@pastebin government_subnets__-_hex00010.txt
I usually type long ass messages and shit but 0frankly i just dont give a shit anymore
Obviously trying to tell the gov where there wrong just wont work
But this is not a attack upon the gov and there fucked up intentions on running this piece of shit country they call the USA
This is an attack upon the USA Government From me -
They thought they could control my life , Do what they wanted me to do etc etc
Well Its gonna be kinda fucking hard for you morons to communicate now - * Depending*
Everyone always talks about how pathetic Anonymous is and how they always DDOS
and thats all they know how to do - Well lets face it they suck BUT there minions and with a quick Human manipulation u can have them swarming at your feet.
With that said this is also a message to Anonymous to show the Government your true Potential
You see i figured since there watching me now and ive probably already pissed them off to the point of no return there just waiting for me to physically attack them - But what they fail to realize is is that
Information Gathering my friend is not ILLEGAL and me posting such information out to the public IS NOT illegal SO with that said this message is to BOAST to anonymous and give them something that can make the world think of them differently by 2morrow or whenever
You guys DDOS lame ass websites on port 80 - Okay BUT STOP DOING THAT , You have to think bigger
Im like your Merchant i give you the stuff you need to get your job done so anonymous
You all hate every Government agency in the USA
Well here is below IP address + SUBNET ranges to Various Government agencies around the USA that is off HIGH IMPORTANCE to there Day to Day operations
The hell with ddosing some website on port 80
Have Fun with this :)
By the way To give an example at how highly important this is
USA - TSA - Airports - Shipping & management Handling System = Can you think of that being knocked offline? that would effect all 50 states in the USA and forcing the TSA to stop or find some other way to do there day to day operations - But They know how to communicatez? oooo noez Welll
Imagine Hitting there Intranet/ Email Systems + the Shipping System all in one? ............. Think outside the box
And This is to you fucking dumbass Government agents that have been following me my whole life
You created this - Im altering it - Dont like it - Come get me
********* Intranet DDOS ***********
1. FBI
FBI IP Ranges - .255 -> Maltego Scan - - -
FBI USA Email System -> ic.fbi.gov
/ Round Robbin IP's
Or Lame ass Honeypot
FBI System Information ->
DHS - DoD / Homeland Security
DoD Homeland Security E-mail System -> -----> *** DDOS***
Department of Justice IP Range -> -> Dept of Justice Ft. McClellan
DoD homeland Security - Email Microsoft ForeFront Security Gateway ->
DoD Homeland Security Cisco Router Device ->
DoD E-Filing Application Homeland Security ->
DoD Hostname Bruteforcing Servername Ip subnets
All DOD Server uses system##.dhs.gov where ## represent a number like
system84.dhs.gov next system would be system85.dhs.gov etc etc
All DOD System Servers
DoD Electronic Advance Passenger Information System - Customs and Border Protection - USA Homeland Security
Register Link ->
TSA Extranet IP ->
Federal Access Territory - Non * Green* -> Biosurvillance
National Biosurveillance Integration Center - Sempar Vigilans
Ip address =
DoD Homeland Security - Geospatial Information Infrastructure
This is a geospatial visualization tool designed for the use of homeland security partners in protecting the nation's critical infrastructure and key resources. This tool may NOT be used to overlay and/or visualize datasets containing personally identifiable information.
DoD TSA - Email System ->
TSA Known Shipper Management System ( KSMS )
State - Local - Tribal - Territorial Access -> arete.dhs.gov
Central Intelligence Agency - CIA - Document Declassification Support System ->
CIA Subnet Ranges .255
By Hex00010