\!/ wget --wait=5s{09..52}.pdf \!/
^Command to download all the recently released NSA DOX!
********************** MY Last Paste about spying on NSA via ICWATCH was deleted! ******************************
Here is proof my last paste about NSA was forcibly removed without notifying me!
New Mirrors:
Recently a German researcher @Shidash, displayed a program #ICWATCH at a german security conferance @republica. The
program dubbed ICWATCH is a searchable database of over 27,000 NSA security contractors. Still in disbelief and
not sure how NSA could have such bad OpSec, after all the snowden files leaked to allow employees to list top secret
govt program codewords on a social media platform. Furthermore public profiles on Linkedin are indexed by Google
making them dork-able! Also there a graph on number of db user stats and even a live graph for correlation and relations
of the different departments/companies/govts. You would think after over half their programs were exposed by Snowden
docs they would have made employees remove codewords from profiles creds or at least make them private but no... the arrogance
and OpSec failz continue... so basically we all know who has access to what systems and their clearance levels lol
I wouldnt be surprised if these people get swatted, blackmailed or phished real soon... just stating the obv XD
Either way this is perfect example of how you can use the watchers tools(google dbs) against them... just proves
my point again that people are still the main vuln in any networks opsec lol
+Here is the dork to find NSA/GCHQ Linkedin profiles with top secret surveillance programs as credentials:
(change the key words to different programs listed at top) xkeyscore SIGINT
+Video of the security talk:
+Malicious Sites used to infect users with NSA FiveEyes Malware! #EquationGroup
+Different type of crypto to avoid these spy programs
[+] Source [+]
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