-ONE KNOWS HOW IT GOT BROKE OR HOW TO FIX IT.,107,37 Should consumers not have the right to know what products are being placed in or are part of their foods?The question is rhetorical.If Monsato's products are indeed safe, as the company claims, should it not inform consumers of their presence in food products?Monsato's pursuit of a non-labeling agenda only breeds suspicion amongst consumers. Something, the feel, is being pulled over their eyes.,108,108 Day in and day out I wash the windows of these motorists who just don't understand the value of fashion for youngsters. They get upset when I lean over their car and one of the chains from my pants touches the paint of their vehicle. I mean c'mon! It's not like it scuffs, but they get all freaky and stuff.Anyway, as it is a competitive market out there, I want to ensure that I market myself properly and heed the request of my clients (the motorists). I don't want to change my dress habits, so I was thinking that perhaps, there was a way to make my arms longer to reach across the length of a car.Is anyone aware of any bio-enhancements that can stretch bone structure and/or muscle tissue? I feel that if I had longer arms my clients would seek me out more often than my competitors for a window that's really clean.Any suggestions?Squegee Kid,121,121 Problem: Yellow pond-lilies are taking over my pond. I've tried draining the pond and pulling up the rhizomes but it's too much labour. Is there a herbicide that will effectively eradicate them without harming the frogs and turtles? John Dodson Ottawa, Canada,110,110 Would you give a briefer on what the terminator gene is? Why there been so much opposition in the introduction of this technology?,111,111 Hi!Sorry I am not quite sure what you are trying to say in your message.But you seem to be saying that organic food companies cannot compete with food altered by biotechnology. I don't know where you live but personally I live in the UK. Here, and it seems to be true across Europe, most shops have added it into their advertising campaign that they do not sell GM products. Every womens' magazine I pick up mentions that it is really bad for your digestive system (makes us women worry we will get irritable bowels or even worse.... fat)to eat GM food, and lets face it it's just not natural is it? I personally do not agree with this perspective as I believe nothing in our life is "natural". Farming in any form is not natural. Naturally we would be living in a cave breastfeeding the youngest of the seven children I'd have had since the start of puberty, while my mate goes out trying to find some berries or a deer to kill. But we wouldn't want that would we? But organic food, which costs a great deal more is spreading throughout our supermarkets. People say it tastes better, is better for your health and the environment. But still they show me no proof.I don't want to read media hype. I want to read scientific fact before I make my mind up on this issue. The British public is informed but it doesn't seem to be by anyone who has a clue what they are talking about and the information they give is only speculation. If anyone does have any actual facts, e.g. science journal references. Please E-mail me as I am presently producing a newsletter on this topic as part of my Microbiology degree. Thanks for reading my opinions. Sam.,112,40 Hi! Thanks for writing a letter containing some actual information. If you have any further information, I am a 3rdyr Microbiology student trying to produce a newsletter on the topic of GM foods and their safety. If you have details of any scientific research or references to journal articles, please contact me. I'll be very grateful. Sam.,113,23 Could you send me this article if it is possiblethank you very much,114,83 Hi...did anyone get info back to you? I'm looking for the same thing. Or did you find another source?thankswondering about GMO,115,43 I don't understand it! Europe is in an uproar over biotech food issues! Why aren't we raising hell? I'm really frightened about the invasion of frankenfoods! Let's get active and get on these companies using genetically modified foods! Let's write some letters! Make some phone calls! Boycott the products! Hey, now is the time to protest, before Monsanto takes over the world!! Do we really have to lose a species or two to extinction before we stand up? I'd like to band together with some like-minded folks and start giving them me with ideas...,116,116 I am now studying biotechnology and was curious as to how was the plant modified? How can it be changed again? ,117,117 Monsanto claims up to 40% reduction of pesticide use in transgenic sugar beets. We've heard this before: In 1995 Monsanto claimed also 30 - 40% reduction of herbicide use in genetically engineered RoundupReady soya. In spite of asking for serious proof several times, the company has never been able to provide convincing figures. Recent data from practical experiences show little or no reduction!!Only data collected by independant institutes under practical farming conditions and compared with different types of farming (i.e. conventional, Integrated Pest Management, organic) can convince me.Monsanto, please stop this stupid PR!!!,122,122 If Monsanto continues to have their way, we may as well shop for groceries in the pesticide section of our hardware stores. At least then we'll know what we're getting. My question is, how can anyone work for such a low-life company whose sole motive in life is padding their own pockets at the expense of our health and well-being? How can you sleep at night?!,123,123 Dear Sir/Madam,I am a research student at the Dept of Management Studies, IndianInstitute of Science, working with Prof.K.B.Akhilesh, in the area ofKnowledge Management.I am working towards developing a model for the management of theperformance and innovation of the knowledge professional, especially inthe bio-sciences sector. As part of my doctoral work i havedeveloped a tool for human capital valuation and understanding theKnowledge Management systems and processes in the Organization. The modelhas been validated and i am now in the final leg of my study. I would begratefull if your organization could participate in this exercise and ifyou could add some valuable insights to my work. Hoping to hear from you.Thanking You,Yours Sincerly,Gopika Kannan ,124,44 Very usefull for people if it is work in human. But I do not know the mechanism of this vaccine to treat human who was sick in hepatitis. How do we make the people to accept this GM vaccine? ,125,125 Pennie, maybe we're not raising hell because we don't know the answers to all the quesitons yet. We need to have more research done before we can completely understand the effects of these products. Let's not jump to conclusions.,126,116 Please send me contact information for this conference. Thank you.,127,127 "There's no way you are going to stop that technology, anymore than you could stop the automobile or the computer," says Al Clausi, an agricultural consultant. "It's just too good." Has Al Clausi not considered the implications of genetic engineering. It may not be "too good" if we end up with unstopable superweeds. OK so GE will prevent farmers using as many pesticides but think of the chemicals that would be used to try to stop a superweed if one did occur and the damage that would be done to the environment in the long run. He also compares GE to cars. Many people now think that it would be a good idea if we did not have cars because of the pollution and affects to health caused by them, however we have all got too used to having a car to stop using them. Could this not also happen with GE.Researchers say the technology offers more precision and speed than traditional plant breeding. Adding a specific trait to corn might take 10 to 15 years with conventional techniques, says Tim Reeves, director of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico. Genetic engineering could bring that down to five years. This is not a very great improvement considering the price we may have to pay. When GE is used the process will take half or at most a third of the time. There is also the point that GE uses unnatural methods to accomplish something normally undertaken using natural methods that can occur at any time in the wild. This is the main difference. If we use natural methods we can predict quite well any side effects but when using unnatural methods anything might happen.,128,128 So, you think GE food is poison. Nature bats last, huh. I wonder, if you think it's natural to farm our remaining scraps of natural reserves? How happy will Mother Nature be when our rain forests will be cut down and global warming will be intensified. We may not be all that comfortable eating plants whose genes we mixed with those in bacteria. However, with a rapidly rising population, it's a necessary sacrifice. In some parts of the world, it's becoming a struggle to keep natural reserves, while the population is starving. Here, GE food may provide some relief by allowing higher production in a smaller area. Also, it may eliminate the need for artifical pesticides and herbicides by inserting genes in the plants, making them immune to certain pests. This will improve air and water quality and allow for better health. We may not be completely comfortable with the new technology, but we have to welcome it to accomodate the world's growing population and to insure a healthy future for us all. ,149,83 Hello,Can anyone tell me how farmers in the US and Canada are reacting to Europe's refusal to buy trangenic crops? Are more or less farmers adopting this technology as compared to last year?,156,156 Dear Sir/ Madam :I was very much impressed by this article.I am wondering whether your company is involved in this work or not.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you. ,151,151 all I get is a blank sheet with something saying "failed,152,152 want to purchase short duration (140 to 170 days) hybrid cotton seeds produced out side india.Intrested in taking up marketing operation of the said varietries if the results are good.India has enough scop of the said product.,153,153 I am intrested in purchasing australian short duration desease resistent hy. cotton varieties.,154,154 how can you preach about using cutting down the rain forest and needing genetically altered food because of lack of natural resources when it is the problem of the beef industry, not of the veggie industry. they are cutting down that land for cow pastures, and they have been using our needy natural resources for grain for the same cows. this has been a present problem for years, and only now are we going to be concerened enough to poison our food instead of using our resources more thoughtfully. the american consumer should NOT have to eat food that isnt safe just because for years you have been eating meat without even a hint of worry just because the american govt. pushes it to help our economy. the concern is more over being aware of labeling, of making a labeling law, just because its going to be done whether i approve or not i would still like the CHOICE of deciding if i want to eat it or not. this is not a democracy that we live in if we are faced with companies and politicians who will not let the american public, the people who supports them, be educated about what they are buying and consuming.,155,83 Hello,since I got here- to this "knowledge center" through a link on monsanto's website I am suprised that half the stuff here isn't being censored,158,158 No kidding,How can they say that round up ready crops wil resist herbicide use when it is precicely ready for a product that they sell and make money from. Round up sales make up a large portion the the company's profits.,159,64 Biotech is not being created to feed the poor. The poor dont get food because they don't have access. Developed countries such as the US and Canada overproduce food each year--none of the poor countires see,161,161 Michael,I was very surprised when I saw this fact sheet from Monsanto. I would not expect them to admit so openly about the damaging effects of pesticides on the environment, groundwater and people's health and all the farmworker deaths attributed to pesticides!When I checked back a while ago to show it to a friend, I found the same blank page as you did. Luckily, I had saved the page on my computer.Following is the whole text from that fact sheet.Chris___________________________________________Reference No.: 2 MonsantoApril 1998 --Internal: Official Use Only--Fact Sheet On Pesticide Use* Of all insecticides used globally each year, the amount used on cotton: 25%.* Number of pesticides presently on the market that were registered before being tested to determine if they caused cancer, birth defects or wildlife toxicity: 400.* Amount of time it takes to ban a pesticide in the U.S. using present procedures: 10 years.* Number of active ingredients in pesticides found to cause cancer in animals or humans: 107.* Of those active ingredients, the number still in use today: 83.* Number of pesticides that are reproductive toxins according to the California E.P.A.: 15.* Number of pesticides found to cause reproductive problems in animals: 14.* Most serious cause of groundwater pollution confirmed in California: agricultural chemicals.* Number of pesticides found in drinking wells of California since 1982: 68.* Number of California wells affected: 957.* Number of farming communities affected: 36.* % of the total U.S. population supplied with drinking water from groundwater: 50%.* Number of different pesticides documented by the E.P.A. to be present in groundwater in 1988: 74.* Number of states affected: 32.* Most acutely toxic pesticide registered by the E.P.A.: aldicarb (used frequently on cotton).* In California between 1970 and 1994 amount of total aldicarb used on cotton: 85 to 95%.* Number of states in which aldicarb has been detected in the groundwater: 16.* Percentage of all U.S. counties containing groundwater susceptible to contamination from agricultural pesticides and fertilizers: 46%.* Number of people in the U.S. routinely drinking water contaminated with carcinogenic herbicides: 14 million.* Percentage of municipal water treatment facilities lacking equipment to remove these chemicals from the drinking water: 90%.* Estimated total costs for U.S. groundwater monitoring: US$900 million to 2.2 billion.* Estimated costs for U.S. groundwater carbon filtration cleanup: up to $25 million per site.* Percentage of all food samples tested by the FDA in 1980 which contained pesticide residues: 38%.* Of the 496 pesticides identified as likely to leave residues in food, the percentage which FDA tests can routinely detect: 40%.* Average number of serious pesticide-related accidents between World War II and 1980: 1 every 5 years.* Average number of serious pesticide-related accidents between 1980 and the present: 2 every year.* Increase in cancer rates between 1950 and 1986: 37%. * Number of Americans who will learn they have cancer this year: 1 million.* Number who will die from it: 500,000.* Cost to U.S. of cancer in terms of lost production, income, medical expenses and research resources: US$ 39 billion each year.* Highest rate of chemical-related illness of any occupational group in the U.S.A.: farm workers.* Pesticide-related illnesses among farm workers in U.S.A. each year: Approximately 300,000.* Number of people in the U.S. who die each year from cancer related to pesticides: 10,400.Copyright 1999 Monsanto All Rights Reserved Back to Top ,162,152 Dear Dr. Masa Misawa,I was wondering if you have seen the following report on a study of rice in China. A very impressive experiment, that did not require any special technological advances, purchase of specialty seeds and reliance on any chemicals, just simple agroecological ideas.Why don't we first explore agroecological farming systems which have a great potential, without the ecological risks and reliance on corporate control of farmers that is inherent to GMO's?Less the 0.1% of research funding is currently directed toward ecological farming methods in the US, yet organic farmers manage to succeed in maintaining comparable yields and prevent pest damaged without any environmental impact. If only a quarter of the funding that is going to biotech was directed towards sustainable agricurture, there would be no reason to even try using genetically engineered crops! Please find the reference to the article at the end of this report.Chris===========================================P A N U P SPesticide Action Network Updates Service===========================================Chinese Farmers Fight Crop Disease with DiversityAugust 29, 2000One of the largest agricultural experiments in history has provided scientific evidence of what organic and traditional small farmers have known for years: diversity fights disease. A study published in the August 17 issue of the journal Nature found that planting a mixture two different varieties of rice greatly increased yields and reduced the incidence of blast, a major fungal disease affecting rice. Farmers were able to stop using fungicides to control the disease within two years."I wasn't surprised that the system worked, but I was surprised that it worked so well," said Dr. Christopher Mundt, population biologist at Oregon State University and the one U.S.-based author of the study.Prior to the experiment, farmers in the region planted standard rice on most of their land, reserving only small areas for sticky rice, which is more valuable, but also more risky to grow. Sticky rice is especially vulnerable to blast in the study area, Yunnan Province, China, because of its cool, wet climate. The authors reported that blast severity on sticky rice averaged 20% in pure stands, or monocultures, but was reduced to 1% when sticky rice was dispersed in fields of standard rice in 1998, the first year of the experiment.The hypothesis of the experiment, which now covers 100,000 acres and involves tens of thousands of farmers, is that planting a mixture of varieties reduces disease because plants that are susceptible to the disease are physically separated from each other. Highly susceptible sticky rice plants were planted in rows with several rows of disease-resistant standard rice in between. The standard rice served as a barrier to the wind-blown fungal spores.Conducting the experiment on a large scale not only proved that the method was widely applicable to farmers throughout the area, but also revealed the additional disease-control benefits of "scaling up." As more and more fields were converted to mixtures, leaving only small control plots of monoculture, the experimental plots were less likely receive disease spores from neighboring fields.Another reason the fields with rice mixtures had higher yields was related to differences in height between the two plants. Tall sticky rice plants surrounded by rows of shorter standard rice experienced sunnier, warmer and drier conditions than they would have in a monoculture. This appeared to contribute to reducing the incidence of rice blast. Better access to sunlight also may have contributed to the yield improvements in sticky rice.Land is evidently used more efficiently when varieties are mixed, since standard rice yields per acre did not decline, despite the increased density of planting. An average of 1.18 acres of monoculture cropland would have to be planted to produce the same amount of rice as one acre of a mixture. Considering the higher market price of sticky rice, the gross value per acre of the mixture was 14 % higher than the standard rice monoculture and 40% higher than the sticky rice monoculture.The study is significant in its own right, as it suggests a simple, non-chemical method for controlling a major disease of a crop consumed by half the world's population. It also suggests the potential for using mixtures to reduce disease in other crops as well."There's already a lot of work with barley in Europe and coffee in Colombia," said Dr. Mundt.Chinese farmers harvest rice by hand, making it easy to separate the two varieties of grain. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States, however, some farmers have chosen to mix varieties of wheat that can be harvested and sold together. The wheat varieties are still different enough to result in higher yield and lower incidence of disease.Sources:Yoon, C.K., "Simple Method Found to Increase Crop Yields Vastly," New York Times, August 22, 2000, D1-2., Y. et al., "Genetic diversity and disease control in rice," Nature 406:718-722, /nature/journal/v406/n6797/full/406718a0_fs.html,163,151 Well,I guess since they claim that biotech will reduce pesticde use these facts are helpful to their cause..although this makes little sense since they also make pesticides,164,152 Hello Chris,You seem to know some sources..could you possibly point the way to some empirical studies on the effects of round up ready products? ,165,151 It seems to me the only benefits mentioned in this article about gm foods is the fact that quantities can be increased as the population rises. Is there any other pro points apart from this and reduced chemical use??,166,166 Could you send information or an artcile pertaining to this subject. Thank you.John Young,167,167 I am interested in a housekeeping gene for cotton. ,168,168 Roxanne,I recommend you take a look at the following fascinating article, a piece of which I reproduce below. The full article, "Biotechnology's Greatest Challenge," by Nigel Taylor and Claude Fauquet, appears in Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy ; Fall 2000 issue. I would be happy to send the full text to anyone who's interested.... "Access to sufficient food is known to depend not just on crop yields, the so-called "Malthusian optimism", but on a complex interaction of factors, the most important of which are the price and availability of agricultural products, access to employment and the income or purchasing power of any given individual. These in turn are determined by macro and microeconomics factors, international trade policies and also uncontrollable parameters such as weather patterns. The present attitude held by some commentators in the industrialised North, that there is enough food in the world and that it only needs to be redistributed better, is in our opinion dangerously misleading. It is a delusion to seriously consider that the surpluses of the North can, or will be, sustained on an indefinite timescale in order to feed present and future populations in the South. Agriculture is both the foundation of human nutrition and health and the major economic activity within most LDCs (Lesser Developed Countries). Reliance on subsidised food imports from the North would undermine the stability and integrity of one of the most important wealth generating systems in the tropical and subtropical regions. Furthermore, it distracts from the central issue, which is how and where investment must be made within the LDCs to ensure that they are able to support their own populations. Even in regions where access to food may not be a problem, increased yields from staple food crops, frees land, time and resources for small farmers to invest in cash crops or other income generating activities. Although increasing crop production in the LDCs will not by itself mean an end to poverty or malnutrition, it will be an essential contributing factor for ensuring the future well-being of the vast majority of the world’s population."...,169,160 Kim-There is much about this subject in the literature.Of course there is a need to make more food for an expanding popultion, however it is naive to tout biotechnology as a quick fix to world hunger:"That Genetic Engineering will feed the World There is a fundamental flaw with this claim that is exposed in the conclusion of several decades work by the Nobel Prize winning economist, Amartya Sen. His simple, unassailable conclusion, based on his study of the classic famines of the world, is that hunger is not caused by food availability, but by food entitlement. In other words, hunger is not caused by an insufficient quantity of food, but by insufficient access to food. Feeding the world is therefore a social not a production problem. (Sen, 1981, 1986) Continuing to assume that hunger is a production problem without wrestling with the difficult problem of entitlement, ironically ends up exacerbating the problem of hunger. And, in the process it ends up hurting farmers economically. Brazil stands as a clear example. The production of soybeans in Brazil has increased dramatically in recent years. But the soybeans are produced primarily for export to Europe and Japan where they are used for animal feed, thereby denying local Brazilians entitlement to the food production capacity of their own country. Consequently during the same time that soybean production has exploded, the number of malnourished in Brazil has increased from one third to almost two thirds of the population. And Brazil's increased food requirements will not be supplied by US exports for the simple reason that malnourished Brazilians can't afford them. Meanwhile the over production of soybeans has pushed the price of soybeans in the US down to four dollars a bushel. Simultaneously it decreased the availability of land for local, rank and file, Brazilian farmers who used to produce food for local Brazilian populations. This is not a formula that feeds the world, or brings benefits to the majority of farmers. And converting all of the soybeans grown in Brazil to genetically engineered varieties won't change that. Furthermore, focusing only on more food, as the single solution to expanding human populations, detracts our attention from a host of other problems that further overcrowding, by still more humans on the planet, will surely create._ increased disease_ destruction of ecosystem services_ increased fragility of the entire ecosystem that a further imbalance of humans relative to other species will cause.",170,160 I was wondering whether any research has been done, or is in the process of being done on the problem of "superweeds" and the prevention of these. Taking a specific example, preventing wheats from crossing with related grass species. Has there been any research done to let the GMOs reproduce freely without fear of the formation of "superweeds"? If so, please tell me the nature of the research and what basically has been done. Thank you.,171,171 Yep,it sure is anything I post takes 24 hrs for it to acutally appear..,173,158 I think that Monsanto will play up the faults of other pesticides to enhance the value of their glyphosate product round up which they described as "completely harmless". I've checked a couple of sources and they tend to concur-somewhat. Unfortunately, as I am writing my paper a large majority of the published paers I come across are written by scientists that work for Monsanto. Therefore I am interested to know if their are other opinions, especially scientific studies on glyphosate.,175,152 well,That sounds like a good ideaI am a student I would love to have an extra brain so that while I am working on this damn paper the other brain could get started on the one due next week.,176,121 Knight Ridder news serviceNovember 14, 2000 OPINION: Britain's Anti-Biotech Food Lobby Loses Some BiteDavid Walker NORWICH, England--Those campaigning in Britain against genetically engineered food could be forgiven for expecting the American Starlink corn episode to further their cause. The incident, however, seems to have been of limited value to them. British activists have not been falling over one another to preach their gospel that any food containing imported American corn is a health hazard. Or that this "escape" was proof positive that, once this biotech genie was out of the bottle, it was uncontrollable. They have, of course, been successful in keeping the genetically modified crops issue in the news through a variety of headline catching stunts such as trashing trial plots and environmental test crops. They have also until recently been aided and abetted by the major British supermarket chains, which have used the promotion of GM-free foods in their fight for market share. It is always possible that, even after more than 10 years of testing and five years of commercial production elsewhere in the world, evidence will be uncovered that will put an end to the debate. In Britain, nothing of real significance has been unearthed by the activists during over two years of headline news. The first of three years of field scale environmental trials have been completed without any particularly damning scientific evidence coming to light. But the outcome is more likely to be decided by public perception of scientific evidence than the actual facts. It will, of course, not be scientists but politicians, with an eye on public opinion, who will decide. Here things are less clear cut. The British biotech industry is now faced with the onset of the silly season, which will naturally precede the next British general election, predicted by political pundits for the spring. To date, the government has stuck by its science-based policy, much to the frustration of the activists. The fear is that this might be abandoned in the run up to an election to curry the support of the large percentage of the population that is at least uneasy about genetic engineering. On this issue, the U.S. experience with the Starlink incident is paradoxically reassuring. From a British perspective, it was astonishing that it never became a major issue in the U.S. presidential and congressional election campaigns. This should perhaps not have been a revelation, as environmental arguments have not featured prominently in the ongoing British fuel taxes debate. It is increasingly evident that while there is considerable depth in individual conviction on the genetic engineering issue by some, its breadth is not politically significant. That the British government does not, for the moment, intend to be stampeded by public opinion was evident by a House of Commons response by the prime minister, Tony Blair, to a question relating to mad cow disease, where there is also often a gap between public opinion and science. Blair called for "informed public debate" on the balance between risk and public protection across a range of subjects faced by government. Opponents of this biotechnology have also been inhibited by the perception they have created about the U.S. regulatory environment-- namely, that the adoption of the technology in North America was only possible because of minimal testing and regulation. The Starlink episode has demonstrated the converse--a good understanding of the potential allergy related food risk associated with Starlink, the reason why it was only licensed for livestock feed and a sophisticated and sensitive, though not perfect, regulatory environment. But more interestingly, the Starlink episode has uncovered a change in the attitude of British food retailers who in the past have played a major role in popularizing the issue. In the past, they have actively used GM-free food promotion in their battle for market share. This weapon has been much less evident of late. This may in part be the result of threatening noises from the newly set up British Food Standards Agency about false GM-free claims by supermarkets back in April. This was followed in July by the British Advertising Standards Authority upholding four out of five complaints regarding the merits of organic food, including claims over taste, health, environmental and animal welfare benefits. The implications of this are that, even if retailers can justify GM-free labels, their promotional value is limited. The current stance of supermarkets was, however, only tested when the British cell of Friends of the Earth, copying their American counterparts, announced they had found illegal genetically modified content in national and store brand corn chips. In view of the U.S. experience, when products were immediately withdrawn from store shelves, it was surprising that the British supermarket chains were not finessed. Despite being warned by the Food Standards Agency of the consequences of selling food products with unlicensed genetically engineered content, the supermarkets chose not to remove the products. Rather, they challenged the group to produce the evidence that was supposed to have been produced by laboratory analysis in Germany. The group has been slow in responding, but quick to move onto other issues. The question now may be whether they will be charged with public mischief. DAVID WALKER, an agricultural economist, lives on his family's farm outside Norwich, England. He recently served as senior economist in London for the Home-Grown Cereals Authority and previously was executive director of the Alberta Grain Commission in Canada. He also maintains a Web site at His views are not necessarily those of BridgeNews, whose ventures include the Internet site,177,177 please give me information on the special methods to give rice a new look. As well as to maximze its production. Pls e-mail to me and I really appreciate this help. Thank you very much,178,178 Dear Fiend, They can sleep at night because they are completely incapble of independant thought. They believe in what they are doing, they think people like us are ignorant and scared of change. Monsanto aren't about to question themselves, instead they will assume people like you and me are crazy or misguided to ease their own conscience.Unfortunately this "type" of person is dominant in our society as in capitilism the winners are the ones who are able to put their needs higher than the next man. Yes selfishness rules politics, business and continues to put our future on the line. Not only ours, but all living kind. These are the spiritually disadvantaged, why are these people dominant in our society ? This is what I want to know.When the @!#$ hits the fan, Monsanto will be very sorry, and the rest of us also. I just hope it isn't too late, although maybe its too late already, who knows ? I study conservation at university, before this i was concerned about our abuse of the planet. However since studying this I have become shocked at the extent of damage we have already inflicted on our environment. Yet for some strange reason we don't really here about it in precise terms unless you actually go out and read journals and this kind of thing. The situation is dire as you probably know, but who really cares? Personally I think it will take a major natural disaster in the west before people will begin reprioritising and begin to realise that the reason for life is not to maximise profit margins.Anyway, we can all continue campaigning. I'm from norfolk and last year they were experimenting with GM crops by planting them in fields. Pretty stupid by all accounts, fortuanetly the protesters who ploughed up the field didn't get charged.Sorry to go on, you obviously know the score, but it really pisses me off, how can mankind be so stupid?Sam.,179,123 Help!!I need help finding specific things about these sugar beets, and every site i go to won't tell me what i need to know.i need to know how much it's costing to buy the seeda compared to regular me put it into terms that most people can understand. if you ask a lot of people what "Roundup Ready sugar beets" are they just give you blank look. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks,sara,181,181 An interesting perspective on the future of biotech. The full article can be found at Convergence of Biotechnology, Information Technology Knight Ridder November 15, 2000 Interest in biotechnology is no longer confined only to pharma or agriculture and food companies. High-tech giants like IBM Corp., Compaq Computer Corp., and Motorola Inc. are also investing millions as they compete to design systems that can meet the biotech industry's growing demand for ever more powerful computers. Industry leaders say biotech has become too important to ignore as a potential customer and source of innovation. The unlocking of life's code promises to reshape vast sectors of the economy, blurring lines between once-distinct businesses and opening up a world of commercial possibilities. ,182,182 This distribution vs. supply argument has been put forth by many, of course. In fact, I don’t necessarily disagree with it. But I think anyone will be hard-pressed to pry the burgers and fries out of the hands of the fat-and-happy northerners. And in the meantime, 800 million people in the developing world go to bed hungry each night.My own experience – from my conversations with subsistence farmers in Mexico – is that biotechnology can be a way to substantially improve farmers’ economic situations by allowing them to produce more food on less land – enough that they can actually have some (or more) left over to sell at market -- and they can grow their crops with substantially fewer chemicals, which is both safer for them and less costly.Do with that what you will, but that’s them talking, not me. ,183,160 I'm sick of hearing pro-GMO people say that bitech is the ONLY way that the "starving masses" can be feed, the ONLY answer to world hunger. I think that subsidies paid to farmers in developed nations has MUCH more impact on world hunger than biotech ever could. Part of the reason that there is world hunger is poverty. Can poor farmers afford to buy GM seed? Of course not. Can they save seed and keep it for next year? Probably not with biotech crops.I am not anti-GMO. I just get very angry when this argument is used.The pro-GMO publicists have done a shocking job on convincing people that GMO's are safe/good. No wornder when this is the standard of argument thats used.,205,205 i think that people should not be under pressure from the press to release facts that aren't nessarirly true. we should see GMO's for what they are, the answer to the hunger problem around the world. people have only been told the negitive side of the story since the story on potatoes and rats, even though rats don't eat potatoes, it gave people the wrong impression of GMO's. they are safe and profitable used as feed of livestock and food for people. this article reminds me of the incident mentioned above. i hope people can come to see that when they are exposed to the truth behind all the hype saying that GMO's will kill you ,206,206 there are many more than just more food. there is a web site that has almost everything you will need for any info you want or need,207,166 this is a bunch of corporate propaganda. monsanto is lying.,208,208 ya it probably is. why would a company like monsanto allow damaging information to be printed on its website? ,209,158 What are you talking about? Monsanto doesn't even MAKE Starlink!!This news came from other sources, not Monsanto.,211,208 hello keyur,i m pramod from india. i have completed my same programme i have worked on Azadirachta indica . but i dont know that what information u want. so pl. explain details that u want.bypramod,212,203 I have few points to comment upon,1. Rate of adoption of transgenics: It has been detailed that the increase in the area of transgenic crops between 1999 and 2000 is 11% which is one quarter of the corresponding increase of 12.1 mha between 1998 and 1999. This is not expected trend considering the potential of trangenic crops. Does this reflect that the anti-biotech campaigns have affected the trend or is it indicative of the fact that further absolute increse/ rate of increse is possible only with the addition of countries to the list of adopters. 2. Cosumption trends: It will also be interesting to analyse the trends in the consumption of transgenic crops. Ratio between domestic consumption and exports; raw and processed; human and animal consumption; trends of consumption between developed and developing countries etc...It is premature to comment upon the rest of the material since tables, figures and other details are not available in preview. I am eagerly waiting for the final product. Kindly send me a copy.Address:Sunil ArchakScientistNRC on DNA FingerprintingNBPGR, New Delhi110 012 INDIA,218,218 hi, my stepfather had renal failure and he is need of a kidney. My mothers brother from sweden told us about a procedure that was done there where human organs are grown inside pigs using human genes. Id be very appreciative if you could write back and tell me if this is true or not, and if so, where and how i can get information about this. Thank you, Claudia,214,214 Dear Sir/Madame, I was very glad to find the above mentioned report on your web site. It is possibly due to my low skills, but I can not find tables and figures mentioned in the above report. Would you be kind enough and help me to clarify that problem. Best wishes for New Year 2001 Yours Dr. Peter Siekel Food Research Institute Bratislava Slovak Republic ,215,215 Q:Is it possible for a person with medicine graduation to join for further studies int this institution if yes what are the available courses?,216,216 In the past people feared tomatoes were poisonous and comets hearlded the end of the world. Progress is always meet with supersition and fear, inthe 21st century lets resist this natural human instinct and move forward. We can end world hunger and evolve beyond our dreams.,219,198 jkh jk ,1,1 As an apllid biology undergraduate contemplating further studies I would be interested to know if any British Univerities have played an active part in the mapping of thale cress yours sincerely Ben Lillywhite University Of Leeds,223,223 Interesting website Monsanto......Did you know that evolution is merely defined as a change over time, not as a natural process?,228,198 Hello, Please explain for me how I can immobilize lipase and which carrier is used for it when lipase is used in detergent production industry? ,227,227 Strange....I remember, also, that mothers were told, in the '50s, that THALYDOMIDE was perfectly safe and wouldn't harm their developing babies in the least.....but then, the babies were born with rudimentary or non-existent limbs, as well as other horrible defects.....I will NOT bow to the altar of "technology".,234,198 Can anyone please give me any information on the disadvantages of biotech and GM foods, it would be greatly appreciated. my email is cyco_sematic@hotmail.comThank You,231,231 PLS GIVE ME MORE INFORMATION ON INDUSTRIAL ENZYMES THROUGH BIO TECHNOLOGY - INFORMATION LIKEWHAT ARE THEYTHE PROCESSTHE USESMARKET ETCTHANKS,233,233 How safe do you think GM Foods are, and do you think that they will have a long lasting affect on peoples well being?,235,235 Steven,If you take a look at AgBioView (, archived there is message #922 entitled "Detailed response to GM myths."I think you will find a lot of useful information in that message.Regards,Kim,236,235 How does one receive further information included in the report, in particular on what basis or evidence was the conclusion deduced?,240,240 I am greatly upset about misleading commercials about current use of biotech.Current uses include - making crops more resistant to pesticides so more pesticides can be used with out killing crops - with blatant disregard for human health and the environment. As long as such irresponsible practices are in place I will oppose biotech as a commercial enterprise. Further Rice is fine as Mother Nature intended. It does not need any improvements. There are reasonable uses for biotech but they are not currently practiced.In summary I oppose the current irresponsible use of biotech.Michael BadaliB.Sc.,238,238 Dear Monsanto, Tell me, how will your Terminator-gene equipped radishes fare once they introduce U.S. patent 5,723,765 into the Korean ecosystem? Gene infection is a real threat, and your company has not satisfactorally demonstrated that your products can safely integrate into the natural ecosystem without disrupting its delicate balance. Furthermore, with your products' trait of seed self-destruction, you ensure dependence on Monsanto ad infinitum. You are giving out fishes, not teaching people how to fish for themselves. A fluff human interest piece like this will not put a positive spin on what has otherwise been an abysmal record in regards to your concern for public safety. Our only hope is that this message is being read by a hopefully compassionate human being who secretly desires to make some sort of positive contribution to the world and not to be a mere cog in the wheel of a faceless multinational bent on raping the world of its agricultural independence. For once, show a committment to anything except raising your stock price. The urban samurai has spoken. ,239,239 Well, there is one disadvantage. While we modify a gene, any gene (of an animal, a plant, or a human being), we cut off the line of evolution, meaning we get better without considering the consequences, like doing a book report without even reading it. For exemple, if we create a plant immune to a certain virus, either this virus while eventually evolve to a stronger virus which target other beings(e.i. us), or it will extinct. Another exemple, if we create a food plant which poisons their predators(e.i. insects), this will turn out to be an ecological imbalance, meaning all the animals which eat this insect will either be sick or extinct.hope that's enough :),241,231 I need to know about enzimatic hydrolisis of collagen. I am working on lather factory and we have protein 0 grasa emulsion. Thank for you answer.,244,244 hi scientists, I was reading this artical, and it seems that all you are doing is adding a vitamin to rice. Why don't you make it grow at a faster rate, or make them be able planted on land or in colder areas?,246,246 I would appreciate if I could get a copy of the above article.Thank you.,256,203 You may wish to review comments addressing your claims by the inventor of Golden Rice, Dr. Ingo Potrykus and the sponsor of this project Gordon Conway of the Rockefeller Foundation. Monsanto supports these efforts; however, the Golden Rice project is the being driven by the Rockefeller Foundation, not Monsanto.THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION January 22, 2001 From: Gordon Conway To Dr. Doug Parr, Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN England Peter Melchett wrote suggesting that it would be useful if I responded to the report by Dr. Vandana Shiva entitled "The Golden Rice Hoax". I am pleased to do so and I am also enclosing background information on Vitamin A deficiency disorders and the Foundation's role in the development of Golden Rice that you may find informative.First, it should be stated that we do not consider Golden Rice thesolution to the vitamin A deficiency problem. Rather, it provides anexcellent complement to fruits, vegetables and animal products in thediet, and to various fortified foods and vitamin supplements. Complete balanced diets are the best solution, but the poorer families are, the less likely it is that their children will receive a balanced diet and the more likely they will be dependent on cheap food staples such as rice. This is particularly true in the dry seasons when fruits and vegetables are in short supply and expensive. Animal products are good sources of vitamin A, but will be unavailable to people on vegetarian diets.Unfortunately, in many cases, the bioavailability of sources of vitamin A is very low in green vegetables. And, the more rural these families are the less likely their children will be reached regularly and effectively by Vitamin A fortification and supplementation programs. Still, all these sources can and do make important contributions.In her comments Vandana Shiva ignores the fact that Vitamin A-deficiency disorders result from a deficiency of Vitamin A, not a complete absence of Vitamin A in the diet. Vitamin A deficient individuals are lacking 10%, 20% or 50% of their daily requirements, not 100%. Hence, any additional contribution toward daily requirements would be useful. We calculated that the best Golden Rice lines reported in Science could contribute 15% - 20% of the daily requirements. It should also be noted that the paper published in Science reported on the very first set of rice plants producing beta-carotene in the grain. The inventors have since made further improvements both in the level of beta-carotene production and with the elimination of the antibiotic resistance gene. Note also that if women consume this added source of vitamin A, it will improve their status, thereby increasing the concentration of vitamin A in the breast milk, a secondary but important source of vitamin A intake for young infants. The fact that hundreds of millions of children remain Vitamin A deficient indicates that more needs to be done, complementary strategies need to be tried, and that Golden Rice also has the potential to make important contributions.I do not know exactly what point Dr. Shiva is trying to make in thesection on transferring the technology to India. Yes, needs assessments are being conducted so that the trait can be transferred to varieties grown where the beta-carotene is most needed. She seems to think that Indians are too dependent on rice. That may or may not be true, but even so, I do not see why we should not try to make it a more nutritious food. Where possible, scientists do use conventional breeding to improve the nutrition of crops, including increased beta-carotene production, but this was not possible with rice.Finally, I agree with Dr. Shiva that the public relations uses of Golden Rice have gone too far. The industry's advertisements and the media in general seem to forget that it is a research product that needs considerable further development before it will be available to farmers and consumers. I hope these comments and the enclosures are useful. - Gordon ConwayDate: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 18:40:28 +0100From: Ingo Potrykus Subject: Greenpeace and Golden Rice I am just back from India, where Golden Rice has strong support up to the Prime Minister. We have prepared the organizational structure for transfer and things are moving fast now. Coming back, I realized that I have again to write something in response to the Greenpeace actions. Here it is:Ingo---- Golden Rice and the Greenpeace DilemmaBy Ingo Potrykus My offer to Greenpeace for a dialogue over Golden Rice was honest and a response to the reaction of Benedikt Haerlin (campaign leader ofGreenpeace International), who accepted a moral obligation in thisdiscussion. His reaction was the only way out of the problem thatGreenpeace would otherwise have lost credibility in front of the press, which insisted in a clear answer on this matter. And Benedikt Haerlin was clever enough to realize this. I respect his statement and I am looking forward to further discussions with him. The "hysteric" reactions of other Greenpeace activists to this step of normalization show that not everybody there realizes that if Greenpeace is continuing with its unqualified attacks against the responsible assessment of Golden Rice, Greenpeace will soon have a credibility problem far more severe than that coming up in context with the Brent Spar case. At least part of the media have realized that there is not much substantiation behind the routine arguments as far as Golden Rice is concerned. As Greenpeace activists come again and again with the argument thatrelease into the environment is too dangerous, I invite them to construct a realistic, concrete case. I have not found, in three years of discussions with numerous environmentalists, a scenario which could justify banning the field testing of Golden Rice. As the pathway is already in rice (and in every green plant), and the difference is only in its activity in the endosperm, it is very hard to construct any selective advantage for Golden Rice in any environment, and, therefore, any environmental hazard. The same holds true for all the other standard arguments, and I refer to "The Golden Rice Tale", available on the internet, and published in March in the journal "In-Vitro".It was very educating to see how selective Greenpeace was when citing from my statement -- leaving everything out which did not fit into their view, and emphazising selectively what they could use against me. Where is the difference to the PR campaigns Greenpeace likes to complain about? The "information" from Greenpeace was so distorted that I received compaints that I was ignoring the fact that daily allowance values did not mean much and that far lower provitamin values could already be expected to have beneficial effects (the point I was making in my response!). This shows how Greenpeace has been able to transmit a completely wrongmessage by citing me. Here follows a citation from one of the responses to my "wrong" view: "As I would assume you know, there is vast difference in the amount ofvitamin A needed to reduce mortality, vs that needed to prevent blindness, vs that needed to prevent night-blindness and other like symptoms, vs that which satisfies actual metabolic needs, vs that which is equal to the recommended allowance, vs that which migt be considered for optimal intake, vs that which might trigger toxicity symptoms. The vastness of those quantitative differences is further exaggerated in individuals whose metabolic need for this essential nutrient has been modified by an extended period of depriviation. Clearly in individuals whose diet is almost devoid of vitamin A dietary intake at levels representing only a small fraction of the "recommended allowance" offers the potential to have a significant impact on both morbidity and mortality."When I stated that I acknowleged that Greenpeace had identified a weakpoint in our strategy, I referred to the fact that only experimental data gained from nutrition studies with Golden Rice varieties could clarify how much provitamin A we would need to offer per gram of rice. This data will be available only after 1-2 years from now. With this data in hand, the optimal lines can then be determined for the final breeding adjustment.I invite Greenpeace activists to specify in which area they see potential problems so that we can take care of these concerns in the process of the needs assessment and the extended safety assessments. But I expect concrete proposals, not blunt statements like "it is too dangerous to release transgenic plants into the environment". Please take the trouble to think about the case of Golden Rice.To those who feel that they must prevent Golden Rice under allcircumstances (for whatever political, ethical, religious reason) I would like to repeat: Golden Rice will be used to complement traditional interventions to fight vitamin A-deficiency. We need complementation because of the 500,000 blind children per year we have on the background of traditional interventions. If you plan to destroy test fields to prevent responsible testing anddevelopment of Golden Rice for humanitarian purposes, you will be accused of contributing to a crime against humanity. Your actions will be carefully registered and you will, hopefully, have the opportunity to defend your illegal and immoral actions in front of an international court. Prof. Dr. Ingo PotrykusIm Stigler 54CH-4312 MagdenSwitzerland ,257,246 Dear Scientists, I was hoping to know more about the structure of Golden rice?Is there any difference from the normal rice?Is there any loss of vitamins during the cooking process ?Thanks !Gigi,298,246 Golden Rice will not save anyone. When a person has to eat ten times the suggested amount to get any extra nutrients...that is not solving world hunger. It is raping our existing resources and glorifying big corporations ascould you pls.. send me some picture of your research including the rice for the future thank you for your considerartion. ,272,246 Why?He suggests that we should pursue GM, primarily because of its potential to help people in some of the poorest parts of the world eke out a better living and because it is easier on our beleaguered earth than conventional agriculture.Furthermore, he argues that we should keep our eyes open and our wits about us in pursuing the technology, despite the fact that, as he points out, humans have been modifying their crops for 10,000 years or so.Seems pretty level-headed to me.Kim,273,271 Whoever wrote this is an idiot. ,271,271 Hi, I am a student at Worcester State College in Worcester, MA. I am going some research on Bovine Growth Hormone, and how your company is know to inject it into the cattle for increase in profit. I was hoping to get some information sent to me from your company, I would greatly appreciate it. Also is it true that you have a line of Soy products?,274,41 May you please send me briefed up notes on Genetically modified foods. What it is all about, what it includes, that like animals and plants. The Food types and the animals it affects. The effects of Genetically Modified foods, society, implications, morals ethics and finally ur point of view. l will be glad if you did this for me l would like to know more about this topic.,275,275 I am a chemical engineering student at San Buenaventura University in Cartagena Colombia. I am currently doing a reseach project using the bacteria Paracoccus denitrificans as productor of PHB. I want more information about the thermophisical propieties and the way in which these materials are manufactured for you company .I would appreciate any assitance could you give meThank for you time,Jacqueline Capataz Tafur,276,62 So what is the answer? I have a personal opinion on this topic. I have grown my own personal organic garden for years now. To tell you the truth, my organic vegetables taste much better, they feel better and even look better. I buy organic foods, and I am phasing out the genetically engineered foods from my family's diet. Years ago, they didn't have chemicals, pesticides and additives in foods, and we seemed to be a much healthier people. We were stronger, able to fight viruses. We should leave things alone. We are our own worst enemy. Mass production is not the answer. Buy an organic vegetable or fruit and buy a non-organic vegetable and fruit. Cut them open and taste them. Believe me, there is quite a difference. Maybe we did cross pollinate years ago, but not with chemicals, we didn't have any. So think about it. I don't have Scientific proof that organic food is any healthier, but I do know from my own personal experience, that it sure is free of any chemicals and sure does taste good and I know exactly what I am feeding my family, because I did't add any chemicals to my food. The human body is not made to handle all these chemicals. You don't need chemicals to produce large amounts of food. It's called hard work and TLC. I feel it is totally up to the people, organic food or non-organic food is a personal choice. ,277,277 What are the potential contributions and limitations of a EU Food Authority in the control of foodborne disease in the EU,279,279 Hi,I read the article about indian mustard and its medicinal properties. I wanted to know that is the use of indian mustard under any regulations. since it is in use in India for centuries, do indians get some benefit if it is used by a non-indian company for making a product. Pallavi Kuamr,281,281 I am doing a chemistry project and i am quite interested in the product. i was wondering if you could shed some light on the chemical properties and things like it's molecular formulaor if possible stear me in the right directionthanx,282,41 To concern person: I am doing environment management so in this subject i have taken my topic related to Global environment issues related to India. so in that i have taken overuse of pesticides in agriculture and its effects on health and what is solution. Biotechnology is solution but is it cost effective?I am very greatful to you if you send me information or give me web site details or information. Thaks a lot if you give me details related to agriculture. globally problems.bye for nowthanks a lot ,284,284 give me details regarding limitation of a EU Food Authority in the control of foodborne dissesase in the EU,285,279 hello keyur,i am doing my M.A. in environment sociology in that i have chosen projet global environment issue/problems that falls for the environment, human, other life forms and the planet and related to indian situation at present and future. in that i have chosen pesticides what are the effect of over used of pesticided and related problem in worldly, and environmental effects of globalisation and activities of MNC's in third world . i am very thankful to you if you send me informationsend me information as early as possible.bye for now from pramila mishra.,286,203 I would like to receive a copy of the article by Graciela Elena and co-authors. It was presented at the recent Beltwide Conference in Anaheim. Is it possible to obtain an email address for Graliela so that I can also talk to her?ThanksBob,290,290 Is Monsanto still working on producing 'Glow in the dark grassand grass seed"? Would this grass be photoluminescent(would itglow after exposed to the sun)? If this were possible, what species would be crossed.,291,291 how does changing the dna strand in a single cell help in changing the strands in the entire plant or seed which is being modified considering ther are innumerable number of cells in a single plant?,299,299 quote: "Those who demand special labelling of GM foods are not doing so for either of the above stated legitimate reasons. One might ask why then?"...maybe because I feel that I have the right to choose what I want to eat or buy. I don't buy from Nike for "X" reason. If Nike were doing something like tire for car, then I would ask that the tire of my car would be change before I buy a new one. I don't think that to hide the brand of the tire before giving it to me and saying "there's no reason why you should know what you are buying" would be an acceptable solution for the dealer.,301,301 I wish people were better informed.Whoever wrote that selection was not informed about the possible dangerous effects of genetically modified food on people and the environment. But, of, course, it was presented in a sassy "no-nonsense" manner to appeal to the skeptic in all of us, and unfortunately in this case, potential skeptics that weren't provided information (thanks to our good friends at Monsanto). This sort of thing really bothers me because it is such a typical way of channelling public distrust into helping socially irresponsible multinationals- present information in a hip manner, but the people you should distrust are those damn whiney liberals, instead of the corporations. This article was particularly advanced in doing this, because it actually threw in some anti-corperate sentiments to further mislead the reader. Hopefully readers will recognize the fact that if someone was truely aganist multinationals, they certianly would not be writing an article siding with Monsanto on the GM foods arguement.. call it environmentalist rhetoric, I prefer to call it common sense. ,289,271 please send me an example of Transgenic Plants for exaple plasmide Tithank you!,302,302 To Biotech Knowledge:I would like to know the name of the genetically-modified product and the gene it contains? And why was this product invented? And also, Has this product undergone animal or human testing? Sincerely,303,303 It isn't a discussion about irresponsible multinationals, it's about the technology itself. Even if their is a problem with the way the technology is distributed, it doesn't mean the technology itself is bad.You guys are messing things up.I believe this technology has some great potential to make things better for everybody: progress we call it in Belgium.I would advise you to step into a communist party instead of tellingnonsens.And about those dangerous effects? I thougt you where not guilty untill proven otherwise?,304,271 Dear Sir,Please visit our website for further details. Please fill free to mail me at dipal@mapsenzymes.comThanksDipal Palkhiwala,305,233 hello im a biotechnology student from israel, and i wish to write a paper about that techniqe please tell me where i can find scientific and engeniring data about the productions of plastic from plants.thank you in advanceRami kriger.,306,306 I am a complete layperson to this discussion, but am interested in the promise of what biotechnology holds for medicine, agriculture and industry. It seems to me that your argument about biotechnology being strictly implemented for profit does not negate the fact that, if scientists can increase crop yields, then famine can be reduced. If the risk of implementing biotechnology is possible disaster, and the risk of not implementing biotechnology is certain disaster, then there really is no choice but to move forward with the science, make mistakes, achieve understanding, apply it for the betterment of mankind and, yes, absolutely, the enrichment of successful companies. Again, I admit my ignorance, but is there another scenario I am missing that would work in the real world? ,310,309 I'm a student at the University of New Hampshire hoping some others will give me some input and tell me what they feel are both positive and negative effects that developments in biotechnology can have on the economy.this is going to be a rather long contribution, but I would love to read a confutation.Does anybody feel he is up to it ?Editor's Note: On July 12, 2000, Brian Halweil testified in front of the Senate Subcommittee on International Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion at a hearing on "The Role of Biotechnology in Combating Poverty and Hunger in Developing Nations." This is his testimony. Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and other members of the Subcommittee. My name is Brian Halweil, and I am a staff researcher at the Worldwatch Institute. Worldwatch is an independent, nonprofit environmental research organization based here in Washington, DC. Our mission is to foster a sustainable society in which human needs are met in ways that do not threaten the health of the natural environment or future generations. To this end, Worldwatch conducts interdisciplinary research on emerging global issues, the results of which are published and disseminated to decision-makers and the media. At the Institute, I work primarily on issues related to food and agriculture, including the topics of malnutrition and biotechnology. Thank you for this opportunity to testify on the role of biotechnology in combating poverty and hunger in developing nations -- a subject that I consider central to the broader debate on the use of agricultural biotechnology. In searching for a biotech fix for hunger, we are pursuing an agricultural will-o'-the-wisp, a seemingly attractive sounding goal that is simply not well connected to the products which the biotech industry has brought to market. Instead of looking to as yet unproven and nonexistent biotech breakthroughs, we should be looking at the extremely full body of research that shows quite clearly those policies and agricultural interventions that will help to reduce poverty and eliminate hunger. There are four basic points that I wish to make in my presentation. First, the dominant causes of poverty and hunger around the world are not technological in nature, but rooted in basic socioeconomic realities. This is not to say that technology -- including biotechnology -- plays no role in the alleviation of malnutrition, but there is no technology that can override the immediate forces keeping people poor and hungry. Second, the global biotechnology industry has funneled the vast majority of its investment into a limited range of products for which there are large, secured markets within the capital-intensive production systems of the First World -- products which are of little relevance to the needs of the world's hungry. Third, if we are interested in eradicating hunger and poverty in the developing world, there are approaches other than investment in biotechnology that are better understood, less risky, and which may ultimately prove more effective. Fourth, because developing nations are home to the majority of the world's plant biodiversity, and because crops in the developing world often exist in close proximity to wild relatives, the risk of cross-pollination between genetically engineered crops and wild relatives is greatest there. Development economists, including Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, have persuasively argued that poverty -- rather than food shortages -- is frequently the underlying cause of hunger. In a report released on World Food Day last year, the United Nations showed that nearly 80 percent of all malnourished children in the developing world in the early 1990s lived in countries that boasted food surpluses. In other words, people often go hungry even where food is readily available. The more important feature common to these hungry countries is pervasive poverty, which limits people's access to food in the market or to land, credit, and other resources needed to produce food. Poverty also means poor access to non-food services, including health care, education, and a clean living environment, which increases the likelihood of hunger. Medical conditions like diarrhea, for instance, which is usually the result of an unclean water supply, prevent a child from absorbing available nutrients. Poverty often strikes hardest among women, the nutritional gatekeepers in many families. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that more than half of the world's food is raised by women, and in rural areas of Africa, Latin America, and Asia, the figure soars to 80 percent. Yet, because women have little or no access to land ownership, credit, agricultural training, education, and social privileges in general, their ability to provide adequate nutrition for their families is handicapped. Eradicating hunger requires elimination of its root causes, including gender discrimination and desperate poverty which prevents access to food or the resources to produce it. A 1999 study of malnutrition in 63 countries by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the World Bank's agricultural policy arm, found that improvements in social factors -- health environment, women's education, and women's status -- accounted for nearly three quarters of the reduction in malnutrition in these countries since 1970. (This study noted that increased food availability was an important fourth factor, responsible for roughly one quarter of the reduction in malnutrition in these countries.) The global biotechnology industry has funneled the vast majority of its investment into a limited range of products ... which are of little relevance to the needs of the world's hungry.This having been said, consider where the majority of investment in agricultural biotechnology is going. The global area planted to genetically engineered crops has grown 23-fold since 1996, the first year of large-scale commercialization. Global area now stands at 39.9 million hectares compared to 1.7 million hectares in 1996. Despite this tremendous growth, 99 percent of the current area is found in just three nations -- the United States, Argentina, and Canada; 72 percent is in the United States alone. Dozens of crops -- from apples to lettuce to wheat -- have been genetically modified and are near commercialization, though only transgenic varieties of soybean, corn, cotton, canola, squash, and papaya are currently grown commercially. Of these seven crops, soybeans and corn account for 54 percent and 28 percent of the global transgenic area, respectively, while cotton and canola share most of the remainder with nearly 9 percent each. The transgenic crops currently being grown around the world have been engineered either to resist spraying of herbicides (herbicide-resistant crops), to churn out the insecticide produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) (Bt-crops), or to do both. In 1999, herbicide-resistant varieties of soy, corn, cotton, and canola were planted on 71 percent of the global transgenic area, while Bt-corn and Bt-cotton were sown on 22 percent. Corn and cotton varieties that both produce Bt and resist herbicides were planted on the remaining 7 percent. These traits offer large-scale industrial farmers reduced production costs or increased ease of crop management by lowering the need to scout for pests, cutting labor costs, allowing a shift to cheaper chemicals, and generally simplifying pest control -- which explains the exceptionally rapid adoption of transgenics in a few nations. For the foreseeable future, these are the sorts of crops and traits that will dominate the global area planted to genetically engineered crops. There is very little connection between these applications and the needs of the world's hungry -- modified soy and corn are mainly used in livestock production and processed foods; modified canola is pressed into oil and used in processed foods; and cotton is used for its fiber and oil. Herbicide-resistant crops, for example, are not helpful to poor farmers who rely on manual labor to pull weeds because they couldn't possibly afford herbicides. As a result, the immediate markets for biotech in the developing world are not the subsistence farmers, but the larger operations, which are often producing for export rather than for local consumption. The adoption of genetically engineered soybeans by Argentina's industrial export producers illustrates this point well. There is a basic disconnect between these research priorities and the alleged beneficiaries of genetically engineered crops -- the world's hungry. Compare, for example, the $4 million that has been spent on developing a Beta-carotene enhanced rice for use in Vitamin A deficient populations with the $500 million spent on developing Roundup-Ready soybeans, the dominant herbicide-resistant variety. This $500 million spent on developing Roundup-Ready soybeans also compares with the $400 million annual budget of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a consortium of international research centers that form the world's largest public-sector breeding effort. In addition, a joint report released yesterday by the National Academy of Sciences and seven other academies around the world concluded that transgenic plants are not being used in many parts of the developing world where the needs are greatest. There are other concerns associated with a technological landscape that is controlled almost exclusively by the private sector and defined by patent protection. Patents and similar legal mechanisms are giving a declining number of large private firms substantial control over crop genetics and farmers, with worrisome implications for seed saving, farm incomes, and food security. Although Monsanto and AstraZeneca recently announced that they would not commercialize the so-called "Terminator" technology or other seed sterilization technologies, the biotech industry collectively owns at least three dozen patents that control either seed germination or other essential plant processes. This privatization of germplasm is already putting public sector agricultural research at a disadvantage, and might ultimately prove life-threatening to the majority of small farmers in Africa, Latin America, and Asia who depend on saved seed from year to year. In addition to this financial obstacle, there is a biological obstacle that may limit the potential of biotech to combat poverty and hunger. The crop traits that would be most useful to subsistence farmers tend to be very complex. The kinds of products that would make sense in a subsistence context include crop varieties responsive to low levels of soil fertility, crops tolerant of saline or drought conditions and other stresses of marginal lands, improved varieties that are not dependent on agrochemical inputs for increased yields, varieties that are compatible with small, diverse, capital-poor farm settings. In herbicide-resistant crops and Bt crops, the engineering involves the insertion of a single gene. Most of the more complex traits mentioned above are probably governed by many genes, and for the present at least, that kind of complexity is beyond the technology's reach. The experience of the Green Revolution has shown that if the introduction of agricultural technology is not sensitive to social and economic inequalities, then it can actually exacerbate existing inequalities, poverty and hunger, as the better off farmers grab the majority of the technology's benefits. Today, the majority of the world's hungry are those farmers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America who were bypassed, or even marginalized, by the Green Revolution package of seeds that were highly dependent on fertilizer and irrigation inputs. Without addressing inequitable land distribution or differential access to credit, for example, the consequences of introducing even the most promising biotechnology are likely to be less than desirable. "Third World farmers don't need improved seeds, but rather improved natural resource management."I would like to point to some interventions other than biotechnology that may prove more effective at reducing poverty and hunger in the developing world. As mentioned earlier, land reform, improved access to reproductive health services, and improved educational opportunities for women are among those policies that have had a sizable impact on reducing poverty and malnutrition in the past and are likely to do so in the future. (These same policies are also the most effective ways to reduce birth rates and slow population growth.) Investments in agriculture are key to boosting incomes and ultimately reducing malnutrition. This is particularly true in the poorest regions of the world, Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, where the majority of people make their living from agriculture and where the gross national products are still heavily dependent on agriculture. Pedro Sanchez, the Director-General of the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), one of the CGIAR centers based in Nairobi, argues that "Third World farmers don't need improved seeds, but rather improved natural resource management, including soil and water conversation, crop rotations, and nitrogen-fixing crops." Sanchez notes that until these resource management issues are addressed, farmers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America will not be able to take full advantage of any potential offered by improved seeds, whether genetically engineered or traditionally bred. Below, I have assembled a short list of agricultural interventions in the developing world that focus on improved resource management and that have all resulted in large yield increases. These interventions are often characterized as ecological or agroecological, because they depend on building or harnessing the ecological processes -- including crop diversity, nutrient cycling, plant and pest interactions, competition, and symbiosis -- occurring in the field rather than on external chemical inputs. A recent survey of agroecological interventions in Latin America revealed that yield increases of 100 to 300 percent are not uncommon for a range of staple crops, including beans, corn, rice, potato, and cassava. A separate set of projects in Latin America that emphasized locally adapted green manures and cover cropping have increased maize yields from 1 to 1.5 tons/hectare to 3 to 4 tons/hectare. More than 300,000 farmers in southern and western India farming in dryland conditions, and now using a range of water and soil management technologies, have tripled sorghum and millet yields to some 2 to 2.5 tons/hectare. Some 200,000 farmers across Kenya who as part of various government and non-government soil and water conservation and agroecology programs have more than doubled their maize yields to about 2.5 to 3.3 tons/hectare. (Simultaneously, these Kenyan farmers have substantially improved vegetable production through the dry seasons, improving income generation and household nutrition.) These sorts of yield increases are considerably higher than any present results with biotech seeds. And these interventions, in contrast to biotech interventions, depend on resources and know-how that is already available to resource-poor farmers, working in ecologically sensitive areas. I offer these examples to demonstrate that there are alternatives to biotechnology for combating poverty and hunger in developing nations. Finally, as a representative of an environmental research group and as an ecologist by training, I would like to make a brief point about the potential ecological risks of genetically engineered crops and how that might affect poor and hungry populations in developing nations. Once genetically engineered crops are planted in close proximity to sexually compatible wild relatives, the spread of genes from one plant to the other through cross-pollination is inevitable. This sort of gene spread has already been reported for transgenic canola in Europe and Canada. Much of the research needed to assess the potential impacts of such cross-pollination has simply not been done, so it is not entirely clear what the likely impact on an ecosystem will be when a wild plant acquires the ability to churn out the Bt toxin or to resist an herbicide or to do any number of things that transgenic crops are being designed to do. Whatever the short- or long-term impacts, one thing is clear: because developing nations are home to the majority of the world's plant biodiversity, and because crops in the developing world often exist in close proximity to wild relatives, the risk of cross-pollination is greatest there. In other words, developing nations are likely to bear the brunt of any ecological impact because of the greater likelihood of gene spread. Mr. Chairman, in taking a global perspective in my research, I have come across publications on the subject of biotechnology and hunger from colleagues working in the developing world. I respectfully request that two of these documents be submitted as part of the hearing record to complement my own brief statements. In addition, I would also like to bring to the attention of the committee members a forum sponsored by Representative Tony Hall on June 29th of this year entitled, "Can Biotechnology Help Fight World Hunger?" I respectfully request that the program for this event be submitted as part of the hearing record. I would be happy to answer any questions. Thank you again for this opportunity to testify. ,313,313 Your argument, that foods have been altered through biotechnology for decades, and thus means we have no reason to worry about today's GE foods, is a weak defense. Yes, foods have been altered through cross-breeding and such, for years, however, today's biotechnology is radically different. Taking one organism's genes and placing them in a totally different organism for consumption is not the same as the biotechnology that has been implimented in years past. Also, comparing the consequences of genetic engineering with foodborne illnesses is naive. The possible long-term effects of GE deals with the restructuring of the entire genetic structure. The fact is that GE isn't being implimented for the 'reduction of pesticides' or for those 'endangered by famine'. Its main motivating force is to increase yields, to increase profits, to increase the paychecks of Monsanto employees. Money has blinded geneticists eyes to the possible detremental effects of GE to humans and to the environment.,309,309 Yes, every invention in biotechnology will not be cost effective to implement it to the field level. But seeing the cost of the technology, the applications may be shifted to high value crops like spices, plantation crops rather than normal field crops like paddy and other cereals and pulses etc. For example developing a tissue culture seedling may not be cost effective for rice crop, but if the same is done for a rubber tree with 15% increased rubber content, or for those crops which fetch very high price in the international market like basmathi rice and so on, definitely it will be cost effective. ,314,284 Science and humour in bed together, who would have thought it possible? Given that medicines developed using GE technology are stringently tested for years before being approved for commercial release, I found the assurance that 'the US government applied rules for genetically engineered food technology that are as stringent as those for conventional breeding techniques' delightfully droll. Now, if only that made me feel better about the food itself!,317,317 Why do biotech firms have such poorly planned PR -- resulting in such poor public images?I would say the bad (or complete lack of) notoriety that biotech has gotten is linked to bad messaging and public affairs. With so many good PR and consulting firms out there, esp. focused on biotech (,,, H&K and others), why don't thee companies but the money where their mouth should be?,318,318 Common sense has no place in a scientific debate.,326,271 "my organic vegetables taste much better, they feel better and even look better"To you, maybe, but would an objective observer agree?All available scientific data suggests not."Years ago, they didn't have chemicals, pesticides and additives in foods, and we seemed to be a much healthier people. We were stronger, able to fight viruses"Years ago, we walked more than we drove, we were more likely to work in factories than behind a desk, we didn't live in houses with central heating and double-glazing etc. etc.It's easy to blame chemicals for everything - easy targets - not so easy to change one's lifestyle. Not neccesarily desirable, either, since lifespans are increasing, medical science is advancing, etc. - I'm not convinced we were ever healthier than we are now. I certainlydon't want to go back."Mass production is not the answer"Organic farming is unsustainable. Conventional intensive farms are more efficient with far greater yields."I don't have Scientific proof that organic food is any healthier"No you don't, because there isn't any. Indeed organic farming can promote bacterial contamination due to the use of manure as fertiliser. Nutritional content is no different, either."it sure is free of any chemicals" Ignoring the fact that all biological organisms themselves comprise thousands of chemicals, plants produce their own natural defences against attack - this means pesticide. There is no evidence to suggest that artificial pesticides are in general any more dangerous than their natural counterparts, and in any case, a good wash will take care of any pesticide residue anyway. Also, many chemicals are used in organic farming. Basic slag, toxic copper fungicides, sulphur, pesticides such as Derris dust, pyrethroid insecticides, paraffin and potassium permanganate all spring to mind."The human body is not made to handle all these chemicals"There are plenty of things which our bodies are NOT made to handle - most of them natural. Science is the tool we use to fight these things - sometimes that means chemicals. I for one feel much safer knowing that artificial means can protect us from some of those nasty things that nature throws at us.,327,277 Whether genetech solutions are effective is part of a debate.Recently in Ag Biotech Infonet paper nr 4 a prof Benbrook calculated a yield drag for the RR soy and predicts the Roundup herbicide will become less and less effective. Search this site with keyword Benbrook and you'll find some corporate flames against paper nr 1, (but not yet against paper nr 4.),328,284 I think Laurent is trespassing discussion rules when he starts about the communist party. About the dangerous effects and being not guilty until proven otherwise: - genetech is quite unprecise - the insertion of a gene works in less than 1% of all trials - the position of the new gene is unknown. Side effects have been seen. This results in a range of unpredictable side effectes, be it pleiotropic, position effect, gene silencing or another. I read that in every succesfull golden rice strain there were different extra metabolites.So if there are cleaner ways to improve agriculture, especially in the developing countries, why don't we first try them, and make the scientists find cleaner ways to express genes. I suggest to start with a cleaner insertion process, then find better 'promotors' which only produce a new protein when needed on the location of the plant where it is needed.And make the safety research public (in total, not only what the producer likes to tell the world).(the answer is: the other solutions can't be sold yearly).,329,271 Chris,Why should we listen to Monsanto or Benbrook when we can get the information straight from the American Soybean Association, who grows organic and GM soy.According to them:"Dr. Charles Benbrook of the Northwest Science and Environmental Policy Center, discusses changes in herbicide applications and yields associated with the development of biotechnology-enhanced soybeans. We think it is critical the American public understand the farm and environmental benefits of today’s biotechnology. Dr. Benbrook is so intent on finding something wrong with biotechnology, that he misses the big picture."Read the full American Soybean Association report at:,334,296 Depends who you are listening to.Pro-genetech folks will say: 1st generation was good for the producers (farmers, factories) and for environment as well. 2nd or even 3rd generation will be good for the consumer as it has extra nutritional or even farmaceutical value.They even claim to save the world from hunger but that is clearly exaggerated and serves for PR purposes.Less herbicide use, so better environmentAnti-genetech people will say it is bad for: - ecology/environment: horizontal gene transfer, more herbicide use as it is easier - consumers choice, independent farmers, as it increases monopoly power of the agro multinationals - agricultural biodiversity, as local types of e.g. rice will be pushed away even worse than during the green revolution - third world farmers, as high yield races make farmer more relying on external input, and makes decreases food security.and a lot more, like the fear for long term risks.So who benefits is very much depending on interpretation. Have a good check on who gives you information and whether they have a financial stake in it. That may influence their own perception.You may even pick your own scientific data the way you like it, whatever you like to compare.I liked this report on RR soy. Don't forget to search the Monsanto site for 'benbrook' to see their response.Before reading either do a study in statistics and rhetorics.,331,296 HeyIs this True??????????????????TamsynStudent,335,335 As you said, the risk of implementing biotechnology is possible disaster, and it has come frighteningly close to that a few times. But there is no risk of "certain disaster" by not implementing it. The fact that so much of the world does not have enough food is not due to lack of production, its due to uneven distribution. Right now our would can produce enough food to feed its population but we over-consume and waste so much, especially here in North America. I seriously doubt that these genetically "improved" (why won't they use "modified"?) will solve this problem. Producing more crops here will not drastically increase the amount of food in lesser developped nations and rid them of famine. Meanwhile, those countries that suffer from copious amounts of malnutrition and hunger can hardly afford to grow thier own crops, let alone buy them from Monsato.,342,309 some actual facts would be nice, they [gm foods] may be benificial but should the concerns be dismissed offhand?,338,338 more information about mercury eating plants and biodegradable plastics is required,339,339 I'm interested in knowing the scientific details of this work.ThanksKaemebre.,343,343 Hi,I am interested in the point about herbicide being reduced in quantity sprayed as well as frequency sprayed, lower cost to farmers and such to consumers, and finally to higher quality of food produced as a result. By making herbicide-resistant crops, is the consumer now consuming an internal to the crop, potentially harmful chemical that has been genetically introduced into the plant to act in making it resistant to herbicides?Please feel free to write to me should my question require clarification.Thank youBarb,341,341 Barb,I don't have any hard facts. I am an agronomist at a local coop and work with Roundup Soybeans and BT Corn. For the BT corn we haven't had to spray for European Corn Borer(ECB) for the past four years. Normally, the population cycle so we don't need to spray every year. Judging from the number of ECB seen in the area last year, we shouldn't need to spray this year either. I'll know more once the moths start flying in about 2 weeks. The point is, the number of ECB have been so low in this area because of BT corn. We shouldn't have to spray again in the foreseeable future. Only time will tell. I asked our Valent sales rep about their sales of insecticide and he said the sales have dropped to trickle of what they were before BT corn. The toxicity levels of the insecticides, although not extremely high, pose certain health risks to the persons that it may contact. Most farmers would rather pay the extra money for BT corn if it insured that they would never have to spray insecticides again. On conventional soybeans we would normally have to spray about three different chemicals for adequate weed control. Most fields would get a pre-plant application of herbicides and then get a post emergence application of herbicides. The average cost of a conventional herbicide program would be in the $30 - $40 an acre. A roundup program will be a little less than half of that ($10 - $16). All fields receive one application and about half receive a second application for any late emerging weeds. So with the additional cost of the soybean seed ($8), the roundup program is still less expensive than a conventional program. Taking into account that yield drag is less pronounced than what it was a few years ago, most farmers will gladly take the roundup beans over conventional beans. To add to this, I think we will start seeing less use of herbicides in corn following roundup beans. The roundup bean fields are so clean that there are no weeds going to seed and then less weed pressure the following year. Sorry, for not having any hard facts. I am just speaking from my own personal experience. Check out the USDA web site on Biotech. They have reports, links to other sites, and they will probably be able to answer any question you pose to them. FornerCertified Crop Advisor (CCA),345,341 I will like Wambugu to let me know whether she has reviewed any published scientific work that questions the safety of GM technology.I want to also know the view of Wambugu in relation to horizontal Gene transfer and GM techniques.Thank you.,346,346 The question of cost effectiveness of Bio-technology becomes irrelevant if intangible benefits like fortification of staple foods with vitamins and nutrients are considered. Given the rate of undernourishment and malnutrition prevalent in the developing economies, particularly African countries and rural India, these benefits cannot be measured within a reasonable period of time but will may yield results over generations. Though tangible benefits are visible in terms of productivity, primarily oriented towards commercial crops, BT has a bigger role in solving the larger problems of under/malnourishment of developed countries. I would like to know if there is concerted effort happening at the BIOTECH (at the industry) to address the issues mentioned above.. I vaguely remember reading some articles about a "CGIAR" Consultative group for/on Intl. Agricultural Research or something like that, had identified BT as a focus area to solve the problems of world hunger..In addition, for an effective lab to land (farmland) technolgy transfer, they have identified the transnational corporations, primarily Transnational agribusiness as an vehicle. Well, involving TNABCs brings us to the question of commerce versus philanthrophy.. any answers??,347,284 please let me know in detail the latest research going on in case of the mapping of rice genome.,348,348 I need some information about what can this kind of foods cause in our environment and specialy in our body. I´d need to know if you have searched about the secondary effects these products can cause.thank you ,349,302 this is a little company trading on the nasdaq smallcaps ,i think he is ready too rumble ,because the flow of good news is pilling up ,the only thing is the stock doesnt move .they just finished a hiv medical testkit .it must go as a rocket the coming weeks .bye,350,350 why is so much of the biotech industry against labeling of gm foods. refusing to label may prevent some anti-gmo people from not purchasing the product, but it makes it seem that biotech companies have something to hide. it would make more sense to label "gm and proud" to shed some positive light on gmos. biotechnology can do many wonderful things, but the science will be useless if public opinion is against it.,351,351 I feel strongly that Greenpeace, as well as many other "environmental whack-oe groups" are lying when they portray genetically modified (GM) foods as "Frankenstien Foods" that are bad for your health. I feel that their war against these products is aimed at stoping the development of GM products that can alleviate hunger and mal-nutrition throughout the world. I feel strongly that Monsanto and other companies in the biotechnology field should continue to develop biotechnology product to support the conclusions of the United Nations Human Development 2001 report that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could be breakthrough technology for developing countries where malnutrition and hunger are prevelant.Unfortunately the war that these environmental groups are waging against technology has caught on, and many people in the US now wrongly believe that any food produced in a "non-organic" way contain chemical poisons. Indeed environmental campaigns against carbon dioxide emissions, treat CO2 as a pollutant responsible for so called "global warming", when in fact it is the basic nutrient that all living matter needs to live. *On July 11. 2001 I sent an eMail to Monsanto requesting information on where I could obtain some of your New Leaf potatoes to grow in my garden. I was surprised and dismayed to learn from Carol A. Davis's reply to my eMail, that the New Leaf potato was no longer available and that Monsanto's Nature Mark Co. has been closed.Can you give me any information or background on these developments? I have heard that MacDonalds ** recently announced that they would no longer sell GM foods. Did MacDonalds action weaken the market for New Leaf potatoes and force you to reconsider the viability of your excellent New Leaf Potato? If Monsanto has made any public announcements on why it discontinued New Leaf Potato sales and closed its Nature Mark Co. I would appreciate knowing of them.Just so you know where I'm coming from,I've followed the development of genetic engineering (GE) and used it as a subject in courses that I teach at the Rochester Institute of Technology; on Technology Forecasting, and Value Engineering. I am a co- author of the book "Value, its Measurement, Design and Management", John Wiley, 1991. which I use as a textbook in these courses, and am considering writing an update to my book. * I graduated with a degree in chemistry from Iowa State University in 1953 and admit to a bias toward science and technology.** giving in to environmental pressures in Europe against GM foods ,352,352 Dear Dr/Sir/madam, In our opinion, the genetically modified foods are safe and healthyif they are prepared among the same species of plants. Such foodsshould not be crossed with animal genes. Therefore, pure foods withnice genes are recommended. Similarly, animal genes should be crossed with animal genes not with the plant genes. So purity of foods isessential for biotech crops.,353,353 See our upcoming report:,354,142 Regarding Bt corn and European Corn Borer. In the early '90s I was helpng with corn borer research being conducted at the Experimental Farm in Ottawa, Canada. Our findings were that pulling a flail behind the harvester chopped up the stems that the corn borer overwintered in. No chemicals of any kind were applied. No European corn borer outbreaks. In my view Bt corn is completely and utterly unnecessary. There is a simple, cheap and incredibly effective mechanical solution that requires minimal extra effort (the time needed to hitch the flail to the end of the harvester). It is only too bad that it doesn't get the media time that flashy gene products do.,355,341 Hello allDoes someone hear about that kind of treatment for Chron disease or for Colitis?I will appreciate if some specialist will give me his answer and his opinion about treatment like this.Thanks a lotEyal,358,358 Reuters did an interview with an official of Abrasem, the Brazil legal seller of soybeans seeds to farmers. I read it in Agbioshttp://www.agbios.come/_NewsItem.asp?parm=nelDXCode&data=2103Are there other porous borders around the world where GM seeds are brought on the blackmarket dispite government bans?,359,359 What is the name of the ABARE report that contains this information? How can I get ahold of a copy of this report?? Any help you can give me in locating this information would be greatly appreciated.,360,360 David, I couldn't agree with you more. During my college years as a science student, our local chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) organized a "Physics Circus" that toured area elementary schools and presented entertaining hands-on demonstrations of natural laws and physics. We ignited balloons filled with hydrogen gas, broke cinder blocks on someone's chest with a sledgehammer while he lay on a bed of nails, froze rubber balls in liquid nitrogen, puffed smoke rings from a trash can, expanded marshmallows in a vacuum jar, and the like.We usually asked the children beforehand to prepare a list of questions and concerns for us to answer during the show. The responses from the children were honest, consistent, and usually disheartening. Scientists were most often viewed as evil men who were constantly on a quest to take over the earth or destroy the environment -- the message of every cartoon on television where the villain is always a mad scientist. They also asked repeatedly how they could prevent the planet from being destroyed, particularly how they could help heal the Earth's ozone layer or end "acid rain" (the hot environmental topics of the 1980's).These questions led to a talk that we gave at the end of the show about the benefits of science and all of the innovations that science had given mankind - electricity, medicine, computers, the space shuttle, etc. We were stunned at how many children simply had never heard this message.,361,361 I think this article is very interesting, and we need to improve our education system.,362,362 I have to do a SAC on the flavr savr tomatoes and would like to have as much information as possible on this topic.If you can give me any information i would love it if u could e.mail iot to a.s.a.p. Thank-you for your time,363,363 I am carring out a report about GM food and I would like achieve a list of transgenics products that anyone can find in the shelves of a supermarket. For instants, I know that the corn used by Kellog's is genetically modified, but I am interested in which other food brands use GM products. However, I would be very grateful if I can receive any other information related to GM items.Thanks ,366,366 I am a 15 year old High Schooler, and for my Biology class, we are supposed to research and do a poster on a Bioengineered food. I came across your website in my findings and while I have found many products, there are still many questions I have on the Roundup Ready Corn.1) How was it developed?2) What did the research cost?3) How do you manufacture this product?4) What are its effects on humans and the environment?5) Are there any moral issues or ethics involved with this product?6) And what role did the Gov't play in all of this?,367,367 what are the genes used in this genetic manipulation process, and what are the steps during the process?,368,368 This is one big irreversable experiment on our earth. For what? Monsantos shareholders.,369,369 ge is verry bad and no one should be using it in any countryMONSANTO'S ONLY GOAL IS TO PUT A PATENT ON LIFE AND MAKE A PROFIT,370,370 1)will patenting of biotech products confer a monopoly to patent holder to the detriment to consumer,economy and society?reasons?2)benefits to indiaby adopting world class patent protection?3)why should India adopt world class patent protection?why India should expedite patent reorms insteadof wasting 10 year transition pd.?4)myths and realities of patent protection in biotechnology?,371,371 sir,is there any post for me msc(ag.)plantbreeding & geneticscomputer litterate, distinction in english ,seminars on breeding methods, resistance insect & pests.sorry for your distb.,372,372 Dear Dr. Rader,You say that you are "slightly biased"? You say that charlatans (like GreenPeace International, I add) play on peoples fear? You have the courage to say things such as: deseases such VAD are caused by a "problem" in the natural rice and not by the exploitment that Monsanto and other firms like your beloved Monsanto do constantly all over the world? And you claim to be a scientist? Slightly biased?Sorry but You should try using some other arguments to convince me that what you are doing to the Sacred Earth Mother is NOT based on MONEY!!!!!Best regardsRaffaele Candeliere ,373,373 In indian seed market since last three years, inspite of govt. bans and without permission of DBT there is a transgenic crops grown in the farmer's field and sold by legal seed dealers/distributors.Not any action has been taken agianst such illegal and dangerous sell by local companies neither by Govt. nor by inventors of the technology waiting for green signal of DBT since last 4-5 years. This year a large acreage is under such crops in many parts of the country which is illegal !!! Who is taking care !! It's a dangerous and I feel in this way impression of the biotehc will get spoiled and valueless.,374,359 I heard that the "golden rice" provides for 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin A in 300 g. That this statistic could also be interpreted to mean that it would take 1.5 kg of the rice per day to meet vitamin A requirments. Are there better sources which should be used in conjunction with the rice? ,375,375 I heard that the "golden rice" provides for 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin A in 300 g. That this statistic could also be interpreted to mean that it would take 1.5 kg of the rice per day to meet vitamin A requirments. Are there better sources which should be used in conjunction with the rice? ,376,376 I am doing a research project and I came accross this article. I wondered if you could tell me more about (or where I can find information on) the Author Larry Thompson, as well as the one being questioned, COmmissioner Jane E Henney, M.D.Thank you.,377,377 dear sir/ madamI am graduate student of biotechnology.I am writing in regard of silkworm genetics.1.Is it possible to transfer gene(s) from silkworm into plant(e.g. cotton) to produce silk?2.Is there eny published paper about this feild in the world?It would be appriciated if you could send me papers about this case.thanks,378,378 I find it interesting the way this whole article glorifies the way that Biotech products help everyone (farmers and consumers), and yet at there is a special note stating that Monsanto "does not necessarily reflect views or positions taken by Monsanto Company." Is it perhaps that Monsanto just throws these statments at the end of every article to help give themselves some sort of liability immunity in case anything said here might be used to disadvantage them in some way? Perhaps the well meaning Monsanto Company just wants to make sure that no radical enviromentalist destorys their chance to help the world with their products. Or perhaps Monsanto really doesn't think that all these good things they are espousing are true, and that their products don't really help anyone except themselves and their large busisness associates. Those poor small time dairy farmers who can't make up the difference in milk production because all the big time dairy producers are using rBGH to up their production. Or those poor organic farmers who can't get their crops certified organic because the pollen of your GMO corn is being blown into their fields, and then you sue them because they are growing your corn without buying your seed. Just a thought.,379,379 Does any company make PHB biodegradable containers e.g. for perfume and cosmetics? If so, can you supply the web address?Many thanks.,380,62 Dear sir, please send me all the information reg.latest developments inbiotechnology by text on the following address. RAVI SRIHARI S/O.SRI RANBIR KUMAR Q.NO.TRT 108/27 SIRSILK COLONY SIRPUR KAGHAZNAGAR PIN.504296 i hope you will do the needful by sending the required information Thanking you Yours truly RAVISRIHARI,381,381 For real information about geneticly engineered foods, try a slighlty less biased, non-corporate website that has other agendas beside making money. I certainly hope this website is not the sole source for information in the biotech thing you know, Monsanto will be telling us that Roundup is safe to use as a facial cleanser and has proven beneficial for uses as a daily vitamin supplement!The only purpose of this website is to sell more pesticides, herbicides and further dismantle the self-sufficient farmers of America.thank you Monsanto! ,382,382 Sorry Dave, something about your message bugs me. Your assertion that enviromental wackos have some hidden agenda to deprive the hungry of food sounds like a right wing profiteer's attempt to discredit serious objections. While I do not posses a chemistry degree, it is obvious to me that a little more time, care and consideration might be in order. I am troubled that I have been given no choice whether the corn I eat is impregnated with pesticides. It also bugs me that certain un-named corporations have been working exhaustedly to ensure that nobody has a choice. Like Mexico... ,383,352 HiI have a paper to write about the biodegradable plastic from potato tubersCan you help me please ?,384,142 I am currently working on a project for a microbiology class and was curious if Bt Corn can be labelled an organic product by a farmer and why/why not? Any input would be greatly appriciated. Thanks- Meghan,385,385dear sir we are going to manufacture tricoderma at jaipur rajasthan kindly let us know whether any licence is requir or not,386,386 I do agree with this article. India has the knowledge, skills and manpower that can contribute immensely to the development of biotech sector.India is competent not only in bioreactor technologies, also in " Bio-Village Concept", that take the biotechnology to the remote areas. The "Bio-Village concept" programme has been successfully implemented to bring out the poor from poverty. One well-known organization involved in such activity is M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation in Tamilnadu state.,387,387 hi i am looking for any infomation on genetically modified food or produce. i have to do a debate the question being "australians will need to comsume more genetically modified ffood in the furture" i am on the negative team so any info on this would be great. thanks,388,388 DE.CSVbody,id,thread Ich habe das Biotechnologie Zentrum neu entdeckt und vorher noch keinen vergleichbaren Ort im Web gefunden, wo ich Wissenswertes zum Thema Biotechnologie auf aehnliche Weise zusammengetragen finde.Die Moeglichkeit zur Online-Diskussion finde ich aeusserst lobenswert - gerade, weil es sich hier um ein kontroverses Thema handelt. Ich werde von nun an regelmaessig hier vorbeischauen...,9,9 Auch ich finde das neue Diskussionsforum lobenswert! Ich hatte schon darauf gewartet, dass das hier eingefuegt wird. Ich habe auf der Web Seite schon mehrmals nach interessanten Artikeln gesucht, und immer wieder was gefunden. Ich hoffe wirklich, dass hier bald ein bisschen mehr Diskussion stattfindet. Weiter so!,10,9 Das neue Gesicht des Biotechnologie Zentrums gefaellt mir sehr gut. man kann direkt alle neuen Nachrichten abrufen, und die Suchfunktion ist einmalig. Fuer meine Interessen kann ich in dieser staending wachsenden Datenbank wirklich einiges finden. Ich bin gespannt, was andere davon halten.,14,14 Guten Tag!Wir sind auf der Suche nach "branchennahen" Surfern, die die neue Website unserer Firma beurteilen könnten. Prior Separation Technology ist ein junges Unternehmen, das mit der eingens entwickelten Technologie im Bereich der Trennung der Moleküle aus komplexen Mischungen auf dem Markt expandieren möchte. Die Technologie basiert auf der präparativen kontinuierlichen annularen Chromatographie mit einem breiten Trennspektrum (Proteine, Peptide, Nucleinsäuren, Oligosaccharide, Naturextrakte, Chemikalien).Wir laden alle ein, unsere Seite zu besuchen und Feedback, Kritik oderAnregung zu geben. Ihre Meinung ist uns auch eine Reise wert! Wenn Sie sich bis 31.3.01 bei uns registrieren, können Sie bei unserem Gewinnspielmitmachen und ein ganzes Wochenende in WIEN gewinnen - Flug und Hotelaufenthalt für zwei Personen!Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!Arlenka KlasIT-Marketing--+ --------------------------------------------------- + Arlenka Klas, IT-marketing manager+ --------------------------------------------------- + PRIOR SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY Vorarlberger Wirtschaftspark 6840 Goetzis, Austria+ --------------------------------------------------- + tel +43 - 5523 - 52106 fax +43 - 5523 - 52509 --------------------------------------------------- +,13,13 ES.CSVbody,id,thread Quiero informarles que nuetro nuevo portal enteramente dedicado a la biotecnologia ya esta disponible a la direccion siguiente:,1,1 Creo que la comunidad europea debe de implementar un programa el cual sea seguro y de una visualización amplia con el cultivo de transgénicos antes de su prohibición totalmente. Es conveniente ver la perspectiva de beneficio que ofrecen estos cultivos sin que nos llegue a dańar el medio ambiente porsupuesto.La investigación debe seguir adelante, y deseo que en un futuro los contemos ya con los cultivos Transgénicos para nuestro beneficio.,2,2 Liliana babas, hay te envio esta información para que la analices es de fermentación de biotecnología haber si te sirve, si lees este correo hoy , me envias un correo, adios.Uno de los procesos biotecnológicos más antiguos usados por el hombre es lafermentación. Datos históricos nos indican que la fermentación es conocida desde lasépocas del antiguo Egipto, donde se elaboraba cerveza; Noé, dice la Biblia, se embriagócon uvas que dejó fermentar; el pulque es producto de la fermentación de la sabia delmaguey. La fermentación fue definida por Pasteur como "vida en ausencia de oxígeno".Actualmente la fermentación se considera como un proceso metabólico en el cual sepresenta una descomposición de un compuesto orgánico (generalmente un carbohidrato),en productos cuyos estados de oxidación promedio es el mismo que en su estado inicial,pero con una pérdida en su contenido de energía. El ejemplo más conocido defermentación es el cambio de azúcares o almidones en alcohol; o bien, en latransformación de azucares en ácidos como el vinagre. La fermentación es posible por laacción de diversos microorganismos tales como levaduras o bacterias. Existe una enorme variedad de productos industriales cuyo origen es una fermentación. La producción industrial de antibióticos y polisacáridos microbianos son ejemplos defermentaciones en donde el caldo sufre cambios dramáticos en sus características deflujo (i.e. viscosidad) y ello a su vez dificulta el proceso de mezclado y transferencia deoxígeno. En estas fermentaciones, las interacciones entre el microorganismo y su medioambiente son especialmente complejas y su entendimiento representa un reto científico,que sin duda conducirá el desarrollo de mejores procesos de fermentación. El laboratorio del Dr. Galindo, del Departamento de Bioingeniería del Instituto deBiotecnología de la UNAM, se ha centrado en el estudio de tanques agitados y suprincipal modelo de estudio ha sido la producción de goma xantana( cultivo en el que elcambio de viscosidad llega a cinco ordenes de magnitud). Más recientemente se iniciaronestudios con fermentaciones miceliares, las cuales se emplean para la producciónindustrial de antibióticos. El laboratorio del Dr. Galindo cuenta con un importante equipamiento para llevar a caboestudios de reología (estudio del comportamiento de los fluídos), mezclado ytransferencia de oxígeno. Entre los principales equipos se incluye reómetros, tanques demezclado, fermentadores y analizadores de gases ( O2 y CO2) que permiten llevar a cabouna amplia variedad de estudios de mezclado y transferencia de oxígeno. Los resultados de estas investigaciones, podrán abatir tiempos, costos y consumoenergético en productos cuyos procesos involucran fermentaciones..FermentaciónLa fermentación comparte con la biocatálisis la característica de ser la forma más viejade biotecnología. Tradicionalmente, la fermentación significaba la producción de alcoholde bebida a partir de los carbohidratos. Sin embargo, la fermentación -es decir, laaplicación del metabolismo microbiano para transformar una materia prima simple enproductos de valor- puede producir una asombrosa variedad de sustancias útiles, porejemplo, sustancias químicas como ácido cítrico, antibióticos, biopolímeros y proteínasunicelulares. El potencial es tan inmenso y variado como los mismos microorganismos.Lo que se necesita es conocer los microorganismos, controlar su metabolismo ycrecimiento y manejarlos a gran escala. ,3,3 Soy estudiante de Ciencia de la Comunicación y estoy realizando una investigación acerca de los alimentos modificados genéticamente. Me interesaría seber, en términos entendibles para mi conocimiento, en qué consisten las modificaciones de este tipo y por otro lado quisiera saber si se introducen en ciertos alimentos genes de otros. Lo que no me queda en claro es que si es para ayudar a los países del tercer mundo, como dicen, qué están esperando para darle de comer a la gente que tiene hambre y muere a causa de ello día a día?. Quiero aclarar que me resulta difícil de creer que una empresa que busca el beneficio personal a través de sus negocios se preocupe por el bien común. Espero que me contesten y tal vez a través de la respuesta mi forma de pensar cambie, porque no descarto que tal vez esté siendo escéptica por mi falta de conocimiento cintífico. Muchas gracias. Atte. Florencia,4,4 Por favor necesito esta informacion sobre el maiz para poder hacer un trabajo final. Les pido por favor me puedan ayudar a buscar algo sobre este tema. Anticipadamente muchas gracias.,5,5 Debo decir que en cierto modo estoy de acuerdo con la opinión de Florencia, ya que me resulta un tanto inverosímil creer que Monsanto ceda las patentes de arroces modificados cuando todos sabemos del aporte económico que puede beneficiar a Monsanto si no lo hace, que es lo que realmente interesa a multinacionales de tal magnitud. En lo que no estoy de acuerdo con Florencia es en el asunto referente al mundo subdesarrollado. Tendemos a una economía global y sobretodo capitalista.żQuién pretende, a estas alturas, que una empresa solucione el hambre del tercer mundo? es imposible que una empresa cargue con tal responsabilidad porque a estas alturas es imposible de llevar a cabo. ,7,4 eres frances?esta pregunta porque soy profesora de espańol en Francia y tengo 2 alumnos que deben hacer un proyecto sobre sus especialidades: la agricultura y necesitamos intercambios con otros estudiantes, alumnos...Si puedes ayudarnos?!esperemos tu respuestaMaud,12,1 Me gustaría encontrar información acerca de los productos transgénicos y su impacto sobre el medio ambiente ya que no he encontrado por ninguna parte cuáles son sus efectos.,13,13 Deseo conocer donde se puede accesar la obra.,14,14 Hola a todos.Bueno me pregunto es si alguien me puede ayudar, para una tarea final de biologia. Tengo algunas preguntas sobre genetica espero que me pudieran ayudar.1.- żes posible clonar especies extintas?2.- żlos seres clonados sufren de envejecimiento precoz?3.- żseria posible "perfeccionar" la especie?4.- żson seguros loa alimentos transgenicos?gracias de antemano. espero que me puedan contestar.adios,10,10 Hola soy una estudiante espańola muy interesada en el tema de los transgénicos, debido a que estoy haciendo un trabajo de investigación.La primera parte del mismo consiste en buscar 20 fuentes extrenas secundarias donde poder encontrar infoormación acerca de estos productos, y en función de los contenidos de cada una de ellas saber si en la actualidad sería viable abrir un portal en internet para veder semillas transgénicas.Si alguien me pudiera informar sobre las fuentes donde buscar información y sobre la posibilidad que anteriormente he comentado le etaría realmente muy agraecida. Fdo:Cristina Calvo Carcelén. ,18,2 He visto tu mensaje y he decidido contestarte debido a que ayer estube en unas jornadas de los productos transgénicos y sobre su riesgo al medio ambiente. Te puedo mandar información sobre los productas transgénicos que existen en el mercado, así como investigaciones recientes que se están llevando a cabo y sus posibles riesgos para la salud humana y medio ambiente.Un saludo, Laura,17,13 Acabo de inscribirme, para recibir informaciňn actualizada acerca de temas relacionados con la Biotecnologěa de alimentos, asi como tambien acerca de productos transgenicos en estudiante universitario, estamos preprando un trabajo de exposicion sobre alimentos transgenicos, hemos consultado varias pŕginas en internet y ya encontramos mucha informaciňn, pero necesitamos imagenes o fotografěas para poder ilustrar algunos conceptos o plateamientos que ustedes hacen, no se si podrěan recomendarnos alguna pŕgina en especial o ustedes pudieran hacernos favor de enviarnos algunas por este medio, de antemano muchas gracias por su atencion y esperamos respuesta lo mŕs pronto posible. Gracias.,19,19 me gustaria buscar personas que entiendan de esto, pues necesito hacer un trabajo de biotecnologia y me gustaria conocer enlaces y paginas interesantes, gracias por anticipado,27,27 Creo que aún és prematuro para para establecer riesgos acerca de los transgénicos. Hay que investigar y valorar su inocuidad antes de establecer juicios.Estoy relizando un estudio al respecto y me gustaría recibir información por lo que hace a sus riesgos y aspectos legales.,25,25 Soy una estudiante de Barcelona que estoy haciendo un estudio sobre alimentos transgénicos. No consigo encontrar suficiente información sobre ejemplos concretos de este tipo de alimentos. Agradecería que me indicaseis alguna pŕgina interesante o me enviaseis información (especialmente de la soja o patatas). Espero que me podáis ayudar pronto, muchas gracias!,21,21 Quisiera se me diera informacion,que en una planta donde existe un laboratorio, como saber si lo que ellos estudian, examinan pueden ser contagiosos, el cuidado de no mezclarlos, ya que creo que existen departamentos donde procesan diferentes productos, que cuidado se tiene en los desechos.,26,26 Saludos cordiales a quien escribe estos articulos.Bien primero tendriamos que ver la demanda de los alimentos transgenicos en vista de que esos alimentos son perjudicales para la humanidad pueden causar una serie de problemas desde el punto de vista de mi persona.Estos alimentos son modificados genéticamente con diferentes genes de distintos especies entonces se estaría afectando a la genética del ser humano y por ende se tendría que modificar algunos de los genes de los humanos, bueno no se si estoy confundido pero eso es mi concepto sobre estos alimentos, ahora si quisieran informarme más favor de proporcionarme mas información sobre tema tema.Aquí en Bolivia se tienen todavía alimentos orgánicos donde el consumo de la humanidad es ecológica.,28,28 Si deseas saber más sobre éste tema puedes escribirme a mi correo electrónico soy estudiante de agronomia de La Paz _ Bolivia, donde te puedo dar algunas referencias que se tiene en Bolivia. Saludos.,29,21 Me parece seria una medida positiva y real, pienso que la prohibicion de comercializacion de productos transgenicos pasa por diferentes factores sociales, comerciales, politicos, economicos y hasta de intereses de transnacionales; pero el mas importante es el interes comercial de sectores que desinformando a la opinion publica pretenden continuar con esta prohibicion.Yo les mando un articulo interesante sobre lo que digo, que no es mio por supuesto, pero que refleja la realidad en la UE.Muchas graciasMiguelRazones comerciales y estratйgicas:IMPIDEN UNA INFORMACION REAL SOBRE LOS OGMs EN EUROPA Los profesionales independientes, los profesores universitarios, los comerciantes, los consumidores en general tienen una posiciуn "no formada" sobre un rechazo a los OGMs. El consumidor Europeo, como el de cualquier otra regiуn del mundo, generalmente no lee etiquetas, tiene muy poca informaciуn sobre lo que consume y varias veces, contando con ella, es indiferente en su elecciуn. Los recientes casos de intoxicaciуn de alimentos con pollos con dioxinas, coca cola con tуxicos, carne contaminada con la enfermedad de la "vaca loca" entre otros, prueban que no tiene la capacidad de rechazo o la discriminaciуn que se le atribuye. Asн, persiste el interrogante. њDe donde viene el rechazo a los OGMs?. Sin duda, la respuesta es compleja y no muy clara, pero revela que hay una decisiуn vinculada a la administraciуn de la UE cuyos intereses serнan econуmicos, estratйgicos o de cualquier otra razуn importante, pero que al no contar con argumentos cientнficos claros al respecto de la inocuidad, le atribuyen a los consumidores la responsabilidad final de sus acciones. Otra fuente importante de rechazo son los grupos ecologistas, cuyas acciones sobre los medios de comunicaciуn generan una gran inquietud entre los consumidores. Los mensajes contra los alimentos ecolуgicos difundidos en Argentina en los medios locales por una organizaciуn ecologista, permiten comprobar que el pъblico tiende a alarmarse ante dichos anuncios a pesar de no tener evidencias cientнficas.La tolerancia de las autoridades de la UE sobre la campaсas de prensa de las organizaciones ecologistas puede estar enmascarando una claudicaciуn de la industria de semillas de la UE ante la de los EEUU, y de las grandes compaснas de semillas de ese paнs, de los cuales se harнan cada vez mбs dependientes a travйs de los derechos de propiedad intelectual. Dado que la UE ha restringido severamente el patentamiento de sus propios desarrollos biotecnolуgicos en materia de semillas y de alimentos, el progreso esperado serнa muy limitado.Segъn Amian, catedrбtico de la Universidad de Cуrdoba (Espaсa) indicу que "En Europa no ha sido bien explicada la cuestiуn de los cultivos genйticamente modificados, que son inocuos, que no tienen problema ninguno para la salud, ya que hasta ahora no ha habido demostraciones fehacientes en contra y, por lo tanto, creo que es un problema tйcnico, social, polнtico y comercial". Su opiniуn en realidad es compartida por muchos funcionarios y responsables del sistema agro alimentario de Europa, los que no niegan otros intereses polнticos y comerciales. Se indicу ademбs que se deberнan hacer work shops que lleguen a todos los sectores de la sociedad para que la gente se informe bien y no se escuche sуlo la opiniуn de los ecologistas. El tema se mezcla en Europa con el aspecto polнtico, comercial, con los subsidios a los agricultores, con el electorado rural y con otros factores de difнcil soluciуn. En resumen; los rechazos de la Uniуn Europea sobre los alimentos de origen OGM constituyen una gran restricciуn comercial que condiciona el futuro de dichas tecnologнas en los paнses de origen. Se indica que la principal causa serнa el rechazo del consumidor europeo y la acciуn de los administradores de la UE en respuesta a dicho deseo. Sin embargo, el consumidor ha dado cabales muestras de ser impotente ante los alimentos mбs peligrosos que inclusive han provocado muertes y avalado su confianza. Varios participantes del sistema agroalimentario de Europa estбn a favor de los alimentos generados a partir de la biotecnologнa y dado que no se cuentan con datos cientнficos en su contra, las verdaderas razones serнan tйcnicas, comerciales o inclusive estratйgicas.Fuente: Dr. Reinaldo Muсoz ,34,34 Soy chileno y necesito documentación sobre biotecnología y su impacto sobre la productividad y competitividad en la sociedad. Esto lo requiero para realizar un trabajo de un ramo universitario. ,35,35 Si bien es cierto que la existencia de productosgenéticamente modificados ha suscitado controversias tanto entre los consumidores como entre algunos científicos, hay que reconocer que la aplicación de las biotecnologías vigentes ha otorgado a muchos productos (sobretodo cereales) unas características de resistencia, tamańo, aromas... a tener en cuenta.Soy estudiante de Ingenieria Téc. Agrícola y la opiniónque me merece el tema en questión, aun sín saber mucho sobre este, es que la investigación en este campo es vital para la supervivencia de la espécie humana ya que es evidente que las garantías que ofrecen los OGM son sustanciales en lo que a la cantidad y a la calidad se refiere.Aun así se me plantean ciertas dudas:- Cuáles seran los efectos que producirán los OGM a largoplazo en la espécie humana?- En lo que a resistencia se refiere, existe algunaposibilidad de que las plagas de insectos lleguen a adaptarse a estas modificaciones siendo así inútil su aplicación?- Si existiera la contaminación de un cultivo tradicionalcualquiera por parte de un campo con un cultivo modificadogenéticamente, cuáles serían las consecuencias?- Cuáles son las técnicas utilizadas para la modificacióngenética de esos organismos? Es verdad que la mejor és la llamadatécnica de bombardeo?- Al analizar en el laboratorio, cuáles son los límitesestablecidos para determinar si un organsimo está modificadogenéticamente?,36,36 Estoy haciendo una investigacion sobre los temas trasgenicos, y me aparecido muy interesante lo que he leido, me gustari saber los inicios de los transgenicos y con respecto a este articulo no me queda muy claro a que se refiere.Gracias por su atencion.,37,37 Me gustaría recibir información sobre alimentos infantiles elaborados con productos transgénicos. ,38,13 hola . esta pagina se me hace interesante pero yo deseo saber mas del tema me quiero informar bien , para poder dar mi punto de vista sobre los alimentos transgenicos , gracias hasta luego °!!!!,40,40 Queridos amigos:No hay duda que Monsanto ha aportado a la ciencia grandes descubrimientos en el campo de la genética y la biotecnología pero en el momento en que por ejemplo se implanta en las semillas de la planta un gen que los ecologistas han bautizado con el nombre de TERMINATOR, que sus consecuencias son (no soy un experto) a grosso modo, la infertilidad de las semillas generadas por la plantación, obligando con ello a volver a comprar al productor nuevas semillas que puedan germinar para sus plantaciones, me parece que puede ser una nueva forma de colonialismo y dependencia de una multinacional por parte de los agricultores, teniendo en cuenta que apropiandose de algo tan básico como son los recursos de la economia de subsistencia, puede ser catastrófico. Y estoy de acuerdo con que la legislación de patentes en países subdesarrollados no garantiza suficientemente el mercado a estas multinacionales debiendo por tanto recurrir a genes tipo TERMINATOR para protegerse. Si quieren hacer aportaciones al tercer mundo que lo sean con todas sus consecuencias, pero si no que les dejen conservar la independencia de medios de subsistencia que sus antepasados les legaron. En cualquier caso los gobiernos deberían asegurar la convivencia de los alimentos tradicionales con los transgénicos para asegurarse unas garantías básicas, entre las que están las de futuras consecuencias imprebisibles de momento, en lo que al mundo de la manipulación genética y su relación con el medio se refiere.(Para ver la posicion de Monsanto con la tecnologia "Terminator", seguir este enlace: ,43,43 Creo que es muy inocente pretender que una empresa del pais capitalista por excelencia beneficie al tercer mundo sin conseguir a canvio beneficios económicos. Las semillas vendidas por Monsanto a paises subdesarrollados incorporan un gen que esteriliza las plantas una vez han crecido. El grano producido por las semillas vendidas no puede engendrar nuevas plantas.De esta forma los agricultores de los paises del tercer mundo no pueden aprovechar su cosecha para plantar la cosecha del próximo ańo. Los ecologistas han dado nombre a este gen: TERMINATOR. (Desde hace bastante tiempo, Monsanto se ha compometido a no comercializar esta tecnologia. Se puede ver la posicion oficial de Monsanto siguiendo este enlace:,44,4 Miguel me parece muy interesante tu punto de vista de esta discusión pero para mi lo más interesante de este tema es tomar en cuenta el impacto ecológico que produce estas plantas ya que existen muy pocos estudios que abaleen el efecto que producirán estas plantas en nuestro medio ambiente ya que todas las plantas tienen una importante evolución y en estas plantas sé a producido una gran alteración genética y encuentro que es muy resiente para nosotros decir si es bueno o malo las modificaciones o inventos de la humanidad piensa un poco en las generaciones futuras piensa solo en el invento del automóvil que real mente existe una gran gama de problemas pero el beneficio es inmenso. saluda atentamente Eduardo,45,34 Soy periodista de Telemadrid y estoy realizando un reportaje sobre transgénicos, con motivo de la directiva que la UE aprobó el día 14 para su comercialización. Me gustaría saber más acerca de los riesgos mediambientales de estos productos y conocer qué tipo de productos se están ya comercializando.Gracias.,46,13 Zárate, 15 de Marzo de 2001Me llamo Virginia Alvarez y estoy cursando 3ş ańo polimodal Ciencias Naturales, del Colegio Sagrada Familia y en la materia de Horas Institucionales, a cargo de la Seńora Celia Montani, me ha solicitado una tarea de Investigación relacionado con el tema “Alimentos que contengan productos transgénicos, Salud y Alimentación”.Y que por tratarse de un tema de gran interés y suma importancia para mi formación educativa; me dirijo a usted a fin de solicitarle tenga a bien, facilitándome toda la información, folletos y/o material de consulta sobre los temas mencionados.Sin otro particular y aguardando pronta respuesta. Saludo a usted cordialmente.Virginia Alvarez,51,40 hola yo soy una nińa mexicana que tambien esta haciendo un trabajo de alimentos transgénicos y tengo unas direcciones: con tu trabajo alomejor te sirven de algo estas páginas,52,2 Quisiera también recibir información sobre los transgenicos y su impacto en el medio, muchas gracias.,56,13 requiero de un organismo transgénico en el cual se especifique su origen y características del gen que se insertó, características del vector de clonación utilizado, método de transformación y selección, carácteristicas del organismo transgénico y aplicaciones, ventajas y desventajasgracias,54,36 yo no consibo como un tema que no ha sido del todo detallado puede dar su aprobación como lo son los alimentos transgénicos, por otra parte quisiera me hiciecen ver si estoy en un error, comprobéndomelo con pruebas fidedicnias (estudios, experimentos etc.) sin más me doy por enterado.,55,55 żAlguien me puede indicar el desarrollo del proceso de mejora de una variedad cualquiera de cebada cervecera? Le agradeceria que me lo en viase a mi e-mail:,57,57 Soy Lic. en Comunicación Social y actualmente en la Fundación PROINPA, Bolivia. Me gustaria, por favor, tener el documento de Apoyo al uso de la Biotecnologia, del cual ya se tienen más de 3.000 firmas según el artículo.Le agradeceré un monton si me lo pudiesen enviar por correo electrónico o por vía aérea, los gastos los cubrire personalmente.GraciasMiguel,58,58 Urgente, por favor necesito informacion sobre las consecuencias del consumo de alimentos transgenicos. A cualquiera que pueda darme esa informacion se lo agradeceria mucho, si es posible antes del miercoles (18/04) gracias .,59,13 Para cuando prevee,y que precio tendra.,60,60 los alimentos según la fao son perjidiciales, Greenpeace rechaza a dichos alimentos. Estos alimentosson un peligro para la sociedad.Mandar la respuesta los más rápido posible.,61,61 Problema que causa los alimentos tránsgenicos (salud,economico,político, social,..),62,4 me gustaria saber mas sobre lo mas resiente de la trasendencia de los productos transgenicos en general y si es el mismo principio de la clonacion en animales. gracias,66,13 que influencias tienen los genes en los rasgos de personalidad?,65,65 Hola, soy un estudiante Espańol de Ingeniería Agronómica (intensificación en Biotecnología) y al menos, por lo que a mis conocimientos se refiere, no se ha descrito ninguna transferencia de genes contenidos en alimentos a seres humanos. De hecho todos los días nos comemos genes de otros organismos y no sufrimos ninguna alteración génica. Existen otras causas que deben ser estudiadas adecuadamente para evitar posibles riesgos sobre la humanidad: resistencia a antibióticos (ya que se utilizan genes de resistencia a antibióticos en las técnicas de transformación génica)y el riesgo ecológico por posibles escapes de genes a especies silvestres. Espero que esto te haya aclarado algo tu concepción de los riesgos de una de las ciencias,que ha mi ver, puede aportar infinitas mejoras a la humanidad. ,67,28 Estoy muy interesada en este tema. Me gradué de agronomía y tengo un master degree en quimica suelos. Actualmente hago otra maestría en Relaciones Públicas. Todos mis trabajos investigativos para las clases los realizo sobre este tema. La gente esta encantada y siempre me piden que les hable más. Entiendo que una buena campańa de relaciones públiacas de la mano de un especialista de esta área ayudaría a cambiar la opinión pública por la confusión que la gente ha recibido.Estoy enn la mejor disposición de colaborar.Ana,68,68 En determinasdo tiempo żPueden ser malignas o pueden tener repercusiones, mutaciones en las bacterias? Gracias.,69,69 Me gustaria que me proporcionarar informaciσn adicional y ESPECΝFICA acerca de los productos transgιnicos que en su compaρνa estαn diseρando -especνficamente las variedades de especies vegetales que estαn modificando genιticamente- y la repercusiσnb que esto podrνa traer para el resto del medio ambiente. Me llamo Elohim Guzmαn Huerta y soy estudiante del 4° semestre de la licenciatura de Quνmico Farmacιutico Biolσgico en la UNiversidad Veracruzana, Mιxico.,70,65 cuales organismos estan modificando geneticamente y por que esos?,creen que tubieran alguna repercucion a parte de que no darian pie a la evolucion de la misma naturaleza.,71,65 me gustaria que me hablara sobre la manipulacion de microorganismos para la produccion de enzimas en los alimentos o mejoracion de la calidad en los alimentos.gracias por su colaboracion.,72,72 hola soy una estudiante colombiana y me dejaron una investigacion sobre los usos de la biotecnologia en los alimentos y investigaciones que se esten desarrollando en cuanto al mejoramiento de la calidad de los productos.agradesco a quien me pueda colaborar.,73,2 Estimado panel,les agradeceria me provean informacion de camarones modificados transgeneticamente para resistir el viro "mancha blanca". Gracias. ,74,13 Estimado panel,Me pueden proveer informacion del camaron geneticamente modificado para resister el virus conocido como "mancha blance". Gracias,75,75 żCuales son las acciones que Monsanto está llevando a cabo para identificar el ADN desconocido?,76,76 somos de paraguay, estamos tratando de tener un seminario entre alumnos del 6to curso de distintos colegios.nuestras preguntas son las sgts... _ Que alimentos nuevos fermentados se han obtenido?- Que tipos de animales de rapido crecimiento se obtienen y para elo que se debe tener en cuenta ?- Podrian comercializarse con facilidad los productos obtenidos con la aplicacion de la tecnologia?Esperando sugrata respuesta lo ma rapido posible...-------------------hana---------------------. ,77,77 seńores porfavor quisiera saber tan importante ha sido la biotecnologia en la industria farmaceutica...por su comprensión mil gracias.,78,78 Hola, estoy realizando un trabajo que consiste en como crear un centro de documentación para investigadores en biotecnología, es decir, que tipos de fuentes consultan, si son muy diversas o no si fundamentalmente son papers de investigación y revistas, etc.Es decir, más o menos como es la actividad investigadora de un investigador en biotecnología. Me podéis ayudar?? Gracias. ,79,79 por el momento no puedoi opinar ya que no lo leo,80,80 Hola mi nombre es Juan Manuel Quesada, soy estudiante de la carrera de Ingenieria Seguridad Laboral e Higiene aqui en Costa Rica. En este momento llevo un curso de Seminario y mi proyecto final consiste en explicar las implicaciones que tienen los productos transgenicos en el campo de la etica, economia y salud Les agradeceria mucho la informacion como documentos o paginas de internet a las cuales me puedan enviar. Muy Agradecido,81,81 Sr a quien corresponda, me llamo Juan Luis soy apenas un estudiante de secundaria voy en 2ş Medio, Me interesa muchísimo el tema de la ingeniería genética, quisiera si pueden brindarme claro, información sobre lugares donde se puede estudiar la ingenieria genética, el artículo que leí me parecio muy interesante, me faltan dos ańos para salir de colegio y quisiera saber donde puedo estudiar ingeniería genética, para que ne este lapso de tiempo que me queda en colegio pueda aprender temas que me permitirian estudiarla, me despido muy atentamente y gracias. ,82,82 Hola, soy una recien licenciada en biologia especialidad fitopatologia y biotecnologia vegetal por la universidad de Salamanca.Queria aclarar una cosa que ayer, sin mas, salio en una tertulia a la hora del cafe.Cuando nosotros comemos pollo claramente nos estamos comiendo sus genes y no por eso nos va a salir pico y plumas. Hay que tener en cuenta que los genes codifican para proteinas y éstas son degradadas por nuestro sistema digestivo como todas las demas por eso es una tonteria pensar que vamos a incorporar estos genes. Respecto al escape de genes esta claro que puede suceder, pero se ha comprobado que estas plantas que incorporan genes de otras especies no son ecologicamente competitivas, no logran sobrevivir en el medio ambiente son desplazadas por las plantas del lugar. Como os habreis dado cuenta soy una aferrima defensora de las plantass transgenias pero siempre con pequeńas matizaciones. Un saludo para todos,83,28 hola, quisiera recomendarte una pagina ecologista con la que no estoy muy de acuerdo, pero debes tener todos los puntos de vista. Es www.ecologistasenaccion.orgTen en cuenta que son ecologistas y algo extremistasespero que te sirva de ayuda.,84,81 Hola, buenos díasDeseo recibir información sobre precauciones a tomar, si las hay, con los alimentos transgénicos, especialmente la soja.Qué ventajas y desventajas, en cuanto a la salud, existe entre los alimentos transgéncios y los que no son.Desearía por favor, si me pudieran contestar a la brevedad, ya que tenemos un debate en la Radio Zorrilla de Tacuarembó - Uruguay.Desde ya le agradezco.Mario,85,85 estimados amigos la verdad quiero felicitarlos Y APROVECHAR LAAOPORTUNIDAD DE EXPRESARLE MIS MAS SINCERAS FELICITACIOS LA VERDAD SOY DE VENEZUELAPERO ESTOY INTERESADO EN OBTERNER INFORMACION SOBRE LOS ALIMENTOS TRANGENICOS POR QUE CONSIDERO QUE LA HUMANIDAD DEBERIA SABER SOBRE DEBEMOS LUCHAR CONTRA ESTOS TERRIBLE ALIMENTOS LES DESEO MUCHA SUERTE Y MEGUSTARIA ESTAR EN CONTACTO CON USTEDES...Y PARTICIAPAR EN ESTA LUCHA ME DESPIDO DE USTEDES NO SIN ANTES AGREDECERLE DE ANTEMANO SU AYUDA Y COLABORACIONÇDIEGO MONASTERIONOTA: CUALQUIER INFORMACION ME LA ENVIAN POR CORREOCON ESTIMA,86,86 Gracias a María y a Fernando por sus explicaciones, lo de que "digerimos" los genes que nos comemos me ha dejado muy tranquilo. Soy estudiante de Industriales y estoy en una asignatura optativa de Biotecnología. La asignatura consiste en buscar información en internet y luego hacer un trabajo. żMe podeis recomendar algún tema interesante? he leido que China va a invertir mucho en biotec, żsabeis mas sobre eso?,87,28 Hola. soy un estudiante de ingeniería industrial y estoy investigando para realizar un trabajo sobre biotecnología. no se si te podré ayudar demasiado porque aun lo estoy empezando. en este tema se distinguen dos vertientes, la médica o animal y la agrícola o vegetal. desde mi punto de vista elegí la vegetal porque me parecía más atractiva y con más posibilidades de aplicación. las principales fuentes de consulta son la red, aunque en internet he encontrado ya varias reseńas de noticias periodísticas, lo que pasa es que tienen fechas distantes entre sí, y se encuentran en gran variedad de periódicos, por lo que supongo que para iniciar la investigación se toma como punto de partida el soporte virtual. no tengo constancia de que exista ninguna revista dedicada especialmente al tema, salvo la publicación monsanto. si vas a realizar el trabajo y quieres incluir algo verdaderamente útil, te recomiendo que lo estructures por temas bien definidos, porque lo que brilla por su ausencia es la organización de contenidos en internet. también hay otra cosa bastante escasa en la red, y es los procedimientos o procesos técnicos. se contemplan noticias de todo tipo y un sin fin de aplicaciones, pero no se da una información general sobre los procedimientos que han de seguirse en recombinación genética e hibridación. esto es más o menos lo que se busca en una investigación como esta.suerte en tu trabajo.,88,79 Necesito información sobre la aplicación de la biotecnología a la informática y a los componentes electrónicos.No encuentro nada relacionado con esto en la red.A ver si me podeis ayudar.Muchas gracias.,89,89 Hola, necesito alguna información sobre la aplicación de la biotecnología al campo de la electrónica y la informatica.Muchas gracias por su interes.,90,90 Hola, por si acaso nadie te contesto el mensaje donde planteabas que desearías estudiar Ingenieria Génetica pero no sabías donde te cuento que hasta donde yo se no hay ninguna Universidad al menos estatal que yo conozca donde puedas estudiar esa carrera como tal. Sin embargo, yo estoy terminando la carrera de Licenciatura en Biotecnología en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, que tiene una orientación que es Genética Molecular y que sale con un perfil que creo te interesaría, sinceramente aunque quizas no sea una Universidad muy conocida cuenta con un alto nivel academico, y al menos yo no me arrepiento de haberla eleguido. Espero haberte ayudado, atte. Mariana ,91,82 FR.CSV body,id,thread C'est du pipo - démago - chrétienno - nous_prend_pour_des_gogoExemple vu et revu : Les filets dérivant devaient, déjŕ, éradiquer la faim dans le monde!Non seulement ils massacrent le fond des mers, les côtes, la pleine eau mais en plus, toutes les bestioles non au calibre sont rejetées ŕ l'eau et ne servent sűrement pas aux pauvres.D'ailleurs certains chercheurs bien intentionnés ont confectionné des steaks protéines au poisson. Mais ce n'est pas bon! Allez faire manger un machin qui sent la crevette pas fraîche męme ŕ un affamé. Il faut arręter ce profond mépris des pauvres. Mais surtout la démago. On sait fort bien que les OGM seront vendus aux pays qui peuvent les payer, les mettre en œuvre et acheter tous les produits sous-jacent (nouveau désherbant qui va bien avec et qui colle avec la résistance capitaine haddock).Jean-Paul CIPRIATelecom engineerGSM/GPRS/UMTS,10,10 I am trying to contact the publisher of Science Revue. Do you have contact information for them? Address? Telephone? Fax? Thank you.Je vous prie de m'indiquer le nom et l'adresse etc. pour Science Revue.MerciVeronica OlivaPermissions EditorSan Francisco, CA USA,11,11 je suis mordi yamina etudiante ŕ l'universite d'ORAN je prepare ma these du D.E.S en microbiologie option genie microbiolgie sur les dernieres applications de la genie genetique chez les bacteries lactiques en vue de leurs interets dans differants vous demandes humblemant de m'envoyer des documents qui traitent le meme sujet: quel avenir ŕ la genie genetique dans l'amelioration des souches afin d'affronter les questions techniques et qualitiques?MORDI YAMINA 7, cite moulay sidi said bloc lAIN TEMUOCHENT 46000ALGERIE ,13,13 monsieur,voila je travail sur la fortification des huiles en vitamine comme une méthode de lutte contre la carence en vitamine il est possible est ce que tu peux m'envoyer le plutôt possible les documents concernant ce sujet, car je dois mettre un rapport avnt le 7-11-2000.mes saluations,14,14 pourquoi fabrique-t-on des ogm?,15,15 Etudiant a la fac de sciences, je vous demande votre aide pour avoir des eclaircissements sur les plantes transgeniques pour l'elaboration d'un dossier.Je vous serais reconnaissant de m'envoyer toutes sortes de documents sur les plantes transgeniques resistants au gel et aux herbicides.Merci d'avance.,16,16 Je suis actuellement en 4čme année ŕ l'ESITPA (Ecole Supérieure des Techniciens et Ingénieurs pour l'Agriculture) et recherche un stage d'initiation ŕ la recherche de 3-4 mois ŕ partir de mai 2001.Je suis trčs intéressé par les biotechnologies et particuličrement motivé par le génie génétique.J'ai, ŕ ce propos, déjŕ effectué un stage en génétique moléculaire au CNRS de Gif Sur Yvette.Je me tiens ŕ votre disposition pour toutes informations complémentaires souhaitées.Jean-Sébastien PAUL ,17,17 Puis-je obtenir des informations techniques et scientifiques sur le procédé "Terminator"?Merci,18,18 J'aimerais répondre juste au dernier argument de l'article qui dit :"On peut, ou non, vouloir manger du porc, mais ceux qui mangent kasher sedoivent de repecter ceux qui ne mangent pas kasher et vice-versa. A moins derallumer des bűchers. il doit en ętre de męme pour les OGM qui ne, présententpas de risque identifié. La résolution de l'amalgame est donc porteuse d'unautre enjeu majeur: restaurer une tolérance trop souvent écartée des débats."Mon commentaire : Il est aujourd'hui démontré (c'est męme l'INRA qui le dit)que la culture d'OGM va obliger ŕ une spécialisation régionale pour éviter les contaminations de filičres... Question : oů est (sera) la tolérance des partisans des OGM vis-ŕ-vis d'un agriculteur résidant dans une zones choisie "OGM" et qui ne veut pas en cultiver ?La contamination "fortuite" est inévitable, et elle ne sera pas détectée en dessous d'un certain seuil : oů est la tolérance pour les consommateurs qui ne veulent pas manger d'OGM ?,19,19 Je désirerais savoir si il existe des risques concernant les ogm présentant une tolérance ŕ certains herbicides (risques pour la santé humaine, l'environnement...) Merci,20,20 je recherche des informations sur la liste des produits ogm vendu sur le marché alimentaire.Est il possible d'avoir des informations en français.Merçi,21,21 Est t'il possible lire les résultats de la comparaisons des 40 exploitations bio/ raisonné?Quelles sont les craintes exprimés envers le bio sur l'aspet biologique et environnementale?,28,28 Ian, how nice to see you still working for Monsanto...what a coincidene, wouldn t you say so???,29,29 Pourriez vous me communiquer l'auteur de cet article:OGM:les vrais risques,les nouveaux avantages,30,30 Je voudrai bien si vous le permettez intervenir comme étant une simple étudiante en fin de cycle qui prépare son mémoire de fin d'études sur les OGM.En réalité je voudrai vous demander de nous procurer qulques articles concernant les méthodes utilisées pour la detectin des produits OGM(protocols et résultats)mem si elles ne sont pas normalisées.merci.,31,31 je suis etudiante en commerce et j'etudie les ogm pendant 2 ans pour mon bts.Je ne connais pas grand chose ŕ ce sujet,et j'aimerais que l'on m'en dise plus sur lui.En apparence, c'est-ŕ-dire sans l'avoir réellement étudier, je pense que l'on va bouffer de plus en plus mal ŕ cause de toutes ces conneries.Enfin, j'espčre que l'on en mourra pas.Je suis française et j'aime la bonne vraie bouffe.Ca me tue de savoir que l'on modifie des aliments pour se faire encorez plus de fric.Nous allons arriver ŕ tuer notre terre qui était si belle.Je trouve donc stupide toute cette histoire d'ogm.A bientôt et bonne bouffe,32,32 Des mesures de sécurité pour les champs d'expérimentation d'OGM sont-elles mises en place ŕ l'initiative des pouvoirs publics ou des firmes?En aoűt combien de champs ont été détruits? Ces actes sont-ils revendiqués (Ravageurs, Limes ŕ grains)?,34,34 Je suis en Terminale S au Lycée Dessaignes de BLOIS, et je recherche des informations sur les OGM dans l'agriculture, afin de pouvoir présenter ce sujet au Baccalauréat.,35,35 Pour connaître l'actualité sur le dossier OGM et trouver une réponse ŕ vos question, il est sans doute préférable de vous adresser ŕ l'association Inf'OGM qui assure une veille citoyenne sur la question des OGM et cherche ŕ promouvoir le débat citoyen.Pour plus d'information voir le site : RAFFINTrésorier d'Inf'OGM,37,34 Pour connaître l'actualité sur le dossier OGM et trouver une réponse ŕ vos question, il est sans doute préférable de vous adresser ŕ l'association Inf'OGM qui assure une veille citoyenne sur la question des OGM et cherche ŕ promouvoir le débat citoyen.Pour plus d'information voir le site : RAFFINTrésorier d'Inf'OGM,38,34

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