The Anonymous collective in 2013 had a serious goal when they
initiated the “A message to the awakened ones” project. The project
which was initiated in 2013 is still going strong in 2015. On
21-08-2015, the Youtube user “Anonymous#1867” re-uploaded the Anonymous
video “A message to the awakened ones”.
In this video, the Anonymous collective calls upon everyone which is collecting and sharing specific information in their private groups. The Anonymous collective claims that everyone should start sharing the information which they posses as it will serve a greater goal.
You can watch the reuploaded Anonymous video below.
In this video, the Anonymous collective calls upon everyone which is collecting and sharing specific information in their private groups. The Anonymous collective claims that everyone should start sharing the information which they posses as it will serve a greater goal.
You can watch the reuploaded Anonymous video below.