Requires the immediate release of arrested demonstrators 19tih campaign in Litija.- Since the police have no sufficient space does not even know where to order them to perform the procedure.
- So they kept on a totally wrong way because the police do not know how to proceed.
- Also, arrests were unnecessary as they could have reacted differently.
- We wonder whether the same also arrested Tovšakovo, builders and all other vermin which
- really does not get steals a penalty for it .......................................... .............
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Immediate release RESERVED ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::
- Police lithium
- .................................................. .
- Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Ombudsman) is based on the functions and powers of the national preventive mechanism (hereinafter DPM) under the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, after two of its representatives and together contract with the representative of NGO Legal Information Centre for NGOs - PIC, without notice, 12 10th 2010, visited and carried out the inspection of detention at the Police Station (PP) Trbovlje and procedures of detention in PP lithium.
- In 2010, PP lithium at the time of our visit, ordered the detention of 60, while not carried out any process of detention under the law on state border surveillance. Because they do not have detention, the detention ordered all made in the detention center in Ljubljana Moste.
- For office use hearings, which he used the office manager and the first floor. In cases directed the detainee detention time for complying with the necessary forms placed in the customer area. This space is a space next to the duty officer and the detained person is under his constant supervision.
- During the visit we found a prominent place brochures with ICE rights of detainees and the police officer on duty did not know where it actually is. Two copies of the commander found only after a long search. DPM has already pointed out this deficiency at the site visit and has already been mentioned brochure then placed in a prominent position in the duty officer. We also suggested that such a printed brochure and list of attorneys is also installed in the customer area, occupied by persons whose detention is ordered. After assurances from the Ministry of the Interior at the PP lithium brochure there is really well placed.
- The book compliments and complaints was in a prominent place in the duty officer, but we made a proposal to explore the possibility of installing the mailbox has to anonymously praise and complaints. As stated by the Ministry of the Interior in the response report, will in all police units, which have not yet installed mailboxes to anonymously praise and complaints, investigate the possibility of their installation. These reactions are responsible welcomes DPM, of course, the expectation that it will really come to the realization of the forecast.
- We observed a vehicle intervention. Space for the transport of persons arrested was dirty, so we proposed that it be clean and in the future a more regular basis to ensure cleanliness. As the Ministry of the Interior, the lithium in the PP and then immediately get a clean room for the carriage of persons detained intervention vehicle management unit is designed to secure consistency in the implementation of that measure is also in the future.
- Review of randomly selected cases showed some irregularities in the written documentation - the fulfillment of official notes on the arrest and conclusions or decisions about the detention.
- In reviewing the three cases of detention were ordered in two identified errors in filling in the form of confinement. In one case, a detained person has been found to have been by the police officer who ordered the detention has been revised to official notice of detention, as well as the decision on detention. In both forms, the corrected time of detention, with none of the patch was not properly registered with the signing of a police officer who made the correction. Also, allowances hours of detention carried out by attempting to conceal the information below. In the second case of a detained person in the form of an endorsement in the section "closure of detention" was not the data input when the detention has been completed. In reviewing the detention decision by the police detained the person served, but we also find that there are three different dates, which relate to the months May, June and July. It was possible to conclude that the police officers with the client process started 27th 7th 2010, a decision should be served with the 25th reserved 5th 2010th
- DPM has expressed the view that in those cases the relevant information in official documents, which may give rise to claims. Furthermore, we also have suggested that the recorded cases of error, therefore, be revised so that the data correspond to the actual situation. DPM is also proposed that all police officers DB lithium attention to the importance of accurate data, according to the time ordered the detention and thus to a more strict compliance with official documents. ICE is also in this case to ensure that the PP lithium in the working meeting noted the consistency in the fulfillment of official documents.
- When you visit PP lithium was also found to have adequate access for disabled people. In case you would like a disabled person to make an application or talk to the policemen on duty, so the latter should also leave his post.Against this background, we proposed to consider alternative access arrangements that will be friendly for the disabled. . In this regard, the Ministry of Interior informed us that the first reconstructions of those structures police where this has not yet been taken, adjust the access for disabled (marked, parking areas, installation of appropriate gradients in units where there is no single level of access to the facility). It added further that such problems special attention, since it was observed that in all newly constructed police facilities and major capital maintenance, they have made over the last ten years.
G-Translated Slovenian->English
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Anonymous Slovenia Press Release - Police lithium
Press Release,